
A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

author:Typhoons occasionally pass through 1700

Cross talk, which is a traditional art originating from China, is characterized by humor, wit, and irony, and shows people's lives, thoughts, and emotions through dialogue, singing, and action. The charm of cross talk lies in the fact that it can inspire people in laughter and make people feel happy in thinking. However, the development of cross talk has not been smooth sailing, and it has also experienced many ups and downs and challenges. Today, let's talk about a story about cross talk, which is a story full of joys and sorrows, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace, and a story about loyalty and betrayal, morality and faith. The protagonist of this story is the former cross talk genius He Yunwei.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

He Yunwei, this is a name that people love and hate. He used to be a dazzling star in the cross talk industry, his cross talk talent is breathtaking, and his cross talk works make people laugh. He used to be Guo Degang's proud disciple, their master-apprentice relationship is extremely deep, and their cross talk partners have a tacit understanding. He used to be a backbone member of Deyun Club, their cross talk team swept the country, and their cross talk career is thriving. However, he is also a chilling person. He betrayed his master, he betrayed his fellow disciples, he betrayed his faith. For the sake of fame and fortune, he did not hesitate to collude with Hou Yaohua, the scum of the cross talk industry, and he did not hesitate to confront Li Jing, the enemy of the cross talk world, for the sake of business. His actions caused his reputation to plummet, disappointed his fans, and brought his career to a dead end. His story is a typical story from heaven to hell, and a typical story from hero to villain.

So, how did He Yunwei embark on this road of no return? To answer this question, we have to start with his cross talk road. He Yunwei was born in Beijing and has had a strong interest in cross talk since he was a child. When he was in school, he often participated in literary and artistic activities, performed cross talk on stage, and won the love of his classmates. He also joined the school's cross talk club to learn Xi and communicate with other cross talk enthusiasts. His cross talk level has been continuously improved, and his cross talk style has gradually taken shape. He likes to use humorous, witty, and satirical language to expose the dark side of society, criticize the weaknesses of human nature, and provoke people's thinking and introspection. His cross talk is both entertaining and educational, critical and constructive. His cross talk makes people feel a kind of power in laughter, a power to change.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

In order to further improve his cross talk level, He Yunwei began to learn Xi from professional cross talk actors in a small garden. It was here that he met Guo Degang, a man who changed his life. Guo Degang is a master in the cross talk industry, his cross talk talent is unmatched, his cross talk works are widely popular, and his cross talk career has been singing all the way. Guo Degang took a fancy to He Yunwei's cross talk talent, so he took him as an apprentice and took him into Deyun Club. Deyun Club is a cross talk group founded by Guo Degang, which brings together a group of outstanding cross talk actors and is committed to inheriting and developing the art of cross talk. In Deyun Club, He Yunwei was carefully taught by Guo Degang, his cross talk skills are more perfect, and his cross talk ideas are more profound and unique. He also became a cross talk partner with Guo Degang, their cross talk cooperation is impeccable, and their cross talk tacit understanding is incomparable. Their cross talk makes people moved in appreciation, and makes people admire in moving. Their cross talk allows people to see the charm of cross talk and the future of cross talk.

With the help of Guo Degang, He Yunwei's cross talk career is thriving, his cross talk reputation is loud, and his cross talk fans are numerous. He not only performed on the stage of Deyun Club, but also showed his cross talk talent on TV, Internet, radio and other media. His cross talk allows people to learn Xi happily and grow up in Xi. His cross talk makes people feel in laughter and makes people progress in their understanding. His cross talk makes people enlightened in entertainment and changes in enlightenment. His cross talk made people see a kind of hope and a beautiful hope in laughter.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

However, just when He Yunwei's cross talk career was in full swing, Deyun Club encountered a crisis. The trigger for this crisis was the disagreement between Guo Degang and Li Jing. Guo Degang and Li Jing are both masters in the cross talk world, they are both core members of Deyun Club, and they are both He Yunwei's senior brothers. They used to be good partners in the cross talk industry, their cross talk cooperation was wonderful, and their cross talk friendship was indestructible. However, they have different views on the development direction of cross talk. Guo Degang believes that cross talk should keep pace with the times and move towards commercialization in order to obtain more funds and resources, so as to promote the innovation and development of cross talk. Li Jing believes that cross talk should adhere to tradition and remain pure, so as to output more high-quality cross talk works, so as to maintain the quality and reputation of cross talk. This disagreement eventually led to their rupture.

Li Jing chose to leave Deyun Club, he took away some of the disciples of Deyun Club, and established his own cross talk group called "Tingyunxuan". He adheres to his own cross talk concept and continues to create some excellent cross talk works, which have been respected and recognized by the cross talk industry. His cross talk allows people to see innovation in tradition and inheritance in innovation. His cross talk allows people to see the quality in purity, and let people see the reputation in the quality. His cross talk allows people to see faith in art and value in faith.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

Li Jing's departure dealt a big blow to Deyun Society, and some disciples of Deyun Society began to waver, and some even followed Li Jing and left. In order to stabilize the lineup of Deyun Club, Guo Degang proposed a contract called "Deed of Sale", requiring disciples not to take private work for 10 years, otherwise they would have to pay high liquidated damages. This contract also caused dissatisfaction among some disciples, who saw it as a restriction on their freedom and rights, and they saw it as a lack of trust and respect for them. Among them, the most striking is Cao Yunjin. Cao Yunjin is He Yunwei's younger brother, his cross talk talent is not inferior to He Yunwei, his cross talk works are also widely popular, and his cross talk career is also smooth sailing.

He used to be a loyal disciple of Guo Degang, and their cross talk cooperation was also very good, and their cross talk friendship was also very deep. However, he broke with Guo Degang because he was unwilling to sign the "deed of sale", and he chose to leave Deyun Club and established his own cross talk group, called "Cao Yunjin Cross Talk Club". His departure made Guo Degang very sad and disappointed the fans of Deyun Club. His departure once called into question his reputation and made his career fall into a trough. His departure made his cross talk cooperation with Guo Degang a thing of the past, and also made his cross talk competition with He Yunwei a reality.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

Cao Yunjin's departure made He Yunwei feel a kind of pressure, and also made He Yunwei feel a kind of opportunity. He felt that Cao Yunjin's departure made him the first leader of Deyun Club, and also made him a leader in the cross talk industry. He felt that Cao Yunjin's departure gave him more freedom and space, and also gave him more business opportunities and resources. He felt that Cao Yunjin's departure allowed him to have more innovation and development, and also gave him more fame and power. He felt that Cao Yunjin's departure gave him more possibilities and futures, as well as more challenges and risks. He felt that Cao Yunjin's departure gave him a choice, a choice related to his cross talk path.

This choice is whether to continue to follow Guo Degang, or to find another way. This choice is whether to adhere to the tradition of cross talk, or to move towards the commercialization of cross talk. This choice is whether to be loyal to the belief of cross talk, or to chase the fame and fortune of cross talk. This choice is whether to respect the master and apprentice of cross talk, or to betray the master and apprentice of cross talk. This choice is whether to become the hero of cross talk, or to become the villain of cross talk. This choice is whether to go to the heaven of cross talk, or to the hell of cross talk.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

It's a pity that He Yunwei made a wrong choice, an incomprehensible choice, and an unforgivable choice. He chose to betray Guo Degang, he chose to betray Deyun Club, and he chose to betray cross talk. For the sake of fame and fortune, he did not hesitate to collude with Hou Yaohua, the scum of the cross talk industry, and he did not hesitate to confront Li Jing, the enemy of the cross talk world, for the sake of business. His betrayal made Guo Degang very angry, and also made the disciples of Deyun Club very sad. His betrayal caused his reputation to plummet and disappointed his fans. His betrayal brought his cross talk career to a dead end, and also made his cross talk art degenerate. His betrayal turned him from a genius of cross talk to a traitor of cross talk.

With the help of Hou Yaohua, He Yunwei won the title of national first-class actor, but his rise was accompanied by the betrayal of his even apprentice Yan Jiabao, and this young disciple was unwilling to admit his relationship with He Yunwei, which made people feel that feng shui took turns.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

At the same time, Li Jing adheres to her own philosophy, strives to cultivate in the cross talk industry, and comes up with decent cross talk works in order to complete the master's entrustment. Although he felt guilty about parting ways, he always stuck to his path and believed that the future would pay off. And Cao Yunjin did not give up his cross talk dream, after he left Deyun Club, he was questioned for a while, but he chose to work hard silently and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback. His cross talk makes people see perseverance in setbacks and hope in perseverance. His cross talk allows people to see the struggle in the trough and the achievements in the struggle. His cross talk allows people to see success in failure, and let people see glory in success.

Eventually, Ho Yunwei's infidelity, marital infidelity, commercialization orientation, and betrayal of the mentor-apprentice relationship caused his reputation to plummet. At this year's Tingyunxuan's New Year's Eve performance, the audience's boycott put him in a huge predicament, making him realize once again how fragile his reputation is. This scene is really embarrassing, He Yunwei's former glory was completely shattered at this moment.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

After all, who would have thought that the former cross talk genius would now fall into such an embarrassing situation? He Yunwei's cross talk talent can be traced back to when he was a young man in Beijing when he was a student. Every time the school held a theatrical performance, he could always go on stage and say a cross talk, which made the audience laugh. In the process, he gradually fell in love with the art of cross talk. In order to improve his cross talk level, He Yunwei also joined the school's cross talk club, but soon became a leader in the club. Then, he began to learn Xi from professional cross talk actors in the small garden, which was also when he met Guo Degang. Guo Degang was full of praise for He Yunwei's cross talk talent, so in 1999, they formed a master-apprentice relationship. During this time, Guo Degang's meticulous care and teaching for He Yunwei made He Yunwei grateful. Their master-apprentice relationship can be said to be very close, and Guo Degang even took care of He Yunwei's wedding, allowing He Yunwei to have a decent wedding. However, just when everything seemed to be good, Deyun Club faced a crisis.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

Guo Degang hopes to commercialize Deyun Club to get more financial support, but unlike it, Li Jing holds the opposite view, believing that Deyun Club should focus on outputting high-quality cross talk works. This disagreement eventually led to Li Jing's departure from Deyun Club. Li Jing's departure had a big impact on Deyun Society, and some disciples of Deyun Club began to waver, and some even left. In order to stabilize the lineup, Guo Degang proposed a contract called "Deed of Sale", requiring his disciples not to take private work for 10 years, otherwise they would have to pay high liquidated damages. However, this contract also led to Cao Yunjin's departure from the division. Although Cao Yunjin was questioned for a while after leaving, compared with He Yunwei, he chose to work hard silently and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback. But He Yunwei began to embark on the road of self-destruction. He criticized Guo Degang on social media, and even referred to Guo Degang as "Guo Gang", meaning that he has no "virtue". This move caused a lot of controversy, because everyone knows that Guo Degang is very good to He Yunwei, and even takes care of him like his own son. However, He Yunwei's gratitude seems to be carried away by fame and fortune.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

He chose the path of commercialization, and even found Hou Yaohua as his backer. Hou Yaohua not only has a bad reputation, but has also been involved in a series of unfair business practices, a choice that has made Ho's reputation worse. With the help of Hou Yaohua, He Yunwei won the title of national first-class actor, but his rise was accompanied by the betrayal of his even apprentice Yan Jiabao, and this young disciple was unwilling to admit his relationship with He Yunwei, which made people feel that feng shui took turns. At the same time, Li Jing adheres to her own philosophy, strives to cultivate in the cross talk industry, and comes up with decent cross talk works in order to complete the master's entrustment. Although he felt guilty about parting ways, he always stuck to his path and believed that the future would pay off. Eventually, Ho Yunwei's infidelity, marital infidelity, commercialization orientation, and betrayal of the mentor-apprentice relationship caused his reputation to plummet. At this year's Tingyunxuan's New Year's Eve performance, the audience's boycott put him in a huge predicament, making him realize once again how fragile his reputation is. This scene is really embarrassing, He Yunwei's former glory was completely shattered at this moment.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

In conclusion, Ho Yunwei's story teaches us that the conflict between fame and fortune and loyalty, morality and faith is inevitable. His rise and fall are not only embarrassing, but also a profound reflection. May he learn from this experience, re-examine his life choices, get out of the situation, and find his true worth. I also hope that other young cross talk actors can learn a lesson from this, stick to their moral bottom line, pursue true art and faith, and not be blinded by fame and fortune. Cross talk, this is an art that requires us to appreciate with our hearts, feel with feelings, understand with wisdom, and judge with conscience. Cross talk, this is an art that requires us to inherit with loyalty, develop with innovation, maintain with quality, and adhere to with faith. Cross talk, this is an art that requires us to express with laughter, prove with tears, reward with flowers, and encourage with applause. Cross talk, this is an art that requires us to care for it with love, respect it with respect, pursue it with dreams, and dedicate it with life. Cross talk, this is an art worthy of our struggle, sacrifice, dedication, and life and death.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

He fell in love with his wife at first sight, handed over all the money for 30 years of filming, and loved to go home to eat and do housework

Under the bright stars of the entertainment industry, there is a shining superstar, his name is thunderous, whether it is the Golden Lion Award, the Plum Blossom Award, or the Magnolia Award, or the Golden Rooster Award, they are all in his bag. But behind this glamorous world, there is a curious story. I heard that this art master, Han Tongsheng, has not only handed over all his salary to his wife for more than 30 years, but he is reluctant to keep even his private money, but also likes to do housework in his spare time. This unique way of life is really incredible, so what drives him, let's take a closer look at this superstar in the entertainment industry.

Han Tongsheng, this name was given a special meaning long before his debut. His father wanted him to be socially and popular in the future, so he named him "Tong Sheng". However, instead of choosing a stable job according to his family's expectations, Han Tongsheng chose to pursue his dreams. As a young man, he resolutely quit a job with a stable salary and good treatment and applied for the Central Experimental Theater. This decision changed his life and caused disagreement between him and his family.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

The road to the entertainment industry is not always smooth sailing, and Han Tongsheng has also experienced a lot of ups and downs. He is older and not outstanding in appearance, which makes him rejected in the entertainment industry. However, he was not discouraged by this, and has been working hard for acting opportunities, even at the cost of playing a role. He firmly believed in his own strength, and finally, at the invitation of Zhao Benshan, he was recognized for his outstanding performance in "The Chief of a Village" and gradually rose to prominence.

However, in addition to the struggle in his career, Han Tongsheng's family life is also happy. He and his wife met in the repertory theatre, and the two complemented each other and supported each other. Han Tongsheng loved his wife deeply and handed over all the money he earned to her for management, and he was not even willing to keep a little private money for himself. Quarrels between them always end with Han Tongsheng's apology, and this understanding and tolerance make their marriage stronger.

Despite his successful career, Han Tongsheng still maintains his passion for acting and persistently pursues his dreams. At the age of 68, he is still active in the front line of the entertainment industry, and his persistence and perseverance are admirable. Perhaps for him, acting has long been more than just a job, but an indispensable part of his life.

A performance shredded He Yuanwei's "decency", Li Jing's words, someone finally believed it

Han Tongsheng's story tells us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we persist in pursuing our dreams and work hard, we will be able to achieve success. At the same time, his performance in the family is also worth learning from Xi, understanding and tolerance are the key to maintaining a happy marriage. May Han Tongsheng continue to achieve more achievements on the road of acting, and at the same time enjoy a happy family life. This story is not only the legend of an acting superstar, but also the heartwarming story of a family, which tells us that perseverance and love are the most important supports, whether in career or life.


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