
He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

author:Sports and entertainment have words


He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

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Recently, Cao Yunjin led his Tingyunxuan to perform a New Year's Eve performance in Tianjin, and everything went very smoothly.

But what people didn't expect was that when He Yuanwei, a former disciple of Deyun Club, took the stage, there was a shouting and scolding from the audience, and many viewers began to coax, and the angry scolding was endless.

This also cast a shadow on the originally very smooth New Year's Eve performance.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

From the original Deyun Sishao to the street rat that everyone shouts and beats now, He Weiwei's next scene is indeed a little embarrassing.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

So why did the once sought-after cross talk actor He Weiwei fall to this end, and what unknown experience does he have, let's take a look together.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

A cross talk actor who grew up in the hutongs of Beijing

He Weiwei was born in 1981, he is a native of Beijing.

When he was a child, he liked to listen to cross talk very much, and he not only liked to listen but also liked to speak, and often told some of the jokes he heard to the people around him, so this also made him praised by many adults.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

Maybe I have heard too many words of praise since I was a child, so He Weiwei also developed a problem of weak psychological tolerance.

For him, he can only accept praise, not criticism, and as long as you criticize him, he will not only lose confidence, but also hold a grudge against his critics. As he grew older, He Yuanwei's cross talk talent began to gradually reveal.

And he also won awards in many cross talk competitions with his talent.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

But talent is talent after all, if there is no good teacher to guide it, then in the cross talk industry, it is difficult to be self-taught, so He Weiwei also began to look for his own teacher, and later he met Guo Degang through the introduction of others,

Although Guo Degang was not as famous as he is now, he was more than enough as He Weiwei's master.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

Guo Degang also discovered He Yuanwei's talent in cross talk, so he accepted him as a disciple. At that time, Guo Degang's third venture had just stabilized, and He Weiwei was also the first disciple he accepted, so he also became the head disciple of Deyun Club.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

As the head disciple of He Yuanwei, Guo Degang was full of high hopes, and almost put all his hard work on him.

Guo Degang not only taught him cross talk hand-in-hand, but also took care of him in life, at that time, Deyun Club was not as large as it is today, so the apprentices lived in Guo Degang's house, and He Weiwei was no exception.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

At that time, Guo Degang and his wife knew that He Weiwei liked to eat fish, so as long as He Yuanwei ate at Guo Degang's house, then every meal, a fish would be specially made for him. And as long as he doesn't move the chopsticks at the dinner table, then no one dares to move the chopsticks first.

Even if He Weiwei moved out later, but during the New Year's holidays, Guo Degang and his wife would ask him to come to the house to eat fish.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

Sometimes He Weiwei is too busy with the performance and doesn't have time to come to the house for dinner, so Guo Degang and his wife will pack the finished fish for him and send it over in person, even Guo Degang said that he has never treated his son Guo Qilin as hard as He Weiwei.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

In 2001, He Weiwei got married, but he didn't have the money to organize the wedding at that time.

After Guo Degang found out, he took out 60,000 yuan and asked him to hold the wedding. It can be seen that Guo Degang's love for He Weiwei is sincere, of course, at that time, He Weiwei was also very grateful to Guo Degang because of this incident.

But later, after He Weiwei had a great change in his marriage, he was also angry with Guo Degang for this matter.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

Later, Guo Degang began to praise He Yuanwei, and He Yuanwei quickly became famous under Guo Degang's support, at that time, he could be described as the existence of Deyun's first brother, not only won a lot of awards, but also became the first person in Deyun Club who could take over commercial performances alone.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

In 2007, Guo Degang's master Hou Yaowen died of illness. This also made Deyun Club lose its backer. Many cross talk actors who hate Deyun Club are even more ready to move.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

In 2010, Deyun Club ushered in its own dark moment, first Cao Yunjin and Guo Degang fell out and quit Deyun Club, and then there was a lot of negative news about Deyun Club. And at this time, as a big disciple, He Weiwei,

Not only did he not give advice to his master, but instead issued a statement to withdraw from Deyun Club.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

He Weiwei's move undoubtedly made the already stormy Deyun Club more difficult.

During the period when he just quit Deyun Club, He Weiwei was still very beautiful, he first founded the "Beijing Starry Night Crosstalk Club" with his partner Li Jing, and then entered the Music Association under the recommendation of Li Jing, and successfully appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

At this time, He Yuanwei can be described as infinitely beautiful. Perhaps it was this sudden arrival of fame and fortune that made him float completely, and he embarked on the road of self-destruction from then on.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

Go further and further down the path of self-destruction

He Yuanwei, who has become famous, thinks that the reason why he can achieve today's achievement is due to his own credit, so he began to deny his relationship with his master Guo Degang, and even satirized Guo Degang in many programs.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

He Yunwei's behavior caused dissatisfaction among Guo Degang and his apprentices, and even Yue Yunpeng felt unworthy for his master.

The disheartened Guo Degang faced the apprentice who betrayed him and was ready to take back the cloud word given to them. But He Weiwei didn't seem to care, and even said that he was not rare.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

But it didn't take long for He Weiwei to change the cloud word in his name to the cloud of three-point water, although the words are different, but the pronunciation is the same, his operation also made many netizens instantly shocked their jaws.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

Of course, this is just a small episode of He Weiwei on the road of self-destruction, and the bigger incident is still to come.

Not long after the name change incident, there was news of He Yuanwei's derailment, which made netizens in an uproar, and many netizens accused He Yuanwei and gave him the nickname of a scumbag.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

However, in the face of the accusations of netizens, He Weiwei did not wake up completely, but intensified even more, and even his good partner Li Jing left him.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

But the departure of his partner did not stop He Weiwei's footsteps.

In order to be famous, He Yuanwei worshipped Hou Yaohua's teacher, although Hou Yaohua is an old-timer in the cross talk industry, but at this time, Hou Yaohua's personality not only collapsed, but also his reputation in the eyes of the audience plummeted.

At this time, it is indeed not a wise move to apprentice Hou Yaohua,

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

But He Weiwei didn't care about this, and still worshiped Hou Yaohua's teacher, and his behavior also greatly affected his reputation.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

However, although He Yuanwei's apprenticeship with Hou Yaohua's move has affected his reputation a little,

But he also gained some benefits because of this, and he also accepted a few apprentices, but these apprentices he accepted, except for one who was somewhat famous, the others were unknown.

But this somewhat famous apprentice took his old path and went out of the school. This is really the reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not happy.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

I don't know if He Yuanwei, who has been betrayed by his apprentice, will regret his original behavior.

If he could continue to stay in Deyun Club at the beginning, then according to the current development of the disciples of Deyun Club, his career will definitely be much better than now.

He was Guo Degang's most favored disciple at that time, and Guo Degang's kindness to him made even Cao Yunjin envious at that time.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

But then again, if He Weiwei didn't die by himself and put all his energy into the study of cross talk like Cao Yunjin, then even if he quit Deyun Club, he would probably end up much better than now.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine sold in the world, and now He Weiwei has fallen to the point where he is now, and he is to blame.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed


He Yuanwei, who is now in his 40s, has mixed himself into a street rat that everyone shouts and beats.

And all this is the result of his own making, if his original choice can be more rational, then his current ending is much better, but unfortunately time can't go back, everyone has to be responsible for what they do,

And now He Weiwei has also paid a painful price for what he did at the beginning.

He Yuanwei, who was rewarded for good and evil, "deceived the teacher and destroyed the ancestors", paid the price, and Li Jing's words were finally believed

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