
Is the neck massager good?

author:Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh

In today's society, many people are challenged to work long hours, which places a huge burden on their cervical spine. In order to alleviate cervical spine discomfort, people have started to widely use cervical massagers as a solution. However, there are many reviews about cervical massagers, and some of them say that the use of cervical massagers has aggravated neck pain. As a therapist, I will provide you with detailed information about the cervical massager to help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of this product more comprehensively, and respond to some concerns about the possible harm caused by inferior cervical massagers. Below are pictures of some of the cervical massagers I recently evaluated.

Is the neck massager good?

1. Is the neck massager good?

As long as we insist on using the professional cervical massager correctly, there are still many benefits to our health. It is understood that the number of patients with cervical spondylosis in mainland China has exceeded 300 million, and in order to more effectively care for and maintain the health of the cervical spine, the use of cervical massager to massage and relax has become the choice of many young people! What are the benefits of cervical massager? I have summarized the following four points:

Is the neck massager good?

1. Correct the compression of shoulder and neck muscles

Cervical massagers can help correct the compression of the shoulder and neck muscles. When sitting or using electronic devices for a long time, it is easy to cause the shoulder and neck muscles to be in a state of tension for a long time, resulting in a feeling of pressure. The use of a cervical massager can relieve muscle tension and pressure by massaging and relaxing the shoulder and neck muscles, restore the normal state of the muscles, provide comfortable support for the shoulder and neck, and reduce shoulder and neck pain and discomfort.

2. Prevent cervical spine diseases

Bad Xi such as sitting for a long time, bowing your head and using mobile phones and computers will bring additional pressure to the cervical spine and easily cause cervical spine diseases. The use of cervical massager can help relax the neck muscles, improve the blood circulation of the cervical spine, and effectively prevent the occurrence and development of cervical spine diseases.

3. Promote human blood circulation

The massage and vibration of the cervical massager can promote blood circulation in the neck, head and upper limbs, increase the supply of blood and oxygen, and improve the metabolic activity of cells, thereby effectively improving problems such as muscle soreness, dizziness and local congestion.

Is the neck massager good?

4. Correct shoulder and neck muscle compression

Sitting or posture incorrectly for long periods of time can lead to pressure and discomfort in the shoulder and neck muscles. The massage and vibration of the cervical massager can help correct the compression of the shoulder and neck muscles, relieve muscle tension, and restore normal muscle state, thereby reducing pain and discomfort.

Second, the use of inferior cervical massagers in doxxing four major hazards

The above summarizes the benefits of cervical massager, but we should be vigilant about purchasing, because there are too many products on the market, many businesses in order to obtain benefits, hype the product itself does not have the effect, in fact, there are more than 3 percent of the massagers in the market are inferior products that have not been optimized by technical tuning, and it is very easy to hurt the body, so about the harm of this kind of inferior cervical massager, I summarized the following 4 points:

Is the neck massager good?

1. It will lead to aggravation of cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a common condition that is mostly caused by prolonged poor posture, fatigue of the neck muscles, and damage to the cervical spine. However, if the cervical massager is used too hard or for too long, it may cause further pressure and damage to the cervical spine, which can aggravate the symptoms of cervical spondylosis.

2. Cause damage to bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels

Cervical massagers usually relax the neck muscles through vibration, pressure, and hot compresses, but if used incorrectly, they can cause unnecessary stress and damage to bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. Especially for the elderly or people with bone problems such as osteoporosis, special caution is required when using a cervical massager.

Is the neck massager good?

3. It may cause dizziness and headache

The cervical massager stimulates the neck when used, which may cause poor blood circulation, which in turn can cause symptoms of dizziness and headaches. In addition, if the massager is used too hard or for too long, it may also cause overstimulation of the nerves in the head and neck, further aggravating dizziness and headaches.

4. Cause neck stiffness or loss of sensation

Cervical massagers usually use vibration and pressure to relax the neck muscles, but if the force is too strong or used for too long, it may cause the neck muscles to relax excessively, which in turn can lead to a feeling of stiffness in the neck. In addition, if the massager puts too much pressure on the neck, it may cause pressure on the nerves in the neck, causing the neck to feel unconscious. These symptoms can cause inconvenience and distress to daily life and work.

3. Beware of the five major scams of inferior neck massagers

Is the neck massager good?The massage effect of the cervical massager can promote the blood circulation of the human body. Good blood circulation is important for maintaining good health, it helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, while helping to eliminate waste and toxins and rejuvenate the body. However, it should be noted that inferior products do have the harm of hurting muscles, so why do such products cause these harms? The following figure is about the statistics of the reasons for the negative evaluation of cervical massagers. Through this figure, I also summarized the reasons for the harm of inferior cervical massagers, which have the following 5 aspects:

Is the neck massager good?

1. Overemphasizing the depth and strength of the massage: Some people will over-pursue the depth and strength of the massage when using the cervical massager, thinking that only by massaging deeply enough can the effect of relaxing the muscles be achieved. However, if the pressure is too strong or the massage time is too long, it may cause damage to the neck muscles and ligaments. The neck is a delicate area, and excessive exertion may cause discomfort such as pain and soreness.

2. Poor accuracy of cervical massager massage and kneading: The massage and kneading function of some cervical massagers may not be accurate and cannot accurately massage the key parts of the cervical spine and muscles. As a result, it may result in poor massage results and may even cause additional pressure and burden on the cervical spine.

Is the neck massager good?

3. Use an electric pulse massager: An electric pulse massager uses an electric current to stimulate nerve endings to relieve pain. However, if used inappropriately or relied on excessively, it may cause the neck muscles to relax excessively and lose normal tension and support, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the stability of the cervical spine and increase the risk of cervical spine injury.

4. Use single-motor products: Some cheap cervical massagers are only equipped with single-motor, and the massage strength and mode of this massager may be relatively single, and it cannot provide diversified massage methods. Long-term use of a single-mode massager may lead to increased adaptation of the neck muscles and reduce the effectiveness of the massage.

5. Poor and unstable adjustment of force uniformity: The strength uniformity adjustment of some cervical massagers is not accurate enough, which may lead to uneven strength during massage, and some areas are subject to excessive pressure, while other areas are not sufficiently stimulated by massage. In addition, the stability of some massagers is not good enough, and there may be shaking or sliding during use, which increases the user's discomfort and safety risk.

The above are some common causes of inferior cervical massagers. In order to ensure our safety and health, we should choose reliable quality, comprehensive functions when purchasing and using products, and follow the correct use methods to reduce risks. Nowadays, there are various brands of cervical massagers on the market, but many businesses will use various false publicity methods to deceive consumers in order to pursue profits. The following picture is a summary of the performance evaluation of a variety of cervical massagers in some related forums, and I also recommend some products that perform well in the evaluation process.

Is the neck massager good?

After the actual test, it was found that the performance of the extreme sports and health care brand Weiye AGVIEE is extremely good, it is recognized as the originator of the field of "no muscle damage", and is loved by a large number of professional athletes and sports enthusiasts because of the "unconventional" sports equipment concept and technical precipitation. Its core technologies such as massage penetration, transmission stability, kneading accuracy and so on have reached the ceiling level, and the first ten high-performance and non-muscle-injurious black technologies have been tested by authoritative institutions, and the deep muscle relaxation rate has been increased by 130% and massage comfort has been increased by 124% compared with most similar competing products, and the performance has been top-notch and the muscle damage rate has been reduced by 97.2%! It has also developed innovative TRX acupoint matrix massage technology, which greatly improves sleep quality and relieves headaches, which is good news for most people with poor sleep quality and frequent headaches!

As one of the three major massage care brands with the same name as Bei Easy, his family never advertises, but it is favored by sports gods and physiotherapists, including speed skating, skiing world famous Li Shuang, Tu Xiao, Guo Dan and a large number of professional athletes are using it, and the sales reputation ranks first in the middle and high-end!

"Unconventional" Weiye removes redundant public functions and interactions, over the years of fever performance and does not hurt muscles, the original X-Hive5.0 honeycomb metal power engine, dual-channel approved transmission technology, DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology and other black technology, massage range increased by 52%, strength uniformity increased by 78%, the strongest performance and the lowest muscle damage rate! Over the past few years, it has been iteratively upgraded more than 20 times, more than 100 performance details have been optimized, and after more than 6 years of anti-attenuation design and testing, it has achieved 6 years of comprehensive performance. Durable, certified muscle damage rate, perfect performance, stable and accurate without hurting muscles!

In addition to the wild AGVIEE, you can also take a look at it easily, the online popularity is relatively high, and the appearance is atmospheric and durable. If you have a limited budget, you can also consider Xiaomi, which has a certain advantage in the same price range.

Is the neck massager good?

Fourth, eight tips for purchasing high-quality neck massagers

There are many benefits to using a professional and high-quality massager, so when choosing massage products, we should comprehensively consider the massage strength and accuracy of the product, etc., to avoid excessive pursuit of depth and intensity, only products with various parameters optimized by professional technology can allow us to harvest a comfortable massage experience. So what are the skills for buying this kind of high-quality massager? After extensive testing of the product, I have summarized the following 8 purchase skills, I believe that you can choose the right product for yourself by mastering these purchase skills.

1. Choose a powerful professional brand.

Choosing a professional brand with strength and reputation can guarantee the quality of the product and after-sales service. The massage comfort and transmission performance of the core of the product will be more in place. There are a large number of adjustment indicators and technical optimizations for various parameters such as massage depth, transmission frequency stability, uniformity of massage strength, kneading accuracy and range, etc.

2. The strength and depth of massage and kneading should be appropriate.

The strength and depth of the massager is one of the key factors that affect the massage effect. Choose a massager with adjustable strength and depth, which can be adjusted according to your needs, making the massage more comfortable and effective.

3. The range of massage area is reasonable.

The massage area of the cervical massager should be reasonable and be able to cover the important muscle groups of the neck, such as trapezius muscles, neck back muscles, etc. The massage range is related to the number of massage heads, the distribution of massage heads, and the traditional principle of massage heads, as far as possible, choose four massage heads and trapezoidal distribution can be pressed to the trapezius muscles, so that the neck muscles can be relaxed and soothed more comprehensively.

Is the neck massager good?

4. Choose a dual-motor system.

The cervical massager with dual motor system can provide more powerful massage strength and can better meet the massage needs of different people. At the same time, the two motors can be controlled independently, which can realize the massage of different parts and the effect is better.

5. Choose one with low noise.

The cervical massager with low noise can provide a better experience and avoid noise disturbance to the user. Especially when used in a quiet environment, massagers with low noise are more popular.

6. The number and distribution of massage heads should be reasonable.

The number and distribution of massage heads have a great impact on the massage effect. It is recommended to choose a massager with four massage heads and a trapezoidal distribution, so that it can better massage important muscle groups such as trapezius muscles to achieve better massage results.

7. Choose the traditional physical kneading type.

The traditional physical kneading cervical massager is massaged by simulating manual kneading, which can better simulate the massage feeling of human hands. This type of massage is more comfortable and can better relieve tension and fatigue in the neck muscles.

Is the neck massager good?

8. The first choice is to have excellent products with uniform adjustment of strength.

Uniform adjustment of strength is one of the important features of a good cervical massager. Choose a product that can adjust the intensity evenly, and you can adjust it according to your needs to achieve the best massage effect.

5. Five taboos for the use of cervical massagers

Is the cervical massager good?The cervical massager is a device that effectively relieves neck muscle fatigue, improves blood circulation, and relieves cervical spondylosis, which is very beneficial to our body. However, when using a cervical massager, we need to pay attention to some contraindications of use so as not to negatively affect the body. Here are five contraindications for using a cervical massager, I hope you can pay attention to it.

1. The number of times the cervical massager should not be used more than 2 times a day, and the time of each use should be controlled within 10 minutes. Overuse can lead to overstretching of the muscles, which in turn can worsen neck discomfort.

2. It is not advisable to use a low-frequency pulse cervical massager on an empty stomach, after eating or drinking. This massager stimulates the nerves with an electric current, which may accelerate the peristalsis of the stomach, causing uncomfortable symptoms such as vomiting and chest tightness.

3. Neck muscles, blood vessels and nerves are more sensitive, so comfort should be the main thing when using the cervical massager. If you feel pain with compression, you should lower the gear or stop using it to avoid injury caused by overstimulation.

Is the neck massager good?

4. Do not press too hard when using the cervical massager, especially for patients with cervical spondylosis and other diseases. Excessive exertion can aggravate the condition and even cause irreversible damage.

5. Pay attention to control the frequency of use of the current pulse massager, which should not be too high. Too high a frequency can lead to muscle relaxation and decreased nerve sensitivity, which can adversely affect the muscles and nerves of the neck with long-term use.

I believe we all know the answer, choose a professional, do not hurt the muscles of the brand cervical massager, and the correct use of the massager, you can achieve a safe and comfortable massage effect, avoid following the trend to start marketing the popular Internet celebrity brand products, this generally does not have professional technical strength, no experience in shoulder and neck care, it is easy to cause muscle damage in the massage!

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