
Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

author:Sunny and upright
Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Introduction: Li Tie, the former coach of the Chinese national football team, was arrested on suspicion of serious violations. Previously, he led the national football team to perform poorly in the game, causing dissatisfaction among fans and the media. It is reported that Li Tie had irregularities during his tenure, such as manipulating players on the field. These actions attracted the attention of the authorities and eventually led to his arrest. Li Tie once received a huge annual salary and signing fee of up to 48 million yuan from Wuhan Yangtze River. After that, Chen Xuyuan, chairman of the Football Association, persuaded him to return it, but Li Tie refused.

Because the Li Tie incident has anti-corruption educational significance, he finally served as the "actor" in the column of "Continue to Make Efforts and Promote in Depth", hoping to serve as a warning to future generations.

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Facing the camera, Li Tie also made a deep confession

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Chen Xuyuan starred as the "male No. 2".

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Netizens ridiculed Coach Li for finally entering the "prison" [tears]

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

A naked satire on the tragic situation of our football [covering his face]

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

After all, Li Tie's hair has always been a point of discussion among many viewers and fans, and he always has a strand of flowing hair.

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Even if you go in, you still have the same elegant image [呲tooth]

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Many netizens said that they "don't buy" Li Tie's account! After all, it hurt the hearts of too many people to support [slap in the face]

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Some netizens picked up Li Tie's arrogant attitude before he was investigated.

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

There is a huge contrast with the deep confession I see now [laughs]

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Maybe being caught can really make him feel a sense of relaxation [tears]

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!

Maybe hair is Li Tie's last bottom line [tears]

In short, the editor thinks that CCTV's anti-corruption feature film is of great educational significance! People, after taking a high position, you should forget your original intention and take advantage of your position to commit some illegal and criminal acts. No matter what the reason is, as long as you set foot in the law, all that awaits you is a silver bracelet and a life behind bars! Maybe you don't catch it today, but it doesn't mean you won't catch it tomorrow. Justice will only be late, and will not be absent!

Li Tie released CCTV's anti-corruption feature film, but netizens left a message about his hair!


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