
Li Tie exposed the fierce news again, and exposed another big fish! 1,000,000 watches don't care! Pit Li Tie 6 million!

author:Xuanyuan Yuge

The Dirty Inside Story of the Chinese Football Corruption Scandal

Li Tie retracted his confession in a corruption case in Chinese football, exposing the identity of a heavyweight "Big Fish", a businesswoman who controls seven companies and is suspected of using sports sponsorship and other means to make illegal profits. This sudden news once again pushed the football corruption scandal to the forefront of public opinion, and aroused widespread attention and condemnation from all walks of life.

How did this businesswoman make a lot of money in the world of sports? How did she collude with Li Tie and use each other? Let's find out. According to Li Tie's confession, the businesswoman had signed false contracts with a number of clubs through her company in the name of sports sponsorship, and defrauded a large amount of sponsorship fees. She also used her influence at the club to intervene in player transfers and coach appointments for profit. She just uses sports clubs as her cash cow.

Li Tie exposed the fierce news again, and exposed another big fish! 1,000,000 watches don't care! Pit Li Tie 6 million!

And Li Tie, as the coach of the club he once coached, is the "umbrella" of the businesswoman in the club. As long as Li Tie nods, she can do whatever she wants, and she will be unscrupulous. In return, the businesswoman not only gave Li Tie a high "protection fee", but also gave him a famous watch worth up to 1 million yuan. Li Tie "doesn't care" about this, which shows that he has completely become the businesswoman's horse boy and accomplice.

The relationship between Li Tie and this businesswoman can be said to be a typical collusion of interests. They used each other, intrigued, and eventually turned the entire football club into their own private property. Sadly, the biggest victims in this power-for-money trade are the fans and club employees. As the club's funds were hollowed out by the "embarrassed" corrupt elements, the players' wages could not be paid on time, and the club was unable to bring in good players, and the whole club was in trouble.

Li Tie exposed the fierce news again, and exposed another big fish! 1,000,000 watches don't care! Pit Li Tie 6 million!

Football is a sunshine sport, which contains the spirit of fair competition and hard work. What Li Tie and the businesswoman did, however, turned this sunshine movement into a dirty game of profit trading. They abuse their power for personal gain, have no integrity, and completely violate the spirit of sportsmanship. It is necessary for us to condemn this sternly and call on the relevant departments to thoroughly investigate and deal with this case, bring it to justice, and never show mercy.

We also need to reflect on what is the reason for such a serious problem of corruption in football? The root cause is the chaotic management and lack of supervision in sports. Many clubs operate with a lack of transparency and too much centralisation of power, leaving an opportunity for corrupt elements. We must strengthen the building of anti-corruption mechanisms in terms of system, establish a sound supervision and restraint mechanism, and cut off the soil for corruption. Only in this way can we truly purify the sports environment and restore the purity of football.

Li Tie exposed the fierce news again, and exposed another big fish! 1,000,000 watches don't care! Pit Li Tie 6 million!

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