
Happy birthday Li Tie! Social media automatically posted birthday updates, fans: let the prison guards add an egg

author:Small waves talk about balls

On May 18th, Beijing time, today is the 47th birthday of former national football coach Li Tie, and his personal Weibo also automatically released birthday updates, wishing Li Tie a happy birthday, which is also Weibo has automatically generated birthday wishes for Li Tie for 2 consecutive years. As soon as this content came out, it also aroused heated discussions among fans, and some fans ridiculed, wishing Li Tie a happy birthday, and even called for the prison guards to add an egg to Li Tie.

Happy birthday Li Tie! Social media automatically posted birthday updates, fans: let the prison guards add an egg

On May 18, 1977, Li Tie was born in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, in 1981, only 4-year-old Li Tie entered Shenyang Dadong District Sports School, and in 1992, 15-year-old Li Tie entered the Liaoning Youth Team. In 1993, 16-year-old Li Tie was selected for the Jianlibao football team and went to Brazil to study under the leadership of Zhu Guanghu. In 1997, 20-year-old Li Tie was selected for the national team coached by Qi Wusheng as a defender, and since then he has started a legendary career belonging to Li Tie.

Happy birthday Li Tie! Social media automatically posted birthday updates, fans: let the prison guards add an egg

If you look purely at the resume performance of professional players, Li Tie is undoubtedly a national football legend worthy of respect, from the youth team to the senior team, and later went to England to stay abroad, Li Tie's playing career is really perfect, and he became a professional coach after retiring, and his early performance was also very exciting, learning from the world-famous coach Lippi, this experience is a career experience that many people can't reach.

Happy birthday Li Tie! Social media automatically posted birthday updates, fans: let the prison guards add an egg

However, after leaving Lippi, Li Tie completely blackened, and after leaving Guangzhou, he went to Huaxia Happiness and led the team to surpass successfully, which later proved to be spending money to play match-fixing and bribing opponents to complete the overtaking. Later, he went to Wuhan Zall to lead the team to surpass, and he threw money to play match-fixing, and later went to coach the national football team, and bribed Chen Xuyuan, Liu Yi and others, Li Tie set off a wave of anti-corruption and anti-crime in Chinese football in one fell swoop. Li Tie is now also in prison and has become a joke.

Today's Li Tie wrote his name into the book of shame of Chinese football, he completely destroyed the ecological environment of Chinese football, he cooperated with the brokerage company, did not sign with its brokerage company, then did not recruit into the national team, became the general manager of the club, and profited from the signing of players, the transfer market commission, and the remote control club operation, in short, Li Tie extended the corruption tentacles to every aspect.

Happy birthday Li Tie! Social media automatically posted birthday updates, fans: let the prison guards add an egg

Before Li Tie, what we learned about the corruption of Chinese football was only match-fixing, black whistles, official whistles, and Li Tie was a one-stop corruption in professional football, at this point, Li Tie was also a precedent, he could bribe to become the coach of the national team, it was really black! Now Chen Xuyuan, Du Zhaocai, Li Tie and others have been arrested, but the dawn of Chinese football is still not seen. Where is Chinese football going, no one has an answer!

Previously, on March 28, the first trial of Li Tie's bribery, bribery, bribery, bribery of non-state functionaries, and bribery of non-state functionaries had been concluded, and Li Tie pleaded guilty and repented in court, and the court announced that the verdict would be announced at a later date. What kind of verdict Li Tie will receive in the end, we will wait and see.

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