
Li Tie Weibo automatically posted birthday news, and netizens commented: Let the prison guards add an egg to you, and add a meal to the prison iron

Li Tie Weibo automatically posted birthday news, and netizens commented: Let the prison guards add an egg to you, and add a meal to the prison iron

Let's go live

2024-05-18 16:16Posted on the official account of Live Bar in Hong Kong, China

Li Tie Weibo automatically posted birthday news, and netizens commented: Let the prison guards add an egg to you, and add a meal to the prison iron

Today is Li Tie's birthday, and his Weibo account automatically posted a birthday update.

Some netizens wrote in the comment area: "Let the prison guard add an egg to you", "Add a meal to the prison iron"......

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  • Li Tie Weibo automatically posted birthday news, and netizens commented: Let the prison guards add an egg to you, and add a meal to the prison iron

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