
Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

author:Yiyun Literary Society

When 11-year-old Tao Hong joined the Beijing synchronized swimming team, she was still a young yellow girl, but she had to endure 6-7 hours of high-intensity training in the freezing cold water.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

Whenever she got out of the water, she and her teammates shivered with cold and their lips turned white, but they still had to jump into the water under the supervision of their coach to continue performing difficult moves. The coach looked at the poor little girls and stuffed each of them with a piece of chocolate to keep warm.

The conditions in the team are difficult and the funds are scarce, so they can only rent venues for training. But no matter how cold the water is and how dark the sky is, Tao Hong gritted his teeth and persevered. At first, there were more than 150 people on the team, but most of them left in the first few months.

Every month, there are members who choose to go home, and the ranks are getting smaller and smaller. By the fourth year, only Tao Hong and another girl were still holding on. The girl also gave up in the 10th year, leaving Tao Hong alone in the synchronized swimming team.

Tao Hong's mother saw that her daughter was training hard all day long, and often cried secretly. Her parents persuaded her to give up, but she stubbornly said that she must persevere. Tao Hong understands that 10 years of hard work cannot be wasted.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

So the parents stopped interfering, and the daughter chased her dream.

In 1993, 21-year-old Tao Hong finally won the synchronized swimming championship at the National Games. After 10 years of waiting and hard work, she fulfilled her first dream in the sports world as she wished! This is not only an affirmation of her personal willpower, but also a recognition of the efforts of the team members who persevered to the end.

Tao Hong believes that as long as you persevere, your dreams will come true.

In the second year after winning the synchronized swimming championship, Tao Hong applied for the Central Academy of Drama and officially entered the entertainment industry. She had no acting experience, but she became a blockbuster in the movie "Black Eyes" and showed outstanding acting skills.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

At that time, Tao Hong was still a college student, and in the face of the pressure of starring for the first time, she was not afraid, but devoted herself to the understanding of this blind heroine.

Under the guidance of the director, Tao Hong carefully observes and understands the behavior and language of the blind, and she always puts herself in the position of the blind to think about problems until she fully integrates into the role.

The crew on the set were all impressed by this newcomer who was born as an athlete. Although she has never Xi systematically studied acting, Tao Hong has an amazing understanding, can quickly absorb the director's guidance, and translate her understanding into natural acting skills.

After the movie was completed, she dubbed it in post-production with a very high professional attitude, and perfectly interpreted this sad disabled girl.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

In the end, Tao Hong won many awards for her outstanding performance in the movie "Black Eyes", and since then she has emerged in the film and television industry. She used her strength to prove that she can not only swim, but also act.

This success opened the door to the world of show business for Tao Hong, marking her debut and starting point in the performing arts.

In 1998, while filming the costume drama "Spring Splendid Pig Bajie", Tao Hong met the actor Xu Zheng. Both of them are powerful actors, they hit it off, and they gradually developed feelings at work.

Tao Hong admires Xu Zheng's talent and strength, she said that Xu Zheng is not only handsome, but also more talented inside, which attracts her the most. In Tao Hong's eyes, Xu Zheng is a modest, cautious and thoughtful man, and she admires his wisdom and maturity.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

Both of them are rational personalities, and their views on many things coincide, Tao Hong feels that there is a common language and frequency between Xu Zheng.

Five years later, the two finally married. In 2003, Tao Hong moved from Beijing to Shanghai and began her married life with Xu Zheng. Unlike many couples in the entertainment industry, Tao Hong does not desire higher popularity and career achievements, she just wants to accompany her husband and enjoy the warmth of home.

Tao Hong maintained this relationship with an open and tolerant attitude, even after experiencing misunderstandings, he still went through ups and downs hand in hand with Xu Zheng.

For Tao Hong, the sense of accomplishment comes from having a confidant partner, sharing each other's heads and sharing white heads, rather than fame and praise from the outside world. With a peaceful and kind heart, she supported her husband's development in the entertainment industry and was rewarded with happiness.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

In 2008, Tao Hong finally became pregnant with her daughter Xiaobao, and as a novice mother, she was both excited and nervous. However, just as Tao Hong was preparing to welcome a new life, her mother was suddenly diagnosed with cancer.

Tao Hong could only endure the anxiety about her mother and try to keep herself calm. She ran around the hospital every day with a big belly to arrange the best treatment for her mother. But limited to her physical condition and unable to take care of her personally, Tao Hong was anxious and blamed herself.

In this way, just before the birth of the daughter, the disease still took the life of the mother.

Tao Hong was grief-stricken, and she blamed herself for not doing her daughter's duty and not saving her mother. She felt that her mother was looking at her on her deathbed, hoping for salvation but not being able to do so.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

This debt has become a permanent pain in Tao Hong's heart.

Just over a year later, my father also passed away due to illness. Tao Hong was crushed by the double blow, and she felt that she had not been able to send her father to the hospital in time, which led to irreparable regret.

This self-blame tormented Tao Hong day and night, and she was immersed in guilt and self-blame all day long, and even suffered from depression for a time.

Her husband and daughter tried their best to comfort her, but the trauma of her parents' death was a huge pain that Tao Hong endured in her heart alone. Every year on the day of death, she would cry, and that haze would always be shrouded in her memory.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

After experiencing the blow of the death of both parents, Tao Hong once fell into a trough. However, time will eventually heal the pain, and in 2014, at the age of 42, she returned to the entertainment industry and starred in the high-reputation spy war drama "Red".

Faced with the opportunity to play the starring role again, Tao Hong is not afraid of the burden of age. She devoted herself to the role and once again conquered the audience's attention with her excellent acting skills. At that time, Tao Hong was already a mother, but when she played the role of this young female agent, she had no sense of disobedience.

Her dedicated rendition perfectly illustrates the role.

After her husband Xu Zheng gradually transformed into a producer, Tao Hong also became a solid pillar of his career. She is no longer keen on the popularity and competition of Vanity Fair, and is more focused on how to show her acting skills in her works.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

When Xu Zheng needed an actress in the Republic of China, Tao Hong would step forward and become her husband's right-hand man with her own strength.

Today's Tao Hong has no ambitions, she looks down on the criticism of the outside world and only focuses on her family. Tao Hong and Xu Zheng growing old together is her biggest dream and achievement in this life. After going through ups and downs, Tao Hong supported her husband and family with a kind and firm heart.

The passing time has washed away Tao Hong's ambitions and impulses, and now she has entered middle age peacefully. 50-year-old Tao Hong has experienced the role change from athlete to actor, and has also grown from a daughter to a mother.

She is no longer as enthusiastic about career success as she was when she was younger, but enjoys the bits and pieces of her family. Tao Hong no longer mourns for her once irretrievable parents, she chooses to forgive and accept herself.

Star Tao Hong: After giving birth to a child, his parents died one after another, is he really happy to marry Xu Zheng for 19 years?

Every morning sunrise and night moonlight are the gifts of life that she is grateful for.

Many years ago, Tao Hong was unable to extricate herself under the weight of fate, but with the precipitation of time, she learned to tolerate herself and no longer escape the pain in her heart. Xu Zheng and her daughter became the brightest light in her life, allowing her to see the meaning of life again.

Today's Tao Hong is no longer eager to chase fame and fortune, she enjoys the simplicity and beauty of life. Tao Hong is grateful for the sunshine in the morning and the company of her family. She happily lives in the moment, waiting for the next stage of her life.

Tao Hong understands that as long as he is positive, optimistic and brave to move forward, a happy tomorrow must still be ahead.

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