
"Is he very popular in Dragon Ball"?

author:Baby Entertainment

Recently, the rebroadcast of Xuxu Baby has attracted the attention of netizens, and in the live broadcast, Xuxu Baby once sighed that it would be good if he went to HY five years ago, and his words revealed an indescribable emotion.

As an outdoor little SS who had a "relationship" with him (Xiao SS once recorded a video to apologize to Baby Xuxu), there are also sailors talking about it on the way today. I also think that Xuxu's baby has been handed over within five years...... Xiao SS said: If he really paid for five years, it would be terrifying!

"Is he very popular in Dragon Ball"?

Xiao SS analysis: With his size, he really has to pay for five years, even if it is close to a sun!

Little SS: I clicked into his live broadcast room last night, and he still has a small windmill, XX mobile game, and 10W+ people in his live broadcast room are hanging. We don't know how many of them.

"Is he very popular in Dragon Ball"?

SS: And was he very popular when he was in Dragon Ball before? I feel that he came to DY to usher in the spring of his live broadcast room, because DY brand flour has a lot, so he has reached a height that he couldn't reach!

"Is he very popular in Dragon Ball"?

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