
Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

author:Discipline Qiu said geography

When it comes to nourishing qi and nourishing blood, most girls will think of eating red dates. In fact, in addition to red dates, there are many other foods that also have a good blood tonic effect, such as angelica, sweet potato, pork liver and ejiao. These foods are nutritious and can make girls look rosy and full of vitality when eaten regularly.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

Angelica: a good medicine for blood replenishment and blood activation

Angelica sinensis is known as the "blood tonic holy product", which has a very good effect of blood replenishment and blood activation. It is rich in iron, which can increase the production of hemoglobin and prevent anemia. At the same time, it is rich in nutrients such as protein and polysaccharides, which can promote blood metabolism. Angelica also contains high-quality plant protein, which can provide amino acids, repair tissue cells, and enhance immune function.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

So, how to eat angelica to nourish blood? Recommend a dish of angelica egg brown sugar water, the effect is better.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

In this soup, eggs provide abundant high-quality protein, which is an indispensable nutrient for repairing tissues and promoting cell regeneration, angelica provides nutrients such as iron and polysaccharides, and trace elements and fructose in brown sugar can help nutrient absorption. The combination of the three has an excellent effect on blood replenishment, and drinking it often can prevent anemia, so that girls are full of energy and ruddy complexion.

Sweet potato: softens blood vessels and unblocks meridians

Sweet potatoes are bright in color and rich in starch, protein, vitamins and minerals. Among them, starch can provide abundant energy through digestion, protein can promote metabolism, and trace elements such as folic acid and vitamin C are beneficial to the nervous system and cardiovascular system. In addition, the unique anthocyanin components in sweet potatoes can improve the elasticity of capillaries, soften blood vessels, and help smooth the meridians.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

If you want to get the blood-replenishing beauty effect of sweet potatoes, you can try drinking sweet potato ginger soup.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

This soup is delicious and served hot to aid nutrient absorption. Drinking it often can make the skin rosy, and can also promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and prevent menstrual cramps.

Pork liver: a must-take tonic for little women

When it comes to blood supplementation, many people ignore the "home-cooked food" of pork liver. In fact, it is a famous blood tonic product, containing protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium and other rich nutrients, which can increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. In addition, pork liver is rich in high-quality cholesterol and lecithin, which can help female hormone synthesis, improve menopausal syndrome, and increase youthfulness.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

So, how to eat pork liver? The fastest way to replenish blood is to fry pork liver.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

Pork liver is best eaten raw or semi-raw, which is easier to absorb. Stir-fried pork liver can also provide rich nutrients, increase red blood cell production, and improve anemia. However, excessive cooking will destroy the umami components in the pork liver, etc., so it is best to control it in a half-cooked state. This kind of pork liver is more nutritious and tastes more delicious.

Ejiao: A natural beauty food

In the mainland, Ejiao is known as the "holy product of emollients". It is rich in collagen, amino acids and other ingredients, which can moisturize the skin well and prevent wrinkles. In addition, Ejiao is also rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc. These trace elements are very important for improving anemia, providing nutrients, and promoting metabolism.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

The easiest way to treat ejiao is ejiao stew.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

This soup is nourishing without being hot, and the chicken feet provide rich collagen, which is eaten with ejiao to nourish women from the inside out. If you feel that the taste of chicken feet is too strong, you can also switch to pork trotters or beef bone broth. Add an appropriate amount of ejiao and eat it regularly, girls can become moisturized and flushed.

Girls don't just eat red dates to replenish qi and blood, eat more of these 4 foods to replenish qi and nourish blood, and look younger

The above four foods are all good therapeutic ingredients for qi and blood nourishment, which is better than simply taking Chinese medicinal materials such as red dates or ginseng. Food comes from a natural source, is more efficient to absorb, and is not burdensome. Usually, through the method of dietary therapy, let the nutrients of these ingredients be fully utilized, you can easily replenish qi and blood, and make girls look beautiful and full of vitality.

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