
The battle between the bottom of the medical staff and the takeaway brother

author:Mr. Bee is curious about cats

In this society full of trivial things in life, a fierce struggle for the bottom quietly broke out. Medical staff and food delivery brothers, two seemingly unrelated teams, have launched a battle for the "bottom of society" in a war with an unknown food delivery address.

The battle between the bottom of the medical staff and the takeaway brother

The fuse of this war was the unclear delivery address, which sparked a conflict between medical staff and the delivery boy. The medical staff did not write down the address in a hurry, but the delivery boy was blamed for this and accused of being "at the bottom of society". This remark has attracted widespread attention, and people can't help but want to understand this incredible battle for the bottom of society.

In this fight, the medical staff actually used the word "the bottom of society", calling the takeaway brother the bottom group. This caused heated discussions among netizens, who said: "A profession that serves patients all day long, although it is said to serve the public, it looks down on the takeaway brother." What kind of Western ideological and political nurse is this?"Could it be that the service industry is also divided into levels, and the medical staff are the best people?

The battle between the bottom of the medical staff and the takeaway brother

In response to this statement, an excited netizen shouted: "A nurse feels that she is a superior person." They are all at the bottom of society, so why look down on them! A profession that serves patients all day long, although it is said to be serving the public, it also looks down on the takeaway brother. Western Ideological Politics Nurse. The nurse was very hard. It seems that nurses are also at the bottom of society. It's all a service industry, and there's nothing at the bottom or at the bottom. This nurse thinks that if she works in a hospital and her salary is high, she is a superior person! There are many people with this mentality, and there are such people around me. ”

In this debate, the delivery boy has been labeled as the "bottom of society", but we can't help but ask, are medical staff the elite of society, and should they turn their nostrils to the sky and look down on other industries with a lofty attitude?

The battle between the bottom of the medical staff and the takeaway brother

According to the logic of this nurse, a doctor who fights against bacteria and viruses all day long is not superior? Could it be that they can also put on an arrogant attitude in front of the patient, "You bacteria are the bottom of society"?

Moreover, whether the salary is high or not does not determine the status of a profession, does it? In this way, the delivery boy may earn more than some medical staff, so can they be at the top and accuse other industries of being "at the bottom of society"?

The battle between the bottom of the medical staff and the takeaway brother

This battle at the bottom seems to make people realize that society is not simply divided into upper, middle and lower layers, but an intricate network. Everyone is part of society, and no one can exist independently in this network. Medical staff and food delivery boys are all part of the hard work of the society and should be respected.

Perhaps we can learn from this "food delivery address battle" that unexpected conflicts can erupt even between seemingly unrelated professions. We should put aside our statutes and stereotypes of being "at the bottom of society" and instead treat everyone as equals, no matter what profession they are in.

The battle between the bottom of the medical staff and the takeaway brother

In the end, what is the outcome of the battle at the bottom, and who is the real king of the bottom, may not be the most important. Most importantly, we can maintain understanding and respect in this complex society, and work together to create a more harmonious and livable environment. I hope that this struggle at the bottom will become an opportunity for us to think about social relations, so that we can know how to cherish everyone's contribution and contribution.

#Headline Starter Challenge##Tell the truth##医护怼外卖员是社会底层 Hospital responds#

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