
Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

author:Liang Ru

On an ordinary weekend morning, Aunt Li was busy in the kitchen as usual. However, unlike her usual high energy, she felt unusually tired and seemed to be burdened with even her favorite cooking activities. In recent months, she has not only lost weight for no reason, but also often feels stomach discomfort and indigestion. Whenever she had dinner with her friends, she always carefully chose her food, for fear that eating the wrong thing would cause the discomfort again.

Aunt Lee's situation is not unique, and many of her peers in her community share similar concerns. Weakness of the spleen and stomach, a common health problem in middle-aged and elderly people, quietly affects their quality of life. In TCM theory, the spleen and stomach are regarded as the "acquired foundation" and the foundation of good health. Disharmony in the spleen and stomach not only affects digestion and absorption, but also may cause a series of physical discomforts and diseases.

Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

Faced with this situation, Aunt Li decided to seek professional help. She made an appointment with Dr. Wang at the community health center, a veteran doctor with deep experience in digestive disorders. After a detailed consultation, Dr. Wang suggested that Auntie Li try to adjust her diet, especially adding some warm foods to help improve the function of her spleen and stomach. He explains that warm foods can help boost the function of the digestive system and boost the body's overall energy levels.

Returning home with Dr. Wang's advice and a glimmer of hope, Auntie Li decided to try this new diet. She learned that moderate amounts of warm food can not only improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach, but also strengthen the body's overall resistance. Looking forward to it, she began to plan her diet list and prepare for a healthier version of herself. And this change may bring unexpected positive changes to her.

Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

Since following her doctor's advice, Auntie Lee has started to incorporate specific warm foods into her daily diet. The five foods she chose were: ginger, jujubes, longan, beef, and pumpkin.

Ginger: As a common condiment, ginger is widely believed to promote digestion and circulation. The doctor pointed out that the warm nature of ginger helps to warm the stomach and dispel cold, which has a significant effect on improving Aunt Li's indigestion. Auntie Li started adding a small slice of ginger to her breakfast, and she noticed that her appetite gradually improved, and the discomfort in the morning also lessened.

Jujube: Jujube is rich in vitamins and minerals, and is a good product used in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the spleen and qi. Aunt Li consumes several jujubes every day in the hope of improving her energy levels. Sure enough, after a few weeks, she felt more energetic and her sleep quality improved at night.

Longan: Longan, also known as longan, is a sweet and nourishing fruit. It can not only nourish the heart and calm the nerves, but also enhance the function of the spleen and stomach. Auntie Li tried consuming dried longan for afternoon tea, and she found that it not only lifted her spirits but also helped her digestive system.

Beef: As a high-quality source of protein, beef is also an effective food for improving spleen and stomach weakness. Doctors advised Aunt Li to consume lean beef several times a week to strengthen her physique and muscle strength. Aunt Li followed the advice and found that her overall physique had improved significantly.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin is rich in fiber and vitamins, which has a good nourishing effect on the spleen and stomach. Auntie Li started eating pumpkin as part of her dinner, and she felt that her gastrointestinal function had improved and her constipation problem had been relieved.

With the addition of these warm foods, Aunt Li's spleen and stomach condition has improved significantly. She noticed that her energy levels had increased and her digestive problems had decreased. In addition, by visiting the doctor regularly and having health check-ups, Auntie Li is even more convinced of the positive effects of this dietary change on her.

Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

Auntie Lee's story is not only a personal testimony to the benefits of warm foods, but also a practical example of the combination of scientific research and traditional wisdom. She is already on the right path as she continues her journey to explore and improve her spleen and stomach health.

As time went on, Aunt Li strictly followed the doctor's advice and insisted on eating five warm foods a day. Her diary gradually filled with notes of change: how her fatigue faded, how her digestive system began to return to normal, and how her overall vitality improved.

Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

At the end of the first month, Aunt Li visited the doctor. After a series of examinations, the results were encouraging. Her spleen and stomach function have improved significantly, and her body's nutrient absorption efficiency has also improved. The doctor was not surprised by the result, which he explained was the result of adherence to a sensible diet and lifestyle modifications. Aunt Li's face was even more ruddy, and her eyes flashed with vitality. She felt as if she had been reborn, filled with energy and enthusiasm that she had never felt before.

In order to provide readers with more professional advice, the article introduces the views of dietitian Dr. Zhang. Dr Cheung emphasised that while warm foods have a significant effect on improving spleen and stomach weakness, a balanced diet is equally important with healthy Xi. He reminds everyone that in addition to warm foods, it is also necessary to consume enough protein, vitamins and minerals to support the overall health of the body. At the same time, Dr. Teo also recommends regular check-ups to monitor your physical condition and adjust your diet in time.

Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

At the end of the article, we summarized the long-term positive effects of warm foods on improving spleen and stomach weakness. Through Aunt Li's story, readers are able to understand that with proper dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes, even long-standing health problems can be alleviated. The article emphasizes the importance of physician advice and encourages readers to consult with a medical professional before attempting any healthy eating plan.

Eating warm foods often may help improve the weakness of the spleen and stomach! Doctors suggest: these 5 foods can be eaten more

Finally, the article ends with an encouraging and enlightening tone, motivating readers to pay attention to their dietary Xi and understand what their bodies need in order to make more health-friendly choices. Through Aunt Li's transformation, we demonstrated the power of scientific eating and the ability of everyone to live a healthier and more fulfilling life through small daily changes.

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