
Li Shufu: There is still a gap between China's automobile and the world's leading one, and we must always maintain a sense of awe

author:Leisurely spring 84P

# Viewpoint|Li Shufu: There is still a gap between China's automobile and the world's leading one, and we always maintain a sense of awe

## Description: Li Shufu, chairman of Evergrande Group, recently said that although China's automotive industry has made great progress, there is still a certain gap with the world's leading level. He emphasized the importance of always being in awe in order to keep catching up and surpassing, a point that attracted a lot of attention. In this article, we will analyze Li Shufu's views and discuss the future development of China's automotive industry.


As an important figure in China's automotive industry, Li Shufu recently put forward a point of view that has attracted much attention in an interview: there is still a gap between China's automobile and the world's leading one, and we need to maintain a sense of awe at all times.

### The rapid development of China's automotive industry

China's automotive industry has grown phenomenally over the past few decades, becoming one of the largest automotive markets in the world. From the number of production to the scale of sales, China's auto industry has achieved rapid growth.

However, Li Shufu pointed out that the increase in quantity alone does not represent an improvement in quality. Although Chinese automobiles have made great progress, there is still a gap compared to the world's leading level. This cannot be overlooked.

### The importance of being in awe at all times

Li Shufu emphasized the importance of maintaining a sense of reverence at all times. He believes that while China's automobile industry has achieved development, it should not be complacent or proud, but should maintain a modest and Xi attitude.

Only by maintaining a sense of awe at all times can we continue to pursue excellence and constantly surpass ourselves. Li Shufu said that this awe will become the driving force for the progress of China's auto industry.

### The future development of China's automotive industry

The future development of China's automotive industry is promising, but it is also full of challenges. With the continuous progress of technology and the improvement of consumers' requirements for quality, Chinese auto companies need to increase innovation and improve product quality and technical level.

Li Shufu: There is still a gap between China's automobile and the world's leading one, and we must always maintain a sense of awe
Li Shufu: There is still a gap between China's automobile and the world's leading one, and we must always maintain a sense of awe
Li Shufu: There is still a gap between China's automobile and the world's leading one, and we must always maintain a sense of awe

At the same time, Chinese auto companies also need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the international market, learn from international advanced experience, and expand global market share.

As Li Shufu said, there is still a gap between China's automobiles and the world's leading ones, but this does not mean that we will never be able to catch up. As long as we maintain a sense of awe, continue to learn Xi and innovate, China's auto industry will surely make greater breakthroughs and progress.

### Conclusion

China's automotive industry has made remarkable progress in the past few decades, but it still falls short of the world's leading level. Li's point reminds us that reverence is the key to progress.

In the future development, Chinese auto companies need to increase innovation, improve product quality and technical level, and strengthen cooperation and exchanges with the international market. Only in this way can China's auto industry achieve a truly comprehensive rise.

What do you think of Li Shufu's point of view?Please leave a message in the comment section and discuss the future of China's auto industry with us!

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