
New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

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New Oriental, founded by Yu Minhong, was a typical family business from the beginning.

However, one day in 2004, Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang suddenly broke into Yu Minhong's office and shouted: "If your relatives don't leave, we will leave!"

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

This made Yu Minhong in a dilemma. On one side are the brothers who help him with his hard work, and on the other side are his relatives and old friends who started the business with him. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.

What made him especially embarrassed was that when Yu Minhong's mother learned that her son was persecuted, she was holding a kitchen knife to go to Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang to settle accounts.

Yu Minhong knelt down at that time and begged his mother to "take care of the overall situation", which resolved the crisis.

After calming down, Yu Minhong thought deeply: if you want New Oriental to grow, you need talents like Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang.

So, he made the difficult decision to get rid of all the family members.

After more than half a year, the relatives and friends of the Yu family have left New Oriental, and Yu Minhong's mother was even more angry for half a year and refused to cook for him.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Since then, New Oriental has gotten rid of the entanglement of family ties and established a rule: no family member who is related by blood can enter New Oriental. Since then, the company has taken on a new look and is moving towards modernization.

Whenever this matter is mentioned, Yu Minhong always gives special thanks to two old classmates, Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping. However, the good times did not last long, and when New Oriental was listed in 2006, these two heroes also left New Oriental one after another......

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Let's briefly talk about Yu Minhong's story.

He once said, "It's easy to do business with friends, but it's even harder to do business with partners." ”

Why? Because he found that many startups end up parting ways because of a quarrel between partners.

So, he is very selective when he invests in projects now, he said: "I only invest in one founder, and if there are projects with three partners, I won't invest in them." ”

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

He said it wasn't a joke because after throwing the money, it wasn't clear when they started fighting.

He also said that in China, quarrels between partners seem to be a common occurrence, not an accidental phenomenon.

He himself gave an example, saying that he had a big quarrel with Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping at the beginning, so he knew that it would not be good if the partners did not quarrel with each other.

Yu Minhong is not a person born in his family to hold cards.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

He took the college entrance examination three times before he was admitted to the English Department of Peking University, relying on rote memorization and stumbling all the way.

Do you remember the movie "Chinese Partner"? There is something about Yu Minhong's situation at that time.

In short, he was a bit rustic at the time. Even now, Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang will jokingly call him "turtle".

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Although nothing sensational happened to Yu Minhong during his college years, he met several people who were very important to him during those four years. One of them is his wife Yang Guiqing, as well as his future "partners" Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang.

In school, Yu Minhong felt that he was quite inferior, and he basically took care of the dormitory alone during college, fetching water and sweeping the floor. At that time, Wang Qiang was the class leader and the head of the Peking University Art Troupe, and was very popular with female students, while Xu Xiaoping was the cultural minister of the Youth League branch, so it can be said that in Yu Minhong's eyes, these two classmates had a sense of superiority.

Later, after Yu Minhong succeeded in starting a business, Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping were still a little uncomfortable. Yu Minhong said that the two of them have always been his leaders and objects of worship, and now he is the boss of New Oriental, so they are a little unbalanced in their hearts.

In 1985, Yu Minhong graduated, and all 50 students in his class, except for him, all went abroad, including Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang, who went to the United States and Canada to study for master's degrees.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Yu Minhong stayed in China and married Yang Guiqing from the same school. After that, he became an English teacher at Peking University. By 1989, public English education was developing rapidly, and in order to make more money, Yu Minhong began to teach English abroad training courses part-time at training institutions outside the school. He survived a month and could earn one or two thousand yuan, which was ten times his official job income.

Yu Minhong later found out that he earned more by starting his own business than by working part-time. He ran a training course, accepted dozens of students, and increased his income several times.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

At the beginning, his goal was to earn 100,000 yuan, but he didn't expect to achieve it in two months, then he adjusted his target to 300,000 yuan, and achieved it two months later, and then raised his goal to 1 million yuan, and the result was completed that year.

Yu Minhong laughed at himself at the time and said that at first, he just wanted to make some money to study for a doctorate, but the more money he made, the more reluctant he was to leave.

But this part-time model caused dissatisfaction among Peking University officials, and finally when he was 28 years old, he was expelled from Peking University for giving courses outside without permission.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

After being expelled, Yu Minhong became everyone's laughing stock. If he continues to work at Peking University, he can live a stable life as a teacher, and he will also be treated as a separate room. But at this time, Yu Minhong had to face the uncertainty of the future.

Yu Minhong was humiliated in public without any advance notice at the time. In a fit of rage, he quit his job as a teacher at Peking University.

After leaving Peking University, he found an adult training institution called "Oriental University" through a friend's introduction, and obtained the qualification to open training courses through this institution, thus starting his off-campus training career.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

At that time, there was no Internet in China, so he had to use the most traditional method of propaganda: posting small advertisements on school bulletin boards and telephone poles. Yu Minhong, as a teacher at Peking University, gave lectures for free, attracting many students who wanted to study abroad.

At these lectures, he spoke passionately about the bright future of studying abroad, and the students were full of curiosity about foreign countries and signed up. The money drifted into Yu Minhong's pocket like snowflakes.

As the money increased, he began to hire people to advertise. At first, there were only two employees who put posters on telephone poles and handed out leaflets on the streets. This low-cost method of publicity was quickly emulated by other training institutions, and there were posters of training schools everywhere.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Once, when an employee was putting up a poster and a competitor tore it off, the two parties got into an argument, and the opponent actually injured the employee with a knife.

This makes employees afraid to do more publicity. Without publicity and fewer students signing up, Mr. Yu felt anxious and decided to make some changes to deal with the situation.

Yu Minhong encountered trouble with a turf dispute, and he asked someone from the Public Security Bureau to help. At this time, 7 people attended a dinner. It was his first time dealing with government officials, and he didn't know how to speak.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

As a sign of sincerity, he could only drink non-stop. Unexpectedly, after drinking 21 glasses of liquor, he fell unconscious and fainted to the ground. The police panicked and rushed him to the hospital.

After 7 hours of rescue, Yu Minhong finally woke up. Seeing the colleagues waiting around him, he came from his heart and shouted: "I'm not doing it anymore, I'll never do it again!"

However, after crying, I still have to face work. Even though there were still classes to be held in the evening, he picked himself up and went to class. Later, under the coordination of the Public Security Bureau, the problem of the site was solved, and Yu Minhong was able to advertise with peace of mind.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

This is the first time he has cried since starting his business, because this crying is to solve the problem of survival.

Then, he didn't expect that just two years later, in 1994, New Oriental's annual income would exceed 10 million yuan.

At this time, Yu Minhong was a little confused. He realized that this was already the limit of his ability to educate and train on a small scale, and that he had to scale it up to go further.

In the education industry, the most scarce thing is talent. There are a lot of talents in his circle of friends. He found his teacher Xu Xiaoping and his roommate Wang Qiang.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Wang Qiang's development abroad was not very smooth, and Yu Minhong went to persuade him on the same day. Then, he immediately flew to the United States to lobby Xu Xiaoping.

Xu Xiaoping was surprised to find that in the United States, many students and classmates actually knew Yu Minhong, and many of them were students of New Oriental.

This deeply touched Xu Xiaoping, in fact, the reason why they were moved was because Yu Minhong helped them fetch boiling water in the dormitory for four whole years. They fancy Yu Minhong's character.

Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping joined, and this was the troika of New Oriental later.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Yu Minhong is very honest with his partners, and in order to make the company bigger and stronger, everyone is responsible for a part of the business.

Wang Qiang is mainly responsible for oral teaching, while Xu Xiaoping is responsible for studying abroad and immigration consulting because of his experience.

Yu Minhong continues to focus on exam training.

At this time, everyone is responsible for 85% of the revenue, which is an internal rule of the company.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

However, internal contradictions also began to intensify. Yu Minhong used to be a family business, and the management was all his relatives, like his brother-in-law and mother. They each brought in their own relatives to form the so-called "four families" within the company.

The situation became complicated, and Yu Minhong's relatives felt that the company was a family business and did not obey the regulations. Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping also did not want to be managed by their relatives, but they did not dare to offend them.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

Both sides are patient, looking at each other unpleasantly. Finally one day, Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping couldn't bear it anymore and began to put pressure on Yu Minhong: New Oriental could not continue to develop in this situation. Either let the family members leave, or the two of us resign.

After thinking about it, Yu Minhong realized that in order to make New Oriental bigger and stronger, it must rely on Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang. He decided to decisively dismiss the family members. It took half a year to drive out all the people in his family, and even Yu Minhong's mother was so angry that she didn't cook for him for half a year.

New Oriental Feud 1: Yu Minhong's biggest regret is to go to the United States to invite Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang back

The company's management saw that Yu Minhong's family was gone, so the others also decided not to keep the family members, so let's go. Since then, New Oriental has no family ties, and a rule has been made: no family members who are related by blood are allowed to enter New Oriental.

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