
Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

author:Motivated Jiangning

The original Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

When I talk about Guo Degang, I always think of a story about hatred and revenge. Guo Degang is a famous cross talk actor who has felt loved by countless audiences for his talent and humor. However, many people don't know that behind his success lies a twisted life experience.

Guo Degang's "enemy" is not the so-called "competitor" speculated by the outside world, but his former partner, a self full of ugliness. In his youth, he always showed a sense of self-doubt and negativity due to low self-esteem, shyness, and lack of self-confidence.

Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

He felt that he was not up to the task, lacked talent, and even began to suspect that he had chosen the wrong path in life. These negativity stuck like a needle in his heart, causing him to develop a deep resentment towards himself.

This "enemy" is like a mirror, reflecting the darkest side of his heart. His self-doubt, low self-esteem, and negativity tormented him, holding him in place like chains, preventing him from moving forward. Whenever he tried to break free from these bonds, the "enemy" would laugh at him loudly: Are you worthy? You can't do it! You will never succeed!

Slowly, Guo Degang understood that his real enemy was not the pressure and difficulties of the outside world, but the ugly self in his heart.

Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

He began to try to have a dialogue with this "enemy", to explore the deep fear and pain in his heart. He began to wonder where these negative emotions came from and how they affected the trajectory of his life.

Through the dialogue with his heart, he gradually realized that he was not so bad. He began to find the beauty in his heart and began to accept his shortcomings and shortcomings. He realized that everyone has their own vulnerabilities and imperfections, and that embracing them is the first step to growth. So, in the process, he began to gradually release himself, get rid of the shackles of the past, and re-recognize and accept himself.

Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

Gradually, he began to discover his potential and value. He regained his self-confidence and regained hope for the future. He found that he was able to do so much more than he ever imagined. He began to value his talent and hard work, and was no longer swayed by the ridicule of that "enemy". His life was transformed and his career was taken to the next level.

This story teaches us that sometimes our worst enemies are not external circumstances or others, but often negative emotions and self-doubts hidden deep within ourselves. These emotions can bind us like a spell and stop us from moving forward.

Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

Only by bravely facing the "enemy" in our hearts and facing our own fears and pains can we truly grow and change.

Everyone has their own "enemies", perhaps low self-esteem, anxiety, indulgence, hesitation...... These negative emotions can be an obstacle to our progress. But as long as we face it bravely and release ourselves, we can break free from these constraints and rediscover our own strength and potential. Just as Guo Degang finally defeated himself, we can also tell ourselves: "I deserve it, I can do it, I deserve a better life!"

Therefore, when you feel depressed, have low self-esteem, and hesitate, you might as well stop, talk to yourself, and bravely face the "enemy" in your heart.

Guo Degang's hated enemy is not Jiang Kun, not Hou Yaohua, but he is full of ugliness

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