
Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

author:Curator of the Brain Cave

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Jamaica, a region that surprises the West with its openness to both sexes, may only know about Bolt in their own country, but the state of the country itself is more interesting than Bolt.

To put it simply, everyone has heard of the Western world's openness to the concept of marriage and love, but when compared with Jamaica, it is a small drop, because Jamaican women generally have little conservative sense of private life.

In this small country in the Caribbean of North America, the majority of their population is concentrated in young people, and it is curious that only their mothers accompany them on their trips.

Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

It's not uncommon to wander the streets of Jamaica, where families are rarely seen traveling, and young women with their children are seen traveling alone, which is a unique scene in this part of Jamaica.

In the Western world, the concept of openness is limited to the period before childbirth, but the concept of Jamaican women is very different, they believe that the concept of openness to the gender is also a kind of free consciousness, and they are very indifferent to the matter of childbearing.

This is a difficult thing to accept in the eyes of the mainland, because family means responsibility, with children on both sides, and the direction after peaceful negotiations, many people can't imagine the mentality of these people.

Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

So, how did such a biased gender perception in Jamaica come about? It can't be that Jamaican men and women are so open in the first place? There is little need for hesitation to ask, and naturally, there is no reason for the result.

The reasons for the current situation of opening up in Jamaica are mainly divided into several aspects, the first is the influence of historical and cultural background, and the second is the national development strategy and the needs of family life, both of which have a great influence on Jamaican young people.

First of all, historically, the original Jamaica was extremely backward, and when Columbus had not explored the region, the locals still lived a tribal life, and when the fleet arrived in 1494, everything changed.

Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

The Spanish were ecstatic when they discovered the new area, and immediately sent troops to Jamaica and turned Jamaica into their colony, but the problem was that although these people were already controlled by the Spanish, they were not large in number.

In the social environment of the time, the number of people was the first condition for creating benefits, so there was no need to spend a lot of money for a small number of people to receive education and then obtain intellectual benefits, in order to save costs, they thought of a way, that is, to bring in blacks.

In order to implement the action as soon as possible, Spain bought a lot of black labor in Africa and sent it to Jamaica on a cargo ship, so that the number of people was guaranteed, but everyone should not think that black people have a social status in this way.

Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

In fact, even though blacks contributed greatly to the merchants, they were still living in dire straits because they did not have the right to be independent, and Jamaica became ostensibly a world-renowned rum producer.

All of the wealth created was seized by the merchants, and not a single bit of it was used for the development of the life of the local people, although the local people continued to revolt, but the weapons in the hands of the civilians were constantly fighting the guns of the soldiers.

After World War II, although Jamaica returned to peace and stability, it suddenly broke away from its original colony, and they didn't even know how to develop themselves, which is equivalent to the tiger being imprisoned for decades, and only when it is old does it come out, forgetting how to hunt.

Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

What's more, Jamaica was not a tiger when it was imprisoned, so Jamaica has become a country that only knows how to farm, although there are also people who mine, but the entire industrial chain is really extremely weak.

Without stable economic conditions, most people are free from the subsistence line, and naturally have no intention of developing education and medical care, which forms a vicious circle, and there is no knowledge reserve to change the reality, but it is difficult to learn Xi knowledge without an economic foundation.

At this point, the official institutions came in, and the government of Jamaica understood that there could be no more problems with the number of people under the premise that the level of education could not be improved for the time being, and that the country did not have a high knowledge reserve, so it would have to rely on human resources to open up the situation.

Jamaica, the "fatherless country", has an illegitimate rate of 80%, how open is Jamaica?

In order to achieve this goal, local administrators in Jamaica have begun to promote openness to gender perspectives, which even children in junior high school can discuss with them, and the school teachers do not think about it.

In addition, Jamaican men and women have similar ideas about marriage, and in order to enter into a marriage, housing and financial preparations are necessary, and as for childbearing, it is more regarded as an act of liberation.

Many foreigners think that life here is good, but the problem is that with such an open gender concept, medical and health problems are very risky, so it is really curious where Jamaica will go in the future.

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