
China refused to accept Japanese aquatic products, and there was an unexpected harvest, and the Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States was beaten with chickens and eggs

author:Straight orange A8g

Do you remember that in August this year, the Japanese government announced that it would discharge nuclear sewage from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean? This decision has sparked strong opposition and protest around the world, especially from neighboring China and South Korea, which they consider to be a serious threat to marine ecology and human health. The Chinese government immediately announced that it would suspend the import of Japanese aquatic products in order to protect the interests and safety of domestic consumers.

This move has put Japan's seafood industry in a difficult situation, while China's seafood market has had a windfall. The United States wanted to take this opportunity to build an alliance between Japan and South Korea to counter China's influence, but it did not expect that South Korea was also unwilling to accept Japan's nuclear sewage products, which frustrated the United States' plan. What's going on?

China refused to accept Japanese aquatic products, and there was an unexpected harvest, and the Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States was beaten with chickens and eggs

China's refusal to accept Japanese seafood has resulted in a windfall

China is Japan's largest importer of seafood products, with an annual import value of billions of dollars, mainly high-end seafood such as scallops, abalone, and sea urchin. Chinese consumers recognize the quality and taste of Japanese seafood and are willing to pay a high price for it. However, after Japan's decision to discharge nuclear wastewater, Chinese consumers' confidence in Japanese seafood has plummeted, and they are worried about being contaminated and affected by nuclear radiation.

In order to protect the health of its citizens, the Chinese government immediately suspended the import of aquatic products from Japan, and at the same time strengthened the inspection and supervision of aquatic products from other countries and regions to ensure that imported aquatic products meet safety standards. This move has hit Japan's seafood industry hard, losing a huge market in China, resulting in a large amount of inventory and losses.

On the one hand, China's domestic aquatic products have been favored and supported by more consumers, especially some local specialty seafood, such as hairy crabs in the East China Sea, sea cucumbers in the Bohai Sea, coral shrimp in the South China Sea, etc., have been popular, and prices have also risen, promoting the development and growth of the domestic aquaculture industry.

On the other hand, China has also strengthened its trade with other countries and regions in aquatic products, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Norway, etc., which are important sources of aquatic products for China.

China refused to accept Japanese aquatic products, and there was an unexpected harvest, and the Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States was beaten with chickens and eggs

The Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States has been beaten with chickens and eggs

In the face of China's hard-line attitude and shrinking market, Japan must find other ways out, otherwise the aquaculture industry will face an even greater crisis. Japan's primary target is South Korea, which is the second largest importer of Japanese seafood and a neighbor and ally of Japan. Japan hopes to persuade South Korea to ease restrictions on Japanese aquatic products, resume normal trade, and even increase imports to make up for the gap in the Chinese market.

Japan also plans to build a new supply chain and expand new markets by selling more seafood to the European Union and other places through South Korea, or processing it in a third country such as Thailand and then exporting it to the United States. The United States has expressed support for Japan's plan because it wants to use the opportunity to forge a Japan-South Korea alliance to counter China's influence and expansion in Asia.

China refused to accept Japanese aquatic products, and there was an unexpected harvest, and the Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States was beaten with chickens and eggs

The United States believes that Japan and South Korea are both close allies of the United States and democratic countries, and that Japan should be given more understanding and trust on the issue of nuclear wastewater, instead of adopting a hostile and blockade attitude like China. The United States also hinted that if South Korea can accept Japan's aquatic products, the United States will give South Korea more economic and security preferential treatment and assistance, and enhance South Korea's status and influence in the region and the world.

But both Japan's plan and the United States' expectations were rejected by South Korea. South Korea said it would resolutely maintain the ban on aquatic products in eight prefectures near Fukushima in Japan, which is the common position of the South Korean government and people, and will not be changed by any external pressure and temptation. South Korea also said that aquatic products from other parts of Japan must also undergo strict inspection and testing, and once any trace amounts of nuclear radiation elements are found, South Korea will not accept them, which is to protect the health and rights of Korean consumers, and also to safeguard South Korea's sovereignty and dignity.

China refused to accept Japanese aquatic products, and there was an unexpected harvest, and the Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States was beaten with chickens and eggs

The ROK believes that Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage is an extremely irresponsible and dangerous act, which not only threatens the ROK's national security and national interests, but also damages the friendship and trust between the ROK and Japan.

China refused to accept Japanese aquatic products, and there was an unexpected harvest, and the Japan-South Korea alliance built by the United States was beaten with chickens and eggs

China's position and actions have won international respect and support

China's opposition and boycott of Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge is not only out of protection and protection of the interests of domestic consumers, but also out of concern and responsibility for the global marine ecology and human health. China believes that Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage is a serious violation of international law and international conventions, a challenge and violation to the common wealth and future of all mankind, and must be condemned and sanctioned by the international community.

China calls on the international community to exert greater pressure and influence on Japan to stop its plans to discharge nuclear sewage and adopt safer and more reliable treatment methods to ensure the safety of the marine environment and human health. China's position and actions have won the respect and support of the international community, and many countries and organizations have expressed their appreciation and recognition for China, believing that China is a responsible major country that has played an important role and influence in safeguarding global fairness and justice and protecting the common interests of all mankind.


China's resolute rejection of Japan's nuclear sewage has led to a boom in local aquatic products. The U.S. tried to build an alliance between Japan and South Korea, but South Korea refused to accept Japanese seafood, thwarting U.S. plans. China's position is internationally respected, and the world is called upon to oppose Japan's irresponsible behavior. In this crisis, China has shown itself as a responsible major country and defended the rights and interests of global marine ecology and human health.

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