
Gout is mostly eaten, remind: touch these 3 foods less, don't let the blood add to the purine

author:Yali, the king of Ruzhou

Zhang Wei, a 50-year-old middle-aged man, is always busy and fulfilled as a manager of a well-known company. Zhang Wei is particularly fond of food, especially high-purine seafood and red meat. However, he was unaware of the potential health risks associated with this eating Xi.

One evening, Zhang Wei attended a family dinner. The table is filled with a variety of delicious seafood and red meats. As a food lover, Zhang Wei has almost no regard for quantity control, enjoying every bite of deliciousness. However, shortly after the dinner, he suddenly felt a severe pain in the thumb of his left foot, making it difficult to even walk.

Gout is mostly eaten, remind: touch these 3 foods less, don't let the blood add to the purine

Initially thinking it was just an ordinary sprain or muscle strain, Zhang Wei didn't pay much attention to it. But as time went on, the pain did not relieve, but worsened. At the suggestion of his family, he went to see his family doctor. After some examination, the doctor came up with the possibility that it could be a sign of gout, a metabolic disease closely related to unhealthy diet Xi habits.

Gout is a condition caused by high levels of uric acid, which can cause inflammation and severe pain in the joints. Uric acid mainly comes from the metabolism of purines, which are found in large quantities in certain foods, especially seafood and red meat, which Zhang Wei loves. This diagnosis not only shocked Zhang Wei, but also made him start to seriously think about his diet Xi habits.

Gout is mostly eaten, remind: touch these 3 foods less, don't let the blood add to the purine

Zhang Wei's gout diagnosis made him realize that long-term poor diet Xi habits may be the culprit. To better understand the problem, he began to delve into gout, including its causes, symptoms, and preventive measures. Through reading medical literature and consulting professional doctors, Zhang Wei learned that gout is mainly caused by high uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a product of purine metabolism, and high-purine foods are the main source of excessive uric acid.

During an in-depth conversation with a doctor, Zhang Wei learned about several high-risk foods that can trigger gout. The doctor specifically mentioned red meat, seafood, and certain alcoholic beverages, which are Mr. Zhang's usual favorites. The doctor explained that these foods contain a lot of purines, and excessive consumption can significantly increase the level of uric acid in the body, which in turn can cause gout.

Gout is mostly eaten, remind: touch these 3 foods less, don't let the blood add to the purine

Zhang Wei was shocked by this consultation. He recalls his old eating Xi: seafood dinners at least three times a week, red meat almost every night, and occasional beer or wine. These Xi seem to be the root cause of his gout. This realization prompted Zhang Wei to think about changing his diet Xi habits.

This information is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Zhang Wei. As a food lover, he finds it much more difficult than he thinks to change his eating habits Xi. Whenever he sees the tantalizing red meat and seafood, it's always hard to resist. However, he also realized that his health would only deteriorate if no action was taken.

Gout is mostly eaten, remind: touch these 3 foods less, don't let the blood add to the purine

Zhang Wei began to try some healthy dietary alternatives. He reduced his intake of red meat in favor of chicken and turkey. At the same time, he also tries to avoid seafood, especially high-purine shellfish and fish. In addition, he reduced his alcohol intake, especially beer and red wine. Although these changes are difficult to adapt to at the beginning, Zhang Wei knows that they are necessary for his own health.

Zhang Wei's health has also begun to improve significantly. His weight gradually decreased, and his blood uric acid levels stabilized within the normal range. What's more, he never experienced a gout attack again. These positive changes have not only improved his physical health, but also made his mental state more positive and energetic.

Gout is mostly eaten, remind: touch these 3 foods less, don't let the blood add to the purine

During the lifestyle change, Zhang Wei also inspired his family and friends to pay attention to their eating habits Xi. His story became a source of inspiration for those around him to improve their diet and lifestyle. Zhang Wei realized that by sharing his own experiences, he was not only helping himself, but also helping others.

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