
Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

author:Tavern brown
Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp
Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Text: Stranded fish

Edit: Stranded fish

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp


Nowadays, due to food safety issues, there are pesticide residues on the skin of many foods, and most people will choose to peel and eat fruits when they eat them.

There are also some fruits that everyone is Xi to not eat the skin, such as watermelon, grapes, the peel and flesh of these fruits can be eaten separately, and some people will choose to wash the watermelon skin and stir-fry it, or eat it cold.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

In our cognition, watermelon peel and grape peel can be eaten or not, but there is a fruit peel with high nutritional value, and not many people should have eaten its skin, that is, dragon fruit.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

When I saw this answer, I believe many people were shocked, watermelon peel and grape peel are acceptable, how to eat dragon fruit peel, but her nutritional value is indeed quite rich, today we will learn about the nutrition of these three kinds of fruit peels that we ignore?

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Dragon Fruit Skin: A nutritious "ruby" coat

Among the many fruits, the bright skin of dragon fruit always catches the eye. When many people eat dragon fruit, they are Xi to discard this red skin, but they do not know that it contains rich nutritional value.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Dragon fruit peel contains a lot of anthocyanins, proteins, vitamins. This natural pigment has a powerful antioxidant effect, which can effectively fight free radicals and delay cell aging.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Anthocyanins have many effects, which can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, protect the inner wall of arteries, reduce blood pressure, improve skin smoothness, and beautify the skin;

It inhibits inflammation and allergies, improves joint flexibility, prevents arthritis, promotes rhodopsin regeneration in retinal cells, improves vision, and has the effect of anti-radiation. Seeing this, it feels like we're throwing away a lot of nutritious stuff.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Moreover, dragon fruit peel is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps regulate gastrointestinal function and promote digestion. To get the most out of this ruby skin, wash the skin of dragon fruit and serve it cold, or juice it for its unique taste and nutritional value.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

However, it is not recommended to eat for people with high blood sugar, the peel of dragon fruit has a high sugar content, mainly glucose, although it is not very sweet, but the sugar content is as high as 13.3%.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Grape skins: a low-key "treasure trove of nutrition"

Grape skins are often overlooked in our daily diet. Many people are in the Xi habit of spitting out the skin when eating grapes, but they don't know that this thin layer of peel is actually a "treasure trove of nutrients".

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Grape skins are rich in resveratrol, a substance that has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that help protect cardiovascular health. In addition, grape skins are also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, manganese, etc., which are beneficial to all systems of the body.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

To better absorb these nutrients, you can choose to eat it with the belt meat or squeeze the grape skins separately. In this way, you will not only enjoy the delicious taste of the grapes, but also get the most out of their nutritional value.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

The most important thing is that grape skins contain more anthocyanins than the pulp, so it is recommended to wash them and beat them into juice together with the seeds to get a complete nutrient.

Grape skin also has the effect of improving sleep, lowering blood sugar, and antioxidant. It stimulates the pineal gland in the brain to secrete melatonin, which helps regulate sleep cycles.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

It also contains resveratrol, which can significantly inhibit the autooxidative hemolysis of red blood cells and oxidative hemolysis caused by hydrogen peroxide, and has a significant inhibitory effect on the production of lipid peroxide in heart, liver, brain, kidney and other organs.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Watermelon rind: a cool choice for "The Man in Green".

In the hot summer, watermelon is a good product to quench your thirst. However, when people enjoy the sweetness of watermelon, they often ignore that layer of emerald green peel. In fact, watermelon rind also has high nutritional value.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

It is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, etc., which help maintain the normal metabolism of the body. In addition, watermelon rind also has certain medicinal value, which can clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and reduce swelling.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

To make the most of this cool choice for the man in green, you can wash the watermelon rind and serve it cold, stir-fry or cook it in soup. This will not only add flavor to the dish, but will also make you feel cool and healthy in the summer.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

In addition to being rich in vitamins and citrulline, watermelon peel also contains a variety of organic acids and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Traditional Chinese medicine calls the dried watermelon skin "watermelon cuiyi", and the "Compendium of Materia Medica" believes that it is sweet, cool, non-toxic, and has the effects of relieving heat and fever, expelling fire and removing annoyance, and lowering blood pressure. When we eat watermelon, we should nibble cleanly, and we can eat a little more watermelon rind.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

However, in order to ensure food safety, the peel must be cleaned before eating to avoid pesticide residues and bacterial contamination.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Which is easier to digest, grape skin or watermelon skin

In general, grape skins are more difficult to digest than watermelon skins. Because the skin of grapes is thicker and contains more components such as fiber and pectin, it takes longer to digest. Watermelon rind, on the other hand, is relatively thin and contains less fiber, making it easier to digest.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

However, for people with weak digestive functions, even if grape skins are difficult to digest, eating them in moderation does not necessarily cause much burden on the digestive system. Watermelon rind, on the other hand, is more suitable for people with weak digestion.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

In addition, an individual's digestive ability will also vary due to various factors such as age, health status, and dietary Xi, so when choosing to eat fruit peels, you should make appropriate adjustments according to your digestive ability.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Whether it's grape skins or watermelon skins, eating them in moderation doesn't put too much of a strain on your digestive system. In order to maintain good health, we should pay attention to the diversity of our diet and rationally mix various ingredients to obtain more comprehensive nutrition.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

What other fruits should have good peels?

In addition to grapes and watermelons, there are also some fruits that are suitable for consumption, namely apples and pears, which we commonly peel off before eating.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Apple peel is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids and vitamin C, which help lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. Moreover, apple peel also contains a type of dietary fiber called pectin, which helps regulate intestinal function and promote digestion.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Pear peel is rich in fiber and trace elements, which help promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation. At the same time, pear peel also contains a substance called tannic acid, which helps to eliminate carcinogens from the body.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Of course, when eating the peels of these fruits, you must pay attention to cleaning them to avoid pesticide residues and bacterial contamination. For some fruits with thicker peels, such as grapefruits, citrus, etc., the peels can also be eaten in moderation, but pay attention to the taste and hygiene of the peels.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

Eating the peel of a fruit in moderation can bring certain nutritional value and health benefits to the body, but it should be selected according to the individual's taste preferences and health conditions.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp


Dragon fruit skins, grape skins, and watermelon skins are all delicious treasures that we overlook. With simple cooking methods such as cold salad, juicing or soup, we can easily incorporate these nutritious peels into our daily diet. The next time you eat fruit, try eating it with the skin on and feel the unique taste and health that these peels bring.

Do you peel fruit when you eat it? The skin nutrition of these three fruits is comparable to that of the pulp

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