
Liu Shishi's "Hello, Saturday" variety show debut was accused of being embarrassing, and she couldn't even take He Jiong with her the whole time

author:Wisdom of everyday entertainment

Liu Shishi, the variety show debut of "Hello, Saturday", a high-profile performance, was pointed out to be embarrassing because she was "held" throughout the whole process. This weekend night, He Jiong led everyone on stage to welcome a Saturday night, but he couldn't even bring Liu Shishi, which surprised the audience. At this moment, I can't help but emphasize, Liu Shishi, are you "pretending to be cool", or are you escaping the uncertainty of facing the camera? In the first few minutes of the scene, Liu Shishi stood there, like a beautiful classical sculpture. Her beauty is still so dazzling, and her bright eyes seem to be able to see people's hearts through the layers of fog in the world. However, her expression is elusive, as if with a cold sense of distance, maintaining a mysterious distance from the audience.

Liu Shishi's "Hello, Saturday" variety show debut was accused of being embarrassing, and she couldn't even take He Jiong with her the whole time

However, there should be a natural mutual exchange and integration between the artist and the audience. A good artist should be able to establish a clear and authentic connection with the audience. However, Liu Shishi used her words and deeds to deliberately distance the line between the audience and her, making everyone feel a kind of confusion about her. As viewers, what we expect from a star is not just to see a beautiful appearance. What we want to see is a spiritual, thoughtful, emotional soul that can empathize and resonate with us through acting and acting skills. However, in Liu Shishi's variety show debut, it is difficult for us to find all this.

Liu Shishi's "Hello, Saturday" variety show debut was accused of being embarrassing, and she couldn't even take He Jiong with her the whole time

Perhaps, this style of performance is deliberately done by Liu Shishi, indeed, she is an excellent actor, but in this variety show, the audience did not see her excellent acting skills, nor did they see her changeable expression. On the contrary, what we see is her "upright" appearance, as if she is defending herself with a kind of indifference and alienation, so that everyone cannot get close to her inner world. Perhaps, she is not an artist who has no scruples about the camera, maybe she is better at fully integrating emotions and roles, but in this variety show, we only seem to see her appearance, but cannot peek into the truth of the heart. However, I also pondered whether we, as viewers, have the right to ask her to reveal her soul in every detail, or that everyone has different expectations of her, and does she have the right to choose what she wants to be presented to everyone?

Liu Shishi's "Hello, Saturday" variety show debut was accused of being embarrassing, and she couldn't even take He Jiong with her the whole time

Perhaps, on this Saturday night, we should give Liu Shishi more understanding and support, not only focusing on her performance in variety shows, but more focused on her potential as an actor. We can disagree with her "holding up", but perhaps we should also give her enough space and time to show herself. Whether it's the embarrassment that confuses the audience or the amazing performance, Liu Shishi is a one-of-a-kind artist. She has her own style and characteristics, and perhaps it is because of these that she has become a star who is in the spotlight today.

Liu Shishi's "Hello, Saturday" variety show debut was accused of being embarrassing, and she couldn't even take He Jiong with her the whole time

Finally, I would like to say a word to Liu Shishi, whether it is in her acting career or every role in her life path, you must be true to yourself and others. Whether in front of or behind the camera, we are looking forward to seeing a real and smart you. In any case, every attempt you make, every effort, deserves our respect. I hope you can more fully show your excellent acting skills and true inner world in future variety shows. Saturday is not just an ordinary day, it is a touch of beauty in our weekend life. Hello Liu Shishi, Saturday, looking forward to working with you to create a more wonderful future!

Liu Shishi's "Hello, Saturday" variety show debut was accused of being embarrassing, and she couldn't even take He Jiong with her the whole time

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