
Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

author:Kind Sunshine G9e

Singapore, a city-state in Southeast Asia, is known for its developed economy, efficient government, and diverse culture. Among them, we have to mention the country's outstanding founding leader, Lee Kuan Yew, whose legendary life laid a solid foundation for Singapore's rise, and his profound insights and decisions have also had a long-term impact on Singapore's national positioning.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

Lee Kuan Yew, born in 1923, is a Singaporean Chinese with a deep Chinese cultural heritage. Although he was far away from his homeland, his Chinese identity has left an indelible trace on his growth and thoughts. Educated under British colonial rule, he demonstrated exceptional intellect and academic achievement. But again, the trajectory of his life was not all smooth sailing, and the experience of the Japanese invasion of Singapore made him deeply aware of the cruelty of war and the importance of national autonomy.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

The experience of studying abroad opened a window of thought for the young Lee Kuan Yew. The surge of socialism touched his heartstrings, and the flame of resistance against colonial rule was quietly ignited in his heart. After returning home, he rose to prominence on the political scene with the extensive contacts and mass base he had accumulated in Britain. Through his tireless efforts, he won the autonomy of Singapore and eventually became Prime Minister.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

Under Lee Kuan Yew's leadership, Singapore has gradually achieved economic prosperity and social stability, and he has demonstrated that a small country can shine on the world stage. Faced with the challenges of Singapore's complex demographics and dependence on foreign trade, Lee Kuan Yew developed a long-term strategy to ensure that Singapore was on a path of sustainable development.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

Lee Kuan Yew has his own firm views on whether Singapore, as a Chinese country, will "return to the motherland". He believes that the country's independence and development are of paramount importance, and that Singapore has its own sovereignty and development path despite its small size, which is a firm belief that it is not influenced by the external environment. To reflect Singapore's multiculturalism, he identified four official languages, including English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil, and is committed to promoting harmony among ethnic groups.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

In foreign policy, Lee Kuan Yew has taken a cautious attitude and kept a moderate distance from China, which is not only the result of judging the internal and external environment, but also carefully considering Singapore's national interests. After Lee Kuan Yew's death, his legacy – a steady philosophy of statecraft and diplomacy – continues to have a profound impact on Singapore.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

Today, although Singapore's President Shanmanda is friendly to China and seeks a mutually beneficial relationship, this does not mean that Singapore will abandon its founding principles and independent diplomatic line. In the same way as safeguarding national interests, Singapore and China maintain good relations in diplomatic cooperation, seeking mutual interests through peaceful communication.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

Singapore's story shows us that countries, big and small, can have a place in the international community if they have a clear positioning, a sound strategy and a strong sense of autonomy. Singapore's continued prosperity is a testament to the effectiveness of the foundation laid by Lee Kuan Yew and to his view in his later years that national independence and autonomy remain the key to national strength, even in today's globalised world.

Lee Kuan Yew bluntly said in his later years: Although Singapore is a Chinese country, it will not "return to the motherland"

Lee Kuan Yew's views in his later years and his legendary life have not only profoundly influenced Singapore, but also provided valuable lessons for other countries around the world to develop independently. Singapore's development experience shows that a country's prosperity depends not only on natural resources and geographical location, but also on the vision of its leadership and the solidarity of its citizens. This is an eternal truth, both for Singapore and for the rest of the world.