
Today is the day when "Rebus" released Xiaomi cars, and I have always admired Mr. Lei, who has long been free in wealth, and is no longer the poorest time when there is only a cold 30 lying on the account

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Today is the day when "Rebus" released Xiaomi cars, and I have always admired Mr. Lei, who has long been free in wealth, and it is no longer the time when there was only a cold 3 billion lying on the account when he was the poorest. In order to build a good car, Mr. Lei drove more than 150 cars in the three years of preparing to build a car, just to let himself understand the car and understand the trend, so that he can really create a competitive car in line with the market. Mr. Lei has made great efforts in terms of battery, intelligent driving, thermal efficiency and body this time, and I am also very optimistic about Mr. Lei's feelings, and I really look forward to the final price, looking forward to the real strength of this car, if the price is right, will you buy it?#小米SU7发布 Launched in the first half of 2024# #小米汽车#

Today is the day when "Rebus" released Xiaomi cars, and I have always admired Mr. Lei, who has long been free in wealth, and is no longer the poorest time when there is only a cold 30 lying on the account
Today is the day when "Rebus" released Xiaomi cars, and I have always admired Mr. Lei, who has long been free in wealth, and is no longer the poorest time when there is only a cold 30 lying on the account
Today is the day when "Rebus" released Xiaomi cars, and I have always admired Mr. Lei, who has long been free in wealth, and is no longer the poorest time when there is only a cold 30 lying on the account

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