
Watching TV is all extravagant consumption? The elderly don't know how to use it, and the young people don't like to watch it! The people are miserable


Once upon a time, the TV at home was a window to the outside world, gathering the laughter of the whole family. But nowadays, watching TV seems to have become a luxury. For older people, this is a technological challenge, while younger people are increasingly indifferent to TV screens.

Watching TV is all extravagant consumption? The elderly don't know how to use it, and the young people don't like to watch it! The people are miserable

The "problem" of watching TV for the elderly

Imagine your grandparents want to learn about the world through television, but find that having a TV is not enough. First of all, they have to deal with the high price of the TV itself. After buying home, if you want to watch a variety of programs, you also need to apply for additional broadband services, which is a big expense for many retirees.

However, even if you apply for broadband, it is not so simple to watch live programs. The once convenient TV home app is gone, and now they need to apply for cable TV services separately, which is another expense. Even so, there are some special programs that require an additional fee to watch, which is undoubtedly "worse" for many seniors.

Watching TV is all extravagant consumption? The elderly don't know how to use it, and the young people don't like to watch it! The people are miserable

The Transformation of Young People: Leaving Traditional TV

On the other hand, young people's TV viewing Xi habits are changing dramatically. With the popularization of the Internet and smartphones, young people are more inclined to watch content through streaming platforms and video apps. They can choose their favorite shows anytime, anywhere, and are no longer limited by TV show schedules. As a result, traditional television sets and television programs are gradually becoming marginalized in the lives of young people.

Watching TV is all extravagant consumption? The elderly don't know how to use it, and the young people don't like to watch it! The people are miserable

New package for radio and television: does it really solve the problem?

In this context, radio and television has launched a new live TV package, trying to provide a solution to the problem of difficulty in watching TV. These packages do provide a more stable, high-quality viewing experience to a certain extent. But at the same time, their fees are still an issue for many families to consider. Especially for the elderly with limited means, such an expense may still be a significant burden.

Watching TV is all extravagant consumption? The elderly don't know how to use it, and the young people don't like to watch it! The people are miserable


In short, television, as a traditional form of media, is facing unprecedented challenges under the dual influence of technological progress and changes in consumption Xi. Watching TV is becoming increasingly difficult for older people, while younger people are turning to new ways of consuming media. In the midst of such a transformation, we can't help but wonder

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