
Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

author:Old Zhou Kan chatted

Hu Bing, a name, is a handsome man who became the son of the president of a department store in 2001 in "Pink Girl" starring Chen Hao, Liu Ruoying and others. His height is more than one meter eight, his delicate facial features, and his piercing and powerful eyes are unforgettable. However, his modeling career was not all smooth sailing, and his initial dream of being an athlete came to an abrupt end with a sudden pain in his lower back, but he stepped into the modeling industry by chance and won the national male model competition in one fell swoop.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

Encounters and misses on the road to acting

Subsequently, Hu Bing embarked on the road of acting, and became a screen couple with Qu Ying in "True Confession", and the two not only performed a strong love in the play, but also had ambiguous feelings in reality. However, Qu Ying made it clear that work and life needed to be separated, leaving Hu Bing in a situation of hesitation and lack of confidence.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

The Shadow of First Love: The Story of Hu Bing and Bao Haiqing

In the ups and downs of the relationship, Hu Bing once had a first love, falling in love with Bao Haiqing, a leader in the modeling industry. However, due to age and career differences, this relationship was eventually opposed by Hu Bing's parents. What surprised him even more was that after the breakup, Bao Haiqing chose to become a monk and became a thorn in Hu Bing's heart.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

Missing the moment of love: the intersection and separation of Hu Bing and Qu Ying

Hu Bing has always liked Qu Ying, but for various reasons, he didn't dare to confess. In a show, he said frankly: "When I was about to take this step, she fell in love with Luo Zhongxu, and when I wanted to speak again, she got along with Li Yapeng again." This seems to validate the saying "every time I want to say I like you, there is always someone else around you".

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

Companionship and miss: Luo Zhongxu's car accident and Qu Ying's emotional twists and turns

Luo Zhongxu was unexpectedly in a car accident, and Qu Ying put down her work after learning the news and took care of his daily life wholeheartedly. However, after recovering, Luo Zhongxu hid from Qu Ying and started a new relationship with a Korean actress. When Qu Ying was sad, Hu Bing was always by her side and became her most trusted friend.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

Intricate feelings: Qu Ying's love twists and turns

Qu Ying's emotional road is also full of twists and turns, and her relationship with Li Yapeng is not smooth, and Li Yapeng actually sparked with Zhou Xun during the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which made Qu Ying leave sadly. ushered in a new relationship again, but because of his humble dedication, he exchanged for the scandal between Zhang Yadong and Mok Wenwei. Qu Ying had no choice but to leave, while Hu Bing was always by her side to witness all her ups and downs and helplessness.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

True love without regrets: Hu Bing's perseverance and confession

In Qu Ying's emotional experience, Hu Bing has always been the partner who never leaves. Qu Ying said frankly: "I have a relationship with Hu Bing, he is very good to me, only I can lose my temper with him." Hu Bing's love for Qu Ying was forbearant and thick, and finally in an opportunity to confess, he said: "I like you from beginning to end, I like you like the way you are." However, at this time, the two could no longer be lovers, and could only become friends for life.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

Single years: Hu Bing's two major regrets

Today, Hu Bing is 52 years old and still single. His love for Qu Ying seems to have become one of the two major regrets in his life. Although Qu Ying and Hu Bing are also single, they have not been able to get together for various reasons. In the intertwining of life, some feelings are destined to be missed, and it can only be said that fate dictates that neither party is each other's true destiny. Perhaps, they will be accompanied by friends and relatives until they grow old, which is also a kind of happiness.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

Different Expressions of Love: Hu Bing and Qu Ying's Realistic Path

Why can't the two single stars be together? Maybe Qu Ying has never sparked love for Hu Bing, maybe she was once moved, but it can't be called love. It may also be because they are too familiar, they have been friends for decades, and it is difficult to treat each other as lovers. Whatever the reason, this is already the result of things and people, and feelings are missed. Hu Bing and Qu Ying may grow old together as friends and relatives in the future, which is also a kind of happiness.

Hu Bing, who is still single at the age of 52, revealed the truth that there is no Qu Ying together: heart-piercing and realistic

A heart-piercing but realistic love story

The love story of Hu Bing and Qu Ying is heart-piercing and full of reality. Behind the bright stars in the entertainment industry, they also have the same emotional experience as ordinary people, the same ups and downs and twists and turns. Perhaps, this is the truth that life gives to everyone, making people sigh about the ups and downs and difficulties on the emotional road. Whether it's a celebrity or an ordinary person, love is a journey of perseverance and abandonment, and every love story deserves to be remembered.

The above content materials come from the Internet and do not represent the author's point of view

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