
Winter is the "golden period" for brain supplementation, give children more walnuts, black beans and other foods to improve memory

author:Director Sun talked about popular science

Winter, a season endowed with a unique charm by nature, not only makes the earth covered in silver, but also brings a special gift to our health. In this cold season, have you ever thought that in our warm home, a "brain revolution" is quietly going on about the future of children? Yes, winter is not only a snowy romance, but also a "golden period" for brain replenishment and intellectual improvement.

Imagine the pride and joy your child feels when they can easily memorize complex scientific formulas in school, or answer questions smartly in class? Scientific studies have shown that certain foods, such as walnuts and black beans, are rich in nutrients that promote brain development and memory improvement. During the winter months, the effects of these foods are multiplied, helping children to take a leap forward during a critical period of brain development.

You may be asking, "Is this really possible? Can my child benefit from this?" Let me take you through this article to reveal the science behind winter brain supplements, share practical nutrition tips, and how to incorporate these "sources of wisdom" into your child's daily diet. You'll discover that supporting your child's brain health and intellectual development isn't a distant dream, but a reality that can be achieved with simple dietary adjustments.

Read on to discover how you can contribute to your child's brain health and intelligence this winter.

Winter is the "golden period" for brain supplementation, give children more walnuts, black beans and other foods to improve memory

Winter Brain Supplement: Revealing the Magical Connection Between Seasons and Intellectual Development

To explore why winter is considered a "golden period" for brain replenishment, we first need to understand the subtle connection between human biorhythms and environmental factors. In winter, due to the decrease in daylight hours and the drop in temperature, the human endocrine system changes, especially the regulation of neurotransmitters in the brain. This change, though subtle, has an important impact on the brain's ability to learn Xi and remember.

Association of seasonal changes with brain activity

Sunshine hours and sleep rhythms:

The shortened hours of daylight in winter affect the body's circadian rhythm. Studies have shown that changes in circadian rhythms affect cognitive function in the brain, including memory and Xi ability. Proper adjustment of sleep and activity patterns can help the brain better adapt to this seasonal change.

Brain metabolism and energy utilization:

In winter, the body increases its energy metabolism in order to stay warm. This metabolic activity also affects the brain, especially the absorption and utilization of nutrients by the brain. Supplementing with proper brain nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, can promote brain health and cognitive function.

The importance of nutritional supplementation

Enhance the nutritional needs of the brain:

During the cold season, the body's need for certain nutrients increases. For example, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are especially important for maintaining brain health during the winter months. These nutrients are essential for maintaining the health of nerve cells and facilitating the transmission of nerve signals.

Winter is the "golden period" for brain supplementation, give children more walnuts, black beans and other foods to improve memory

Walnuts: Your brain's best nutritional partner

Walnuts are not only a delicious nut, but also a treasure trove of brain health. It plays an indispensable role in the winter brain toning. Let's dive into how walnuts can be an effective food to boost your child's memory and intelligence.

Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

Walnuts are extremely high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are key nutrients necessary for brain development and maintenance. Omega-3 fatty acids have an important impact on children's brain health and cognitive function, especially memory and learning Xi. They help build and maintain nerve cell membranes, which facilitates the efficient transmission of nerve signals.

A natural source of antioxidants

Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenolic compounds, which are able to fight free radical damage. Free radicals are one of the main factors that contribute to cell aging and functional decline, especially in brain cells. By ingesting walnuts, the brain can be effectively protected from oxidative stress, which can help maintain cognitive function and memory.

Trace elements that promote brain health

Walnuts are also rich in trace elements, such as zinc and iron, which are essential for the proper functioning of the brain. They play a key role in neurotransmission and cognitive processes, and deficiencies in these trace elements may affect a child's learning ability and memory Xi.

A simple and easy way to eat

Incorporating walnuts into your child's daily diet is a simple and effective way to do this. Whether eaten straight, added to breakfast oatmeal, or as a healthy snack, walnuts are a delicious and nutritious option. To maintain its nutritional value, it is recommended to eat it raw or lightly roasted.

Winter is the "golden period" for brain supplementation, give children more walnuts, black beans and other foods to improve memory

Black beans: A natural brain catalyst

Black beans are not only the foundation of traditional cuisine, but also a natural catalyst for children's intelligence and memory. This common bean is rich in nutrients and is especially important for children to replenish their brains during the cold winter months.

Nutritional value at a glance

The key nutrients contained in black beans, such as protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, directly affect brain function. In particular, it is worth mentioning that:

High-quality protein: Essential for children's brain development, it helps in the construction and repair of nerve cells.

Rich in iron and zinc: These trace elements have a significant impact on memory, concentration and Xi ability.

Antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, can protect brain cells and prevent free radical damage to brain cells.

Practical application

Parents can incorporate black beans into their children's daily diet with simple cooking methods. For example, black bean porridge, black bean soup, or black bean bread, these recipes are not only nutritious but also easy to make. In addition, after black beans are ground into flour, they can be used as raw materials for baked goods, which not only increases the nutritional value of food, but also does not affect the taste experience of children.


Although black beans are highly nutritious, they should also be consumed in moderation to avoid indigestion caused by excessive amounts. For children with a history of specific food allergies, a doctor or dietitian should be advised before introducing new foods. Combine other nutritious foods, such as vegetables and fruits, with the right combination to ensure a balanced nutrition and promote your child's overall development.

Winter is the "golden period" for brain supplementation, give children more walnuts, black beans and other foods to improve memory

Wisdom Choice: More Brain Supplements!

Walnuts and black beans aren't the only options when it comes to seeking to improve your child's memory and intelligence. Many other foods are also rich in nutrients that are good for the brain and can help children take a leap in brain power during the winter months. Here are some recommendations for foods that are effective for brain supplementation, each of which is ideal for your child's winter diet.

Fish: a gas station for the brain

Why it matters: Fish, especially oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and salmon, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important components of brain cells. Omega-3s not only help brain cells repair, but also promote the formation of new neural connections, which are essential for improving Xi and memory.

What to do: Prepare grilled salmon or fish salad for your child to not only be delicious, but also provide the nutrients your brain needs.

Eggs: Complete brain nutrition

Features: Eggs are a well-rounded source of nutrients, especially the yolk is rich in choline, a key component in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps improve cognitive function.

Suggested Serving Method: Try making omelettes, steamed eggs, or egg salad, simple cooking methods that maximize the nutrients of the eggs.

Winter is the "golden period" for brain supplementation, give children more walnuts, black beans and other foods to improve memory

Dark green vegetables: a green treasure trove of intelligence

Nutritional value: Dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale are rich in vitamin K, folate, and iron, nutrients that are essential for brain development, especially in promoting nerve cell growth and maintaining cognitive function.

Pairing: These vegetables can be added to stir-fries, soups or salads to provide a delicious and healthy diet for your child.

Nuts & Seeds: A Little Treasure Trove of Brainpower

Benefits: Various nuts and seeds, such as almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds, are rich in antioxidants and high amounts of vitamin E, and long-term consumption can help prevent cognitive function from deteriorating with age.

How to eat: Snack them or sprinkle them on breakfast cereals and salads for both flavor and nutrition.

Berries: a sweet source of brain power

Benefits: Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries and blackberries, are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, which have a positive effect on improving memory and preventing brain aging.

Recommended Eating Method: As a natural dessert, or mixed into yogurt and oats,

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