
"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?

author:China's well-off network

As the saying goes, "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and don't work for doctors to prescribe", and it is also said that "eat radish and ginseng in winter". Winter is coming, many people choose to eat some radish to tonic, why should we eat radish in winter? How to eat to achieve the effect of health preservation? Let's talk about it.

Why should you eat radish in winter?

According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, radish is also known as sulforaphane, radish, reed, camelina root, cool in nature, sweet and pungent, enters the spleen, stomach and lung meridians, and has the effect of clearing phlegm and heat, dissipating accumulation and stagnation, and reducing the width of the lower qi, and is mainly used to treat phlegm and fever, cough, food accumulation, abdominal distention, vomiting and acid reflux.

"Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer" and "eat radish and ginseng in winter" and other sayings, the radish referred to is mainly white radish. The cold air in winter will make people's yang energy converge inward, and at the same time, the opportunity for people to sweat and dissipate heat is relatively reduced, and they tend to eat a lot of beef, mutton and other hot foods, so in winter, lung fire and stomach fire often occur, resulting in indigestion, dry mouth and sore throat, and stagnation of qi, and eating white radish can dissipate internal heat, lower qi wide, and dissipate accumulation and stagnation.

Benefits of eating radishes in winter

  • White radish is eaten raw, and cooked food strengthens the spleen

Zhongyun in "Materia Medica: Grain and Vegetable Department": "Sulforaphane is commonly used as a radish, and Xin Gan is soil. Raw food raises gas, cooked food lowers. Widen and dissolve phlegm, disperse stasis and eliminate food. It shows that the pungent taste of raw radish is heavier, and the pungent taste is divergent, so it is biased towards the middle of the lower qi, which is suitable for eating and bloating.

Cooked radish is sweet and biased towards strengthening the spleen, "Suixingju Diet Recipe" cloud: "The cooked one is sweet and warm, the lower qi is harmonious, the spleen is transported to food, the raw jin liquid, the wind and cold, and the fat and healthy people." ”

  • Prevents constipation and aids digestion

Radish contains a lot of vitamins, but also rich in dietary fiber, and the water content is also very high, which can replenish water to the human body and accelerate the body's metabolism. Therefore, patients with constipation can eat some radish in their daily life, which may improve the symptoms of constipation and reduce the incidence of colon cancer.

  • Improves the body's immunity

Radish is rich in vitamin C, lignin, a variety of active enzymes, can play a role in enhancing immunity, of which vitamin C can help eliminate waste in the body, promote the body's metabolism, which is rich in enzymes can also play a role in promoting digestion, help dissolve the stomach food accumulation, prevent stomach pain and stomach ulcers.

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"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?

White radish

White radish has a slightly spicy taste, it contains a variety of nutrients are more average, in which the content of protein is low, but because it contains mustard oil, amylase and crude fiber, etc., it has the effect of promoting digestion, enhancing appetite, speeding up gastrointestinal peristalsis and cough and phlegm.

White radish is eaten raw to promote digestion, and cooked can replenish qi and smooth qi, especially when stewed with pork, mutton, etc., the effect is better.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?


The skin of the green radish is emerald green, and the end of the buried part is jade-white. The whole radish is sweet and less spicy on the top, and gradually increases in spiciness at the end.

Green radish contains fewer calories, and it is easy to feel full after eating, which helps to lose weight. Green radish is also good for relieving dry skin, dry mouth and thirst, and constipation.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?

Red heart radish

Radish is rich in anthocyanins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can anti-aging, enhance blood vessel elasticity, improve vision, and make the skin smoother.

Red radish also has the effect of boosting immunity, lowering cholesterol, protecting the heart, and fighting cancer. In addition, the iron content of red heart radish is higher than that of other radish.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?


Carrots are spherical in shape, the color of the root bark is red, and the flesh color is white. The carrots are full of moisture, crisp and tender, slightly sweet, and slightly spicy.

Carrots contain a lot of fiber, B vitamins and other substances that can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help the discharge of waste products in the body, and have a good therapeutic effect on constipation and pimples. Carrots also contain a lot of iron, which helps to replenish blood.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?


Although carrots are also called radishes, they are not in the same family as white radishes (radishes belong to the genus Radish in the cruciferous family, and carrots belong to the genus Carrots in the family Umbellifera).

Although carrots are not radishes, their nutritional value is extremely high, and they are known as "little ginseng". Carrots are rich in vitamins, anthocyanins, calcium, iron and other nutrients, and also rich in β carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the human body, effectively improving eye fatigue and dryness.

Carrots contain fat-soluble vitamins, and it is best to cut them into pieces and stew them in a pressure cooker with meat to increase the absorption rate of carotene.

5 kinds of collocation, pattern health

1. White radish + mutton: warm the stomach

Eating mutton in winter can dispel the cold, warm the heart and stomach, and also replenish qi and blood, nourish the liver, and improve blood circulation.

If it is stewed and eaten with white radish with a cooling effect, it not only dissolves phlegm and pours fire, but also can relieve greasy and make nutrition complementary.

"Eat radish and ginseng in winter", what kind of radish is it talking about?

▲ Source: Calle Pictures. Photo by Jia Qiong

2. White radish + vinegar: appetizing and promoting digestion

The mustard oil and dietary fiber in radish can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help the excretion of waste products from the body.

If it is paired with vinegar, it has a better appetizing effect on digestion, especially suitable for people who have no appetite and indigestion. But people who have too much stomach acid or have stomach problems should avoid eating it.

3. White radish + pear: clear away heat and moisten the lungs

Pears have the effect of moistening the lungs and cooling the heart, eliminating phlegm and removing fire, and squeezing juice with white radish can not only cover up the spicy taste of white radish, but also double the therapeutic effect.

In winter, people with a bad spleen and stomach, if they can't drink too cold juice, they can also boil the two together and drink it.

4. White radish + crucian carp: spleen and dampness

White radish and crucian carp boiled soup has the effect of warming the middle and lowering the qi, strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness.

This soup is also wonderful on the "Erbai" ingredients, white radish soaked in milky white fish soup, which makes people very appetizing when they look at it.

5. White radish + green onion: prevent colds

Winter is a time when wind chills and colds are common. After being infected with wind and cold, people will be afraid of cold, wind, sweat less, nasal congestion and runny nose, cough with phlegm, and should eat some food that makes people feverish.

Boiling green onions, ginger slices and white radish slices together has the effect of dissipating cold and relieving cough, and this soup can also prevent colds.

Source: Xiaokang Toutiao WeChat public account comprehensive CCTV life circle, Wuhan CDC health promotion, healthy Beijing, healthy Yan'an, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall (some pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

Editor-in-charge: Tian Yuanhuaying

Review: Wang Fang

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