
Olive oil is not only cooking oil, experts: it acts as a protective "heart guard" in the kitchen

author:Dr. Chan Hua-hsien

The kitchen is a vibrant and welcoming place in our daily lives, and it is not only the center of family gatherings, but also the birthplace of healthy eating. However, did you know that in this culinary mecca lurks a silent "heart guard" – olive oil. This bottle of ordinary cooking oil, confirmed by cardiologists, has a cardiovascular protective effect that cannot be ignored.

Every year, millions of people suffer from heart disease, which silently threatens our health and quality of life. But there's good news: with simple dietary changes, we can prevent this risk to some extent. Among the many health foods, olive oil has become a powerful ally for heart health due to its unique nutritional value and health benefits.

Olive oil is not only cooking oil, experts: it acts as a protective "heart guard" in the kitchen

Olive oil: the golden liquid in the kitchen

Olive oil, often referred to as the heart of the Mediterranean diet, is not only due to its unique flavor, but also to its rich health benefits. As a naturally derived vegetable oil, olive oil is valued far beyond culinary boundaries and plays an important role in cardiovascular health, in particular.

Types of Olive Oil: Behind the Choice

Olive oil can be divided into several types according to the processing process and quality:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): The highest quality, without any chemical treatment, preserving the most nutrients and natural flavors.

Virgin Olive Oil: Slightly lower quality than extra virgin, but still untreated.

Refined Olive Oil: Refined to remove impurities for a milder taste.

Olive Pomace Oil: Extracted from olive pomace and refined, it is suitable for high-temperature cooking.

Nutritional value: the source of olive oil health

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, which is particularly beneficial for cardiovascular health. This fatty acid helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels while raising good cholesterol (HDL). In addition, olive oil contains a variety of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which fight free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage, helping to reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Comparison with other cooking oils: the wisdom of choice

Olive oil is higher in monounsaturated fatty acids than commonly used vegetable oils such as corn oil and soybean oil, making it a better choice for heart health. At the same time, olive oil has a higher smoke point, especially refined olive oil, which is suitable for high-temperature cooking, such as frying, etc.

Olive oil is not only cooking oil, experts: it acts as a protective "heart guard" in the kitchen

The Oily Guardian of Cardiovascular Health: The Scientific Power of Olive Oil

Heart disease, a pervasive health threat in modern society, has been the focus of medical research. Among numerous studies, olive oil has received particular attention for its potential benefits for heart health. Olive oil is more than just a cooking oil, it's the "heart guard" of the kitchen.

Key ingredient: cardioprotectant in olive oil

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, which is extremely beneficial for heart health. Oleic acid helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol, while raising levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol. This cholesterol balance is essential for preventing atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

Olive oil also contains a variety of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols. These antioxidants are able to reduce the amount of free radicals in the body, which are key factors in the development of heart disease and other diseases. By reducing oxidative stress, olive oil helps protect the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Research confirms: the cardiovascular benefits of olive oil

Several studies have confirmed the positive effects of olive oil on heart health. For example, a long-term epidemiological study showed that people who regularly consumed olive oil had lower rates of heart disease. The studies not only focused on olive oil consumption, but also considered a variety of factors such as dietary Xi and lifestyle to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the effects of olive oil on heart health.

Practical application: Integrating olive oil into everyday life

Given these benefits of olive oil, we encourage the moderate use of olive oil in the daily diet, especially for coleslaw and cooking. It is important to note, though, that although olive oil is good for the heart, any food should be consumed in moderation, and excessive amounts may result in excessive calorie intake.

Olive oil is not only cooking oil, experts: it acts as a protective "heart guard" in the kitchen

Guidelines for the Use of Olive Oil: Lubricants for Healthy Living

Olive oil is known as an important part of a healthy diet, especially for the maintenance of heart health. However, it is equally important to use olive oil correctly. This section will explain how to use olive oil on a daily basis and suggest some important considerations.

Choose the right type of olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil: suitable for low-temperature cooking and seasoning, it retains more nutrients.

Refined olive oil: good for high-temperature cooking, but with fewer nutrients.

Temperature control while cooking

Olive oil decomposes at high temperatures, losing its health benefits. Avoid using olive oil at temperatures above 200 degrees Celsius.

For extra virgin olive oil, it is best used for low-temperature cooking or as a salad dressing and dip.

Storage of olive oil

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Keep the finish clean to avoid airborne contaminants entering the bottle.

Daily intake

Despite its health benefits, olive oil should also be used in moderation. The recommended daily intake is no more than two tablespoons.

The combination of olive oil with other healthy foods

Olive oil can be paired with a variety of vegetables, fish, and whole grain foods to enhance flavor and nutritional value.

Pay attention to the variation in the quality of the olive oil

If the olive oil has an off-flavored smell or color change, it may indicate that it has gone bad and should be discontinued.

The above recommendations are based on research and expertise in olive oil and are intended to provide concrete, practical guidance to help you make better use of olive oil for your health. Remember, as good as olive oil is, moderation is key.

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