
A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

author:Resourceful historiography

In an antique study, in the dim light, a young historian stares at the ancient books in front of him. The pages are yellowed, and the handwriting on them is old and deep, as if telling the secrets of a thousand years ago. His brows tightened, and the pen in his hand swiped lightly across the paper, leaving a curious question: "A good man does not marry a red Fusang, and a good woman does not marry a big horse monkey, what exactly do 'red Fusang' and 'big horse monkey' mean?"

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

The wind outside the window gently blows the curtains, and the atmosphere in the study seems to become more mysterious. The historian's eyes are fixed on the pages, as if trying to decipher some deep meaning from these ancient texts. This question is not only a curiosity about ancient words, but also a pursuit of a deeper understanding of history and culture.

Just as he was immersed in his thoughts on these mysterious words, a sharp knock on the door broke the silence of the study. He looked up, a flash of surprise in his eyes. Outside the door, a mysterious figure dressed in classical costume stood with a seemingly ancient scroll in his hand.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

The historian's heart beats faster, and he feels like he's about to unravel a historical mystery. The unexpected visitor, the scroll in his hand, and the old words all heralded a suspenseful story that was about to unfold.

Phantom Red Fusang: The Temptation and Misunderstanding of the Red Face

At a spring banquet in ancient times, the flamboyance of the red fusang attracted everyone's attention. This flower is considered a symbol of red and bad water because of its bright red and fiery color. In the sun, the petals shine brightly, as if they are a touch of beauty in nature.

At the banquet, a young genius stood in front of Hongfusang, his eyes revealing deep fascination. He stroked the petals and couldn't help but say with emotion: "The beauty of Red Fusang is like those beauties who have captivated the country and the city, which is both charming and dangerous. Their beauty is so hot that it seems to be able to burn everything. ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

Beside him, an old man who had gone through vicissitudes heard these words. He walked over, looked at the young man with weathered eyes, and responded lightly: "Young man, don't be fooled by appearances, true beauty is not just external. Although the red Fusang is beautiful, its life is short, and its beauty does not last. ”

Caizi turned his head in some surprise and looked at the old man. The old man continued: "People often compare red fusang to red face and bad water, but this is actually a misunderstanding of beauty. True beauty is inner quality and intelligence, not just physical appearance. ”

Caizi was silent for a moment, then nodded in understanding. He said: "Your words have taught me that true beauty should not be superficial. ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

The banquet continued, and the red fuso still shone brightly in the sun. But now, the eyes of the genius are no longer just obsessed with its outer beauty, but begin to think about the inner beauty that has been overlooked.

This conversation made many of those present begin to rethink the deeper meaning behind the troubles. The beauty of Red Fuso, although short-lived, is also a miracle of nature. And those inner beauty, like the wisdom of the elderly, are inconspicuous, but more lasting and far-reaching.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

As night fell, the banquet ended, and the red fuso gradually fell silent in the moonlight. On the way home, the words of the old man echoed in his heart, and he had a deeper understanding of beauty. He understood that true beauty is a kind of light that radiates from the inside out, and it is a kind of wisdom and tolerance that does not judge people by their appearance.

The face of the long history

As the discussion of the Red Fusang gradually dissipated, a scholar slowly stood up, his voice particularly clear in the hustle and bustle of the spring banquet. He began to tell a famous story in history about a woman who was forced to marry far away because of her beauty, Wang Zhaojun.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

"Wang Zhaojun, because of his beauty, was forced to marry the distant Xiongnu Shan Yu. The scholar's voice carried a hint of emotion, and his eyes flashed with awe of history, "Her story is an interweaving of beauty and tragedy, showing a woman's helplessness and bravery in the long river of history." ”

After hearing this, an official pondered for a moment, and then said with a sigh: "But her wisdom and sacrifice brought peace to the country." She is not only a symbol of beauty, but also the embodiment of wisdom and courage, and doesn't that deserve our respect?"

"That's true. The scholar nodded in agreement, "Wang Zhaojun's story reminds us that true beauty is not just about appearance. Her wisdom and sacrifice are her true beauty. ”

Another young scribe chimed in: "Wang Zhaojun's story also shows us that women in history are not only representatives of beauty, but also of their inner qualities. ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

With this conversation, the atmosphere at the banquet became more contemplative. People began to talk about other women in history, whose stories were not just about beauty, but more about wisdom, courage and sacrifice.

The scholar continues to tell the story of Wang Zhaojun, who describes her life in a foreign country, how she won the respect of the Xiongnu with her wisdom and charm, and how she contributed to the peace between the two countries. Her story is not only a legend of beauty, but also a legend of female strength and wisdom.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

At the end of the banquet, the conversation still revolved around Wang Zhaojun. Her story became a revelation, reminding everyone present that true beauty is not only in physical appearance, but also in a person's intelligence, character, and contribution to society.

As the night darkens, the moonlight shines on the red hibiscus, and the petals sway gently in the breeze. Although the banquet ended, Wang Zhaojun's story and deep understanding of beauty left an indelible mark on everyone's hearts.

The hero is sad to pass the beauty pass: the red face from the male perspective

While the afterglow of that spring banquet was still alive, another gathering of literati was held in the soft moonlight. A group of literati and artists sat around the garden, arguing about various topics of beauty, wisdom, and history. The young poets are full of passion, while the experienced old ones are more thoughtful.

The young poet stood up, his eyes full of passion and challenge. He chanted: "'Heroes are sad to pass the beauty pass', how many heroes are subverted because of their red faces. These stories in history tell us how great the power of the red face and the water is. ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

His poems aroused a lot of discussion among the literati present. Everyone discussed the heroes and beauties of history, and the complex relationship between them.

At this time, an experienced old poet slowly stood up, his voice calm and powerful: "But in history, many of the so-called 'red faces and troubles' are actually caused by men's own ambitions and mistakes. We can't simply shift the blame to women. ”

He continued: "History should be fair, and we cannot ignore the true face of women who have been wrongly labelled as woes. Many of them have shown great wisdom and courage. ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

The young poet was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement. He responded: "You are right, the truth of history is far more complex than the verses we chant. We should look at these stories more holistically. ”

This discussion stimulated the thinking of the literati present. They began to revisit those historical stories and explore their deeper meanings. One scribe proposed: "We should remember that history is not only an epic of heroes, but also the stories of women who have been misunderstood and overlooked. ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

Another scholar went on to say: "It is true that history is a complex picture of many interwoven factors. We should try to understand each actor's position and situation, rather than simply blaming a group. ”

As the discussion deepened, everyone began to realize that the truth of history is far beyond a single perspective. Everyone is rethinking their past understanding of these stories, trying to look at history from a more just and holistic perspective.

It was late at night, and the moonlight rippled gently on the surface of the lake in the garden. The literati found a consensus in the discussion: history is multidimensional, and each character has its own unique story and value. With new knowledge and understanding, they slowly dispersed, and those historical stories seemed to have gained new life in the moonlight.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

Modern Vision: Re-evaluating the Troubled Water

With the changes of the times, the understanding of "red face and troubled water" has indeed undergone subtle changes. The concept, once widely used in history and culture to describe women who are seen as causing disasters or unrest, is increasingly being re-evaluated and interpreted.

At a modern academic symposium, this topic was hotly discussed. Under the lights, the scholars sat together, and the enthusiasm of the discussion seemed to ignite the air around them. The atmosphere of the seminar was both serious and lively, and everyone was enthusiastic and interested in the topic.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

A middle-aged female scholar, dressed in simple professional attire, her eyes reveal firmness and wisdom. "Now, we're more inclined to look at women in history from a new perspective," she said. They are no longer mere calamities, but witnesses and participants of the times. Her words were sonorous and powerful, causing many people present to think deeply.

Immediately afterward, a young historian, whose appearance and temperament reveal the elite air of the academic community, took up the topic and said: "Indeed, by looking at history through a more comprehensive and unbiased lens, we can understand the past and the present more deeply." His words reveal respect for history and the pursuit of truth.

An old scholar dressed in traditional clothes, his hair graying but still shining with wisdom in his eyes, interjected softly: "We cannot ignore the women who have been misunderstood and ignored in the long course of history, and their stories are equally worthy of being recorded and told." ”

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

There was a brief silence on the field, and everyone was thinking about the old scholar's words.

Immediately afterward, a young female researcher stood up, she looked energetic, her voice clear and determined: "We should be committed to digging up the real stories that have been buried by history, so that these women's voices can be heard." Her words struck a chord with everyone present.

A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a big horse monkey, what are "red Fusang" and "big horse monkey"?

The discussion gradually became intense, and everyone actively expressed their opinions. Some people talk about famous women in history, others analyze the changing roles of contemporary women, and there is no shortage of quotations and vivid examples in the discussion.

Towards the end of the discussion, the moderator concluded: "Today's discussion is very meaningful, it is not only a review of history, but also a reflection on the future. We should learn from history Xi look at women in every era with a more open and inclusive mind. ”

With the applause, the discussion ended successfully. Each participant left the venue with a harvest and reflection, and this modern interpretation of "red face and troubled water" undoubtedly added new perspective and depth to their academic exploration.


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