
The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million


The reason why the ancients were keen on power was that in addition to enjoying the pleasure of controlling power, they could also have endless material enjoyment. The excessive pursuit of power by the ancients is not without benefits for modern people, and they have left countless treasures to future generations, especially the royal family.

In 2007, a collector in the mainland showed everyone his collection of Qing Dynasty dragon beds for many years, which was a sensation. According to experts, this dragon bed was slept by the emperor during the Qing Dynasty, and it is of excellent quality, and the experts also recommended that the collector hand over the treasure to the state, which will take better care of it.

So, is this advice justified and how did the collector respond?

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

Picture: Screenshot of the information of the people visiting the dragon bed of the Qing Dynasty

1. Cultural relics weighing up to three tons

A good antique can change a person's quality of life in minutes. However, antiques are very evil, and few people can get the real thing, even if it is left by their ancestors, they dare not guarantee that it is genuine.

The reason why people love to collect antiques is that in addition to its own value, it can also be used to study history. Because of this, after the antiques became popular, so many collectors emerged.

Lin Rengui is also a collector of cultural relics, and his ability to distinguish cultural relics is very strong, as long as he collects them, they are basically very valuable. In 2007, Lin Rengui showed off his most proud collection: a three-ton dragon bed.

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

Photo: Screenshot of identification of cultural relics

As soon as the dragon bed came out, it immediately caused a sensation, and there were not a few collectors like Lin Rengui who knew how to identify, and collectors and experts were full of doubts about the dragon bed, thinking that this bed was the dragon bed during the Qing Dynasty.

After professional identification, it was found that this bed is made of agarwood, you know, agarwood is very precious, and it is tribute wood, ordinary people don't talk about enjoyment, and they don't even have the opportunity to see it.

This kind of tree is a scarce item even in the palace, and it is usually used to make small items such as bracelets, which is fashionable and healthy to wear on the hand, however, Lin Rengui's collection of dragon beds uses three tons of agarwood, so you can imagine how high the value of this dragon bed is.

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

Image: Screenshot of precious agarwood material

Second, the value of the dragon bed

In ancient times, small objects such as bracelets made of agarwood were valuables and only nobles were eligible to use them.

This dragon bed is made of excellent material and top-notch workmanship, and there are many lifelike dragons carved on the bed, which is already extremely expensive.

Coupled with the fact that the identity of the owner of this dragon bed is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, it makes the dragon bed more meaningful and more valuable as a cultural relic. After the experts appraised it, they gave a high evaluation, which aroused the reverie of countless people.

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

Image: Screenshot of the ornamental data carved on the dragon bed

3. The origin of the dragon bed

However, Lin Rengui is not a descendant of the royal family, so how did he come to have this dragon bed in his hand? Could it be that it was stolen? There are so many people robbing tombs for money, could Lin Rengui also be a tomb robber who robs tombs in the guise of being a collector? Otherwise, there are so many collectors in China, how can he be the only one who has such a valuable dragon bed in his hand?

These questions, maybe Lin Rengui had already considered before showing the dragon bed, Lin Rengui said with certainty that he was neither a descendant of the royal family, nor a tomb robber, the reason why he had this dragon bed was also obtained by accident, and it cost a great price.

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

The picture comes from the Internet: Lin Rengui's collection of dragon beds

Fourth, get the dragon bed

As a real collector, Lin Rengui is especially fond of antique furniture, and most of his collection is furniture. Friends around him know about his hobby, and they will introduce him when they have resources, and the dragon bed is obtained under the introduction of friends.

Once, a friend introduced him to a family in Shandong that was a descendant of the royal family, and there was a dragon bed from the Qing Dynasty. As soon as Lin Rengui heard that the other party was a descendant of the royal family and that there was a dragon bed at home, he immediately became energetic, and couldn't wait to ask his friend to take him to that family.

Under the leadership of a friend, Lin Rengui came to Shandong from his hometown of Fujian and saw the dragon bed. Anyone who loves collecting has a certain affection for antiques, and from the moment he first saw the dragon bed, he made up his mind that he must get this dragon bed.

Lin Rengui sincerely bought the dragon bed from the other party, but the acquisition process was difficult. It turned out that the owner of the dragon bed had many brothers, and these brothers did not reach a unity regarding the purchase and sale of the dragon bed. Some people want to exchange the dragon bed for money, while others don't want to sell it. After several negotiations, Lin Rengui reached an agreement with all parties to share more than a dozen antiques with a total value of 20 million yuan for dragon beds.

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

Image: Screenshot of the dragon bed during the Qing Dynasty

Fifth, the value of the dragon bed

The heirlooms of the descendants of the Qing Dynasty royal family have been professionally appraised, and there is no doubt that they are genuine. So, how much is it worth? Although the Qing Dynasty is not very far from the current year, just looking at these three tons of agarwood is already very valuable, plus the significance of its existence, according to the current market price, I am afraid it will be worth hundreds of millions.

6. Experts recommend submission

Like this kind of antique, which is rare at home and abroad, the expert experts see it stored in the homes of ordinary collectors, and they all feel that the antique is buried. Therefore, the experts suggested that Lin Rengui hand over the dragon bed, so that the relevant departments could better manage it, and at the same time, let everyone have the opportunity to see this treasure.

Regarding the experts' suggestions, Lin Rengui said that he had gone through so many twists and turns to get the cultural relics, and if anyone was willing to pay a price of 800 million, he was willing to sell them. When he said this, it was clear that he was unwilling to hand over the dragon bed.

Regarding this point, some netizens who like to kidnap others with morality also expressed their understanding, after all, this is what people have worked hard to get at such a high price.

Indeed, Lin Rengui obtained the dragon bed in 1993, when he had spent more than 20 million, from 1993 to the present, the value of the RMB has increased several times, plus the dragon bed has been collected by him for so many years, and he also has feelings for the dragon bed. Now the price of 800 million is very reasonable. Because of this, other people didn't say no when they saw such a high price.

The collector showed a 3-ton agarwood "dragon bed", and the expert suggested handing it in, and the collector: Give me 800 million

Image: Screenshot of the dragon bed stored in the home of an ordinary collector

If someone is willing to buy the dragon bed at a price of 800 million, Lin Rengui will make a lot of money. Of course, even the most powerful experts can't be completely sure of the value of antiques, and maybe in the future, a more professional appraiser will come out to deny the value of the dragon bed. In that case, the dragon bed may not be worth the price.

As for the experts' recommendations, although the public is required to hand over the cultural relics, there is no mandatory requirement for personal collections. Therefore, if Lin Rengui turns it in, it is out of righteousness, if he does not hand it over, it is also reasonable, no one can condemn it too much, after all, it is normal for Lin Rengui to be reluctant to hand over cultural relics worth hundreds of millions of dollars, do you think he should hand over the cultural relics to the state?

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