
There were originally 5 people kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb, but now there are only 4 left? Who doesn't have to kneel?

author:Fang Yuan reads

Speaking of Yue Fei, I think everyone is familiar with him, he was a famous anti-Jin general, military expert, strategist in the Southern Song Dynasty, but also a famous calligrapher and poet, and his "ManJiang Hong" is still recited by the world.

As a famous anti-Jin general in the Southern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei's life can be described as outstanding merit and fame in the world, and the "Yue Family Army" he formed was a mighty division and a benevolent division.

However, it is such an excellent general who finally died unjustly, which is really a pity and a pain.

And Yue Fei's death, these 5 people can not escape the interference!

There were originally 5 people kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb, but now there are only 4 left? Who doesn't have to kneel?

They were Qin Jun, Zhang Jun, Wan Qianjie, and Luo Ruyi.

Qin Ju was the culprit who had wrongfully killed Yue Fei, and a generation of traitors known to the world. Qin Ju and his wife Wang Shi had an affair with the Jin Dynasty, and when Yue Fei led the Yue family's army in the Northern Expedition, Qin Ju obstructed it and repeatedly said bad things about Yue Fei in front of the emperor.

In fact, where yue fei had any bad words to say, what Qin Ju said was nothing more than Yue Fei holding heavy troops, and if he took the opportunity to make trouble, the consequences would be self-evident.

When Yue Fei marched towards Zhu Xian Town and the situation was very good, Qin Ju finally said that he had moved Emperor Gaozong of Song, and then issued twelve gold medals in succession to urge Yue Fei's class to return to the dynasty.

Yue Fei was under pressure and had to take over the northern expedition when the northern expedition was about to be victorious, and the great cause of the northern expedition that had been raised and prepared for decades was destroyed by Qin Ju and other villains.

There were originally 5 people kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb, but now there are only 4 left? Who doesn't have to kneel?

A generation of famous generals have been killed by these villains!

Not long after that, Yue Fei was executed by Emperor Gaozong of Song on the charge of "falsehood (and possibly there is)", along with his eldest son Yue Yun and his subordinate Zhang Xian.

Among them, this Zhang Jun, who was also brave in fighting, had also made many battle achievements, but this person had a very poor behavior and was still a greedy and good money person.

The reason why he won the throne was mainly because he had the merit of supporting Emperor Gaozong as emperor, so he had always been regarded as a close confidant of Emperor Gaozong.

After Qin Juniper created a trap to frame Yue Fei, he actually gave Qin Juniper a perjury, originally Qin Juniper was not enough to harm Yue Fei, but with Zhang Jun's joining, Qin Jun's treacherous plan could easily succeed.

There was also that Wan Qianbi, who was even more like Qin Juniper, and when he tried Yue Fei, he casually withdrew his hat, whether it was a fact or not, it became so-called evidence of guilt under his trial.

There were originally 5 people kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb, but now there are only 4 left? Who doesn't have to kneel?

During the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty, Li Long, who was then the commander of the Capital of Zhejiang, in order to let posterity remember these traitors who had brought calamity to the country and the people, he asked the craftsmen to cast bronze statues of Qin Juniper and Wan Qianbi, so that they were in a posture of bowing their heads and kneeling, and their hands were tied behind their backs to show punishment.

By the time of the Ming Dynasty, the three bronze men were beyond recognition. Therefore, Fan Lai, who was then the deputy envoy of Zhejiang Province, decided to recast it, and also added a kneeling statue of Zhang Jun.

It is said that later, an inspector named Wang Ruxun, because he was the same as Qin Jun's wife Wang Shi, secretly sunk the kneeling statues of Wang Shi and Zhang Jun into the West Lake. But the move provoked public outrage, and it was later salvaged with fishing nets.

Since then, yue fei's tomb has had these four kneeling bronze statues. As more and more people visited Yue Fei's tomb, these kneeling statues were also damaged, so they had to be recast.

However, during the casting process, it was suggested that a kneeling statue should be added.

There were originally 5 people kneeling in front of Yue Fei's tomb, but now there are only 4 left? Who doesn't have to kneel?

This person was Luo Ruhui, who had attached himself to Qin Ju to impeach Yue Fei, and he was also one of the murderers who framed Yue Fei.

As a result, Yue Fei had another kneeling statue in front of his tomb. However, Luo Ruyi's kneeling statue was not placed for too long, and it was not long before it was demolished.

What's going on?

Originally, people felt that among the five people who framed Yue Fei, except for Luo Ruyi, the other four people were all figures with heads and faces at that time, and Luo Ruyi at that time was just a small palace attendant, nameless and powerless, and did not deserve to kneel in front of the tomb of a hero like Yue Fei, so he demolished his kneeling image.

Since then, Yue Fei has always been these four people in front of his tomb!

References: "Yue FeiChuan", "History of Song", etc.;

"Yue Fei Biography", "History of Song", etc.;

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