
Who is the Eastern Han Hermit Pang Degong?

author:Interesting history

Pang Degong was a famous hermit at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Pang Degong, whose character is still long, is a xiangyang native. Pang Degong was full of talent, low-key and frugal, and was deeply admired by Zhuge Liang, Sima Hui, Pang Tong and others. Pang Degong was friendly, and when he was idle, he would talk to Sima Hui and others about wine, and his life would be comfortable and comfortable.

Who is the Eastern Han Hermit Pang Degong?

The image comes from the Internet

One day, Sima Hui came to the home of Pang Degong, and it happened that Pang Degong went to sweep the graves of his ancestors. Sima Hui went straight into The Father's house and asked The Wife and Children of the Pound Tork to prepare the wine and dishes, and after a while there were guests who came to talk to the Pound Duke and me. After listening, Pang Degong's wife and children immediately went to the kitchen to prepare dishes. After a while, Pang Degong returned, and Sima Hui and Pang Degong talked happily and were very intimate. Sima Decao admired Pang Degong's knowledge and personality, and because Pang Degong was ten years older than himself, he called Pang Degong "Pang Gong." ”

Throughout his life, Pang Degong was indifferent to fame and fortune, and did not bend his waist by fame and fortune. Pang Degong and his wife and children love each other, even if there is no delicious food, the family is still content. Liu Biao, the Assassin of Jingzhou, had already heard that Pang Degong was a rare talent, and during this period, he sent people to persuade Pang Degong to enter the palace as an official, but Pang Degong refused. Once, Liu Biao personally visited Pang Degong, hoping that Pang Degong could use his talents to save the people of the world. At that time, Pang Degong's family was farming in front of the door, and Liu Biao persuaded Pang Degong that he should fight for the future life of his children. Pang Degong replied that the fame and fortune left to their children and grandchildren can only bring them danger, and what I leave for my children and grandchildren is a life of living and working in peace and contentment. Liu Biao persuaded Pang Degong many times, but Pang Degong was still unmoved, and Liu Biao had to leave.

Later, Pang Degong and his family lived in seclusion in Lumen Mountain, collecting medicine for a living.

Pang Degong was a man of Pang Tong

There are books that say that Pang Tong was a subordinate of Pang Degong. The so-called from the son has three meanings, one is used, the title of the uncle and the descendant of the uncle; The second is to say, "children and nephews" title; With the advancement of the times, in the Tang and Song dynasties, the children of their brothers were often called "Congzi". Pang Degong and Pang Tong were Eastern Han people, so Pang Tong should be the nephew of Tang Degong, or a nephew who was farther away than his cousins.

Who is the Eastern Han Hermit Pang Degong?

Pang Degong was a famous hermit and celebrity at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and a very good friend of Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Sima Hui and others. Pound recognized Zhuge Liang as a great talent and called him "Wolong". Zhuge Liang had great respect for Pang Degong, and if he had spare time, he would go to visit Pang Degong. Every time Zhuge Liang visited Pang Degong, he showed great respect and obedience. When Pang Degong was on the bed, Zhuge Liang worshiped under Pang Degong's bed. Over time, Pang Degong gradually attached importance to Zhuge Liang, and the relationship between the two people was also a teacher and a friend. Pang Tong was a subordinate of Pang Degong, who was simple and honest when he was young, and often followed Pang Degong around respectfully. At that time, no one knew Pang Tong, only Pang Degong attached great importance to and loved Pang Tong. In Pang Degong's view, although Pang Tong is not good at words, he has very outstanding strengths. Subsequently, He recommended Pang Tong to his friend Sima Hui, and Sima Hui and Pang Tong exchanged views, and Sima Hui was impressed by Pang Tong's insight. The two men talked very happily, day and night, Sima Hui was surprised by Pang Tong's knowledge, and even more surprised by Pang Degong's vision of people. From then on, Sima Hui called Pang Tong "the head of the Nanzhou Shi".

It is precisely because of The Wisdom of Pound that the world knows Pang Tong.

Pound And Pound

Pound and Pound are not alone. Chronologically, Both Pang Degong and Pang De were celebrities in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the difference being that Pang Degong was a celebrity and hermit in the late Eastern Han Dynasty; Pound was a general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Pound had great talent, but he was indifferent to fame and fortune throughout his life. He was a very good close friend with Sima Hui, Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu and others.

Who is the Eastern Han Hermit Pang Degong?

Zhuge Liang admired Pang Degong very much and visited him many times at Pang Degong's residence. In his lifetime, Pang Degong never entered the city gates, and lived a self-sufficiency and self-sufficient life with his wife and children. During the break from work, the Pound Guild sits in the field playing the piano and reading, and lives happily and comfortably. At that time, Pang Degong had a high reputation, and Liu Biao, the Assassin of Jingzhou, respected Pang Degong as a rare talent, and repeatedly went to The residence of Pang Degong and asked him to enter the palace, but Pang Degong was still unmoved and continued to live a life of self-cultivation and self-enjoyment.

Pound Was a famous general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and was valued by Cao Cao because of his bravery and good fighting. In the early years, Pound defected to Ma Teng's tent, and in the chaos of the Qiang people's war, he was valued by the generals for his meritorious efforts in pacifying the Qiang people. Subsequently, following Ma Chao in battle at Pingyang, Pound was brave and invincible, killed Guo Yuan on horseback, and obtained Guo Yuan's first rank. After several turns, Pound was returned to Cao Cao's men, and was valued by Cao Cao, and he was named a Guannei Pavilion and enjoyed a high honor. Subsequently, Pound followed Cao Ren to resist Guan Yu. When the two armies fought, Pound charged on a white horse and shot Guan Yu in the forehead on the battlefield, and was known as the "White Horse General". At that time, the Han River rose too fast, and Pound led his troops to fight Guan Yu for several hours, and the flood overturned Pound's warship, and Pound was captured by Guan Yu. Guan Yu persuaded Pound to defect to Liu Bei's subordinates, but Pound swore not to compromise and then committed suicide.

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