
Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

author:Sunny days say the world

The shadow of Yan Chengxu's unfortunate childhood

In 1977, on a cold winter day, an ordinary family at the foot of the mountain in Taoyuan County gave birth to their third child, and his parents named him "Liao Yangzhen", but they did not expect that this name would be closely related to his unfortunate journey in the future.

Liao Yangzhen was born in a well-off family, and although his parents were not wealthy, they could barely make ends meet. However, the good times did not last long, when Liao Yangzhen was 12 years old, the pillar of the family, his father died early due to illness, and the whole family fell into an embarrassing situation.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

Her mother worked in a small street shop during the day and washed and cooked at night, and the burden of the family fell on this tired middle-aged woman.

Xiao Yangzhen also had to drop out of school to work outside and become half a little adult. He is obviously still a child, but he has to work like an adult to earn money to support his family.

Who knows, the already poor family situation was exacerbated by the death of his father, and Yang Zhen had to live a life of stretched.

In those days, Yangzhen's inferiority complex and sensitivity took root. He feared being looked down upon, and he was ashamed of his poverty. Gradually, Yang Zhen became withdrawn and introverted, rarely communicating with others, and even less daring to talk about his family history with others.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

He was afraid that others would laugh at his poverty, so he chose to remain silent.

Over the years, this inferiority complex and sensitivity have been deeply imprinted in Yang Zhen's heart and become a shadow for him alone. Every time he thinks about the past, Yang Zhen will toss and turn in the middle of the night, and it is difficult to sleep.

He covered his head with a quilt, but he couldn't hide the pain and emptiness in his heart. How Yang Zhen wished that those pains would disappear and that he would be able to break free from this painful past.

"Meteor Garden" became popular, and Cheng Xu became famous

In 2001, he received the most important call in his life, and he was photographed by director Chai Zhiping to play the role of "Daoming Temple Gate" in the popular idol drama "Meteor Garden".

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

At first, Yan Chengxu was still very worried about whether he could be qualified for this role. After all, he is just a well-known model, and without systematic acting training, it is a question whether he can perform his lines well.

However, the staff trust Yan Chengxu very much, and the director has high hopes for him and wants him to shine.

As soon as the filming of the drama started, Yan Chengxu got into the role and successfully created a domineering but affectionate and righteous teenager image. The pronunciation and demeanor of the lines can be described as incisive, which impresses the audience.

Sure enough, this drama was a huge success as soon as it was broadcast, and Yan Chengxu also became famous with the role of "Daoming Temple", and truly became a popular idol.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

However, Yan Chengxu, who has low self-esteem, is not confident, and the transformation and development are not smooth. In Vanity Fair, Yan Chengxu has no extraordinary courage and courage, and he has been unable to break through himself for many years, and he has not been able to get out of the shadow of "Daoming Temple".

His acting skills are mature, but there are never better works. Yan Chengxu himself also felt powerless and helpless about the future.

Lin Chiling appeared in Yan Chengxu's life

During the development of the modeling circle, Yan Chengxu met a special girl, she was Lin Chiling. The two fell in love at first sight and gradually came together.

Lin Chiling is gentle and generous, with a sweet smile, which brought Yan Chengxu the sunshine and warmth that she had not seen for a long time. The two get together less and leave more, but every time they meet, it is sweet. Yan Chengxu will carefully prepare surprises to make Lin Chiling happy.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

Lin Chiling will also patiently listen to Yan Chengxu tell his story and cherish his heart.

As long as they are together, they are two children, there are no worries, only sweetness. Lin Chiling gave Yan Chengxu a sense of security, and Yan Chengxu finally opened his heart and no longer escaped his weakness and sensitivity.

However, the good times did not last long, and just when the relationship between the two was stable, Lin Chiling unfortunately fell from her horse and broke her ribs while filming an advertisement. The sudden change caught Yan Chengxu off guard, and he stayed in front of Lin Chiling's hospital bed day and night, frowning and at a loss.

Yan Chengxu wanted to protect Lin Chiling, but he didn't know how to express his concern, so he could only wait with red eyes. His silence and helplessness hurt Lin Chiling again, and the relationship between the two began to become awkward.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

A year later, the two broke up amid various misunderstandings. Yan Chengxu felt deeply remorseful, he understood that it was his weakness that brought harm to Lin Chiling. They could have been together forever, but Yan Chengxu made the person he loved the most choose to leave because of his low self-esteem.

Whenever he thinks of Lin Chiling, Yan Chengxu will blame himself deeply, thinking that he did not give Lin Chiling enough security, which eventually led to the separation. This has also become an eternal regret in his heart.

Lin Chiling's marriage news hurt Yan Chengxu

Over the years, Yan Chengxu has been unable to forget Lin Chiling, and he deeply regrets that his weakness hurt the relationship between the two.

Until one day in 2019, Yan Chengxu suddenly saw a news on the Internet - the news that Lin Chiling was about to get married! Yan Chengxu was instantly dumbfounded, and his heart seemed to be pinched fiercely, feeling both painful and shocked.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

"No, how is this possible!" Yan Chengxu's brain went blank, his chest rose and fell, and he suppressed huge mood swings. He wanted to call Lin Chiling immediately to hear if this was true or not.

However, Lin Chiling soon posted photos of wedding invitations on social networking sites. The smiling faces stung Yan Chengxu's eyes, and his heart was like a knife. It turned out that the person he loved the most decided to spend his life with another man.

"It was I who didn't give you happiness that made you choose to give up. Yan Chengxu squatted in the corner alone, tears rolling down his face. He regrets his weakness, blames himself for his indecision, and only today does he understand what he had missed.

Although he was in pain, Yan Chengxu still left a message under the news, wishing Lin Chiling a happy marriage. He knew that there was nothing he could do but watch Lin Chiling find new happiness and live alone.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

Yan Chengxu understands that some regrets will always be engraved in his heart, reminding him to face life bravely and become a better version of himself.

How Yan Chengxu views his life

Today, Yan Chengxu is 44 years old and is in middle age. Looking back on the way he came, Yan Chengxu couldn't help but ponder his life course.

Those unfortunate childhood years left an indelible scar in Yan Chengxu's heart. Low self-esteem and sensitivity have become the deepest traits of his character, which have also affected his life.

In his career, Yan Chengxu relied on "Meteor Garden" to become a smash hit, but he was never able to really break through himself and reach a higher peak of success. On the emotional road, Yan Chengxu once fell in love with Lin Chiling, but he failed to keep this relationship because of his weakness.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

There are no ifs in life, but Yan Chengxu often tosses and turns in the middle of the night, thinking about whether life will usher in different results if he had been braver and more determined back then.

Every time he thinks of this, Yan Chengxu smiles bitterly. He understands that regrets and assumptions are meaningless, and that what really matters is to face reality, accept it, and live it positively.

So, Yan Chengxu chose to forgive his young self. He forgives the cowardice and indecision of his youth, and is grateful that fate has given him the opportunity to grow. Yan Chengxu began to learn to reconcile with the shadows in his heart and accept those hurts.

He no longer runs away from life's regrets. Yan Chengxu accepted the fact of breaking up with Lin Chiling and forgave her for finding new happiness. He knows that to love someone is to want her to be happy, and it doesn't matter who he is with.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

Life is long, and Yan Chengxu still has a lot of time to make up for his past regrets. He chooses to live actively in the present moment and strive to discover his potential and become a better person.

Perhaps, there will be a chance to meet love again in the future, and he will definitely grasp it at that time.

Yan Chengxu understands that it takes time to grow and redeem, but as long as you are proactive, you will definitely become a person who makes you proud. Past mistakes can be corrected, as long as you start to step forward today.

Postscript: Mistakes are always the best teacher

Yan Chengxu's life story contains a lot to think about.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

His regret made him understand that mistakes are a necessary subject in life. But we should not give up on ourselves because of our mistakes, but learn from them and grow.

Yan Chengxu found strength from remorse, no longer ran away, but bravely faced his weakness and chose to move forward. His story inspires us and gives us a glimmer of hope.

Life won't always be easy, but we need to learn to be tolerant of our mistakes and appreciate what they teach us. Mistakes will give us more wisdom, and wisdom will make us live a better life.

No matter what setbacks we encounter, we must maintain a positive and optimistic heart. Believe in yourself, face the adversity, and move forward. There will definitely be light ahead, and we will definitely be able to experience the wind and rain and usher in the rainbow of life.

Yan Chengxu, I missed Lin Chiling like this, did you feel regret when you wandered at midnight?

Yan Chengxu's story tells us that mistakes are not terrible, but what is terrible is missing the opportunity to learn Xi and grow. Let's live in the moment and strive to be the best version of ourselves.

Life will definitely be more exciting.

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