
When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

author:Jiyu Paradise

Written by Wu Xiaoyue, Edited by Ji Yu

0°, home is everyone's way of coming. For the sons and daughters of China, the root culture is flowing in the blood. This is evidenced by the spring festival every year, and thousands of foreigners who carry their bags and cross thousands of rivers and mountains must return to the place called home.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

1°, when I first heard about the exhibition "Shangluo", I privately thought that it was to describe the inextricable connection between the Heian period and the city of Luoyang in Japan. Anyway, I have a small pattern. (In Japan, the term "Shangluo" was used from the Heian period until the end of the shogunate, and the "Luo" of "Shangluo" refers to Luoyang.) Japan admired China's Han and Tang dynasties, and in the Heian period, the Heian period was modeled on the Tang Dynasty to build the East and West Erjing, and Tokyo was called Luoyang, so "going to Kyoto" is called "Shangluo" in Japanese literature. "Shangluo" in a broad sense means "going to Kyoto". "Shangluo" in the narrow sense refers to the direct control of Kyoto, the control of the imperial court and the shogunate, that is, the "blackmail of the son of heaven to order the princes" that has appeared in our history. )

The exhibition "Shangluo" is not a horizontal link of the same period, but an exhibition of Heluo culture from ancient times to modern times from the material corner to show the audience one of the roots of Chinese culture. From the vertical development of the historical context, the romantic expression method is used to tell the birthplace of Heluo civilization - Luoyang. "Luoyang started with a bonfire between Heluo, and through the hope and imagination of the majestic city of China, it was finally integrated into the global network of the infinite world."

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

2 °, before entering the exhibition hall, I saw that the artist used a time and space tunnel to artificially divide the inside and outside of the exhibition hall, and used pure black tones to purify the audience's distractions, while several small shop windows used warm lights to focus the audience's attention in one place. The he Zun artwork composed of inscriptions, silhouettes, and paintings is dazzling, and it is its appearance that proves that the earliest place in history called China is Luoyang.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

3 °, the palm of the hand made of molding technology holds a Paleolithic cutter, a simple tool of labor that can no longer be simple, but she represents the initial productivity. In the life of two, two, three and three, all things, the increase of productivity, the completeness of the means of production, people gradually gathered from the tribe to form a country, and civilization was born. When the first tractor produced by Luoyang Yituo rolled off the production line, the productivity of New China began to enter an extraordinary period of development, and the peony diagram of Teacher Wang Xiu in another window also implied from another angle the cultural development of New China and the great improvement of the people's life happiness index.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

4°, stepping out of the space-time tunnel, the first thing you see is the interactive resin dirt. Rough stone tools, pottery and delicate resin clay; daily necessities and abstract sculptures; handicrafts and digital processing; ancient and modern are fiercely intertwined in this window, but they are all the material embodiment of the creators' ideas and contributions to mankind.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

5 °, from the earliest China's Erlitou, to the Great Integration of The Han and Wei cultures, to the only female ruler in Chinese history, this magical land will always be performed with all kinds of extraordinary. From Luoyi, Jingluo, and Dayi to Shendu and Luoyang, the name bears witness to her history. There is the earliest and longest-used ancient capital of China, and there is a historical wonder of the "Five Capitals huiluo". It is the bearer of the legal system and cultural achievements. The Iloilo Plain is the material basis of the Heluo civilization, and the Heluo civilization is therefore called the "two-river civilization of the East".

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

6°, the installation work "Three Thousand" and the video work "Luoyang without Waves is Silent". The author uses a large number of vertical and horizontal wood structures and walls interspersed with each other, aiming to touch the concept of home and family in the audience's heart. In the traditional sense, we see that the first thing we think of in the wooden installation must be the ancient building of the hometown, those traces of hundreds of years buried in the joys and sorrows of a home or a family, these wooden structures and traditional loudspeakers interspersed during the period, always reminding the audience that it is staged a wedding and funeral folk scene. Video works use romantic techniques to express ideas, and for thousands of years, the stars have shifted, the sky of Luoyang is still that sky, and after a thousand years, we are still thriving on this land. However, in this royal family that once symbolized the ideal of the emperor, the Fengdu Dayi of the history of all the kingdoms, those incomparably glorious pasts, have all been transformed into the sealed land of the mountains and become dusty memories.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

7°, Mr. Chen Yujun's installation "Four Seasons", is a group of works that are exhibited while painting, and he needs the audience to appreciate it from a third-person perspective, which can also be said to be a god's perspective on the human world. I don't know whether it is the artist's intention or coincidence, but the "living people's relationship" and the "measurement system" are the most true portrayal of the world's law.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

8°, "Thoughts" and "Sea of People" are the works that moved me the most, and even the tears flowed down the moment I saw them. In my understanding, each piece of cloth here represents a person, and behind him is a family or even a family. Maybe the nomads in the north, maybe the Hu merchants in the western region, maybe the people who come from the east, maybe the southern tourists go north, but they all regard Luoyang as the ultimate destination. They studied, lived, worked here, realized their ideals of life here, and even buried their six-foot bodies in the north. This land carries the dreams of too many people. Confucianism was founded here, Taoism originated here, Buddhism was first transmitted here, metaphysics flourished here, science was founded here, and countless sages and great Confucians left their own writings and thoughts here, and it was these cultures that influenced and blended with each other and eventually became the Heluo civilization.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

9°, a couturied miniature version interspersed with it. I believe that this group of exhibits will have a large number of female fans. If the author exhibits such large costumes, it is bound to affect the exhibition effect, but this small sample is different, not only can let the audience feel the beauty of the costume, but also can see the overall and macro effect of the exhibition. Interspersed with "Three Thousand" and "Silk Road", it has more philosophical implications. Among all sentient beings, there is always the darling of God who is born with fresh clothes and angry horses, but life is like a drama, you sing me and appear, even if the Ninth Five-Year Supreme Will eventually return to the yellow earth, nothing is unchanged.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

10 °, 3D printing technology and comprehensive materials to produce the Jingjiao Jingdong "Echo". When I was watching the exhibition, one of the audience members said to stay away from it, and the stack of stones on the book did not look safe. I smiled darkly and said, "Rest assured, this stone scripture is estimated that you can pick it up with one hand." In my experience it should be hollow printed with photosensitive resin. The audience listened to me and thought it was a bit incredible that resin could look like a stone. But that's really what happened. As a worker who has been engaged in traditional sculpture, I know that in the past, many of the artists' ideas were stillborn, a large part of which was limited by traditional materials, and it was often very painful for artists to want to get but could not do it, but in today's advanced technology, as long as the artist masters the digital sculpture software, he can easily express the works of the ancients, which is very remarkable. But all this is due to the development of science and technology under the endorsement of the state.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

11° It is so heartwarming to use the comfort nest as the end of the exhibition. "Summer dwells in the Cave of Eternal Life, and winter dwells in peace." Stealing materials is fun in the world, as much as I am. This should be the artist who exhibited Shao Yong's poem to express his blessings to the audience. No matter where you are, you must create a "comfort nest" for your body and mind.

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

The exhibition ended, just wrote to 11 degrees, which is the degree of Luoyang Palace beer, slightly drunk without losing its dignity, just right. I used my superficial knowledge to spy on the works of many of China's top artists, and I pleaded for corrections wherever I went. Special thanks to the artists who participated in the exhibition, I know that behind the presentation of each work requires a lot of information, reading, understanding, and repeated speculation to burst out of creative inspiration, as a museum volunteer, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you. Thank you for your affirmation and dedication to my hometown.

The most earthy is because it has thousands of years of traditional historical roots; the most foreign, is the application of the most cutting-edge technology and exhibition concepts. Art without culture will become empty, culture without art will become boring, but these two must be based on some spirit, otherwise they will not be established. So let's end the "Shangluo" drink with a sentence in the preface - Luoyang is the delivery room of "China" and the spiritual hometown of generations of Chinese.

Welcome to luoyang museum to visit the exhibition of local history "Shangluo".

Exhibition time: September 29, 2021 to December 31, 2021

When the most earthy meets the most foreign - the local history exhibition "Shangluo" is a light drink

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