
Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

author:Department of Nephrology, Zhang Hongtao

As the saying goes, "illness comes from the mouth", Aunt Guo, as a buyer at home, is very strict about the quality control of food and fruits, and each fruit is carefully selected before being bought home.

Recently, it was the season to eat bananas, and Aunt Guo bought half a box of green bananas and put them in the corridor to wait for them to be ripe. My wife didn't understand her behavior, and thought that bananas could be bought and eaten immediately, so why did she have to buy unripe ones and eat them at home when they were ripe.

Aunt Guo believes that many bananas are ripe bananas, and some people say that there may be carcinogens, and the things in the entrance should not be sloppy, and a little trouble is good for health. Is ripening bananas really carcinogenic? What else is similar to ripening bananas and being on the "carcinogenic blacklist"?

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

1. Are 3 kinds of fruits included in the "carcinogenic blacklist" credible?

With the deepening of medical science, many people have gradually realized the danger of cancer. In addition, the incidence of cancer has been increasing in recent years, which has caused panic among many healthy people, and 3 kinds of fruits have been labeled as "carcinogenic", is this true?

1. Hypturistic Xiangxiang

Bananas are one of the very common fruits, and banana ripening technology is not a secret, but some people feel that ripening agents are industrial products, and there will be residues in ripening bananas, and eating them is likely to affect health and even cause cancer.

However, in fact, the ripening period of bananas is very short, and in order to reduce the loss of long-distance transportation, bananas are usually picked and transported when they are half-ripe, and when they arrive at their destination, they are ripened with ripening agents in order to meet their consumption.

The amount of ripening agent is not much, and the banana has a thicker skin, so there will not be too much residue of the ripening agent itself, and there are very few after peeling, and the probability of causing cancer is also minimal.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

2. Overly sweet fruits

Fruits that are too sweet can cause cancer have long been said to be related to a food additive called cyclamate.

As early as the 19th century, it was found that cyclamate is 40 times sweeter than sucrose, and does not increase the metabolic pressure of the human body, so cyclamate has gradually become a common food additive.

However, in the mid-to-late 20th century, studies found that excessive consumption of cyclamate may increase the prevalence of certain cancers.

For example, some people say that in order to increase the sweetness of the fruit, vendors will inject or soak cyclamate into the fruit, which may increase the risk of cancer.

As a matter of fact. The cell structure of the fruit is very intact, and the injection of cyclamate with a syringe will not sweeten the fruit, but will also accelerate the deterioration, and after long-term soaking, the cyclamate will not be able to penetrate the surface of the fruit into the inside, and will not change the sweetness of the fruit.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

3. Beauty fruits

It is not uncommon to say that waxed apples, dyed oranges and other beauty fruits may cause cancer, but this part needs to be looked at dialectically.

Normally, apples and oranges have a layer of fruit wax on the outer layer, which is the result of natural growth and self-protection measures for fruits, and the state does allow traders to keep fruits fresh, such as coating the outer layer with edible wax to extend the shelf life of fruits.

However, there are also some non-compliant vendors and manufacturers, using industrial wax instead of edible wax, the main purpose is to make the fruit brighter, in order to increase sales, this industrial wax contains excessive mercury, lead and other heavy metals, long-term consumption may be metal poisoning, and even increase the risk of cell cancer.

Second, the doctor reminds: these fruits can really be "poisonous"!

There is also the possibility of "unjustly going to prison" as we mentioned above, but the following are really fruits that are harmful to the body!

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

First of all, red heart sugarcane should never be eaten.

As the old saying goes, "Qingming cane poisons snakes", and the Qingming cane here is the sugarcane after Qingming, which is what we often call the red heart sugarcane.

As the temperature rises after Qingming, the risk of deterioration of sugarcane during transportation is greater, and the mildewed sugarcane will turn red at this time, producing a toxic substance called "Arthrosporium". After this substance enters the human body, it will produce neurotoxicity, and if less than 0.5g is consumed, people will have toxic reactions such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Secondly, fruits with labels cannot be eaten directly.

In 2014, a domestic newspaper published a survey on the hazards of labeled fruits in the Jinan fruit market, and found that:

• Ordinary fruits are labelled as if they were "gilded", and the price has increased exponentially.

At the same time, the adhesive of these labels contains harmful substances such as formaldehyde and toluene, which have certain carcinogenicity, and long-term contact or direct use without careful cleaning is likely to affect the body.

It is recommended that when you buy fruits, do not choose products with labels, if they are labeled, you need to wash them with dish soap when you return home, or peel off the peel before eating.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

In addition, you should also be wary of sour lychees.

Lychees are expensive and can be stored for a long time, so they are generally picked, transported, and sold halfway through. However, half-ripe lychees are often not so plump and do not look very tasty, so some vendors will soak them in diluted hydrochloric acid or spray dilute hydrochloric acid on the surface of the lychees.

At this time, the surface of the lychee becomes ruddy and plump, as if it has just been picked, and more people will buy it. However, this kind of sour lychee is very acidic, and too much contact will not only peel your hands and blister your mouth, but also damage your stomach and intestines when you eat it, causing a series of discomforts.

Therefore, when buying lychees, you need to smell whether there is a natural fragrance of lychees, how they feel when you pick them up, if there is a sour smell or even the smell of chemical reagents, and there are hot flashes and burning sensations on your hands, then don't buy it.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

In addition, in order to please consumers who "look at the fruit", dangerous fruits such as sour peaches and exploding watermelons have also appeared one after another, and in order to better choose fruits, we must change our inherent concepts.

3. "Fruit by appearance" is not safe, and the choice of fruit needs to start from these points!

Good-looking fruits are not necessarily safe, safe fruits are not necessarily good-looking, choose fruits from the following 3 points, in order to get your hands on it.

1. Adapt to the times

There are two main aspects to consider here, the first is the time when the fruit is ripe, and the second is the fruit suitable for eating in each season.

Fruits have natural growth laws, and we should eat fruits according to the rules, such as watermelon in summer and apples in autumn, and the probability of eating naturally grown fruits will be higher.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring is the time for the body to re-empower, you need to eat red dates, dragon fruit and other fruits that nourish blood and help digestion, and in summer, you need to clear heat, watermelon, pears and other cool fruits are a better choice.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

In autumn, the temperature turns colder, the oxygen in the body begins to converge, grapefruit, orange and other sweet and sour taste is more suitable, now the winter is colder, the spleen and stomach function is also weakened, papaya, longan, gardenia and other milder fruits are more suitable.

2. Adapt to illness

Patients with chronic diseases are also particular about eating fruits, such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia and other metabolic diseases, can not eat fruits with too high sugar content or too high energy, high water content and slightly sour taste are more suitable, such as grapes, lychees, pineapples, etc.

It is recommended to choose fruits that are beneficial to blood vessels, such as lemons, hawthorns, pears, oranges, etc., and fruits that help digestion may also improve human circulation and reduce the accumulation of impurities in the blood, such as bananas, peaches, dragon fruits, etc.

It is recommended to eat more pears if the liver and kidney conditions are not good or the respiratory function is not good, the pears themselves can moisten the lungs, and can also accelerate drainage, which can reduce the pressure of the kidneys to metabolize water, and although pears are cold fruits, they are also suitable for weak patients after boiling water, and they have a wide range of applications.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less

3. Adapt to needs

We can also choose from the merits of fruits. For example, papaya is known as the "king of Baiyi fruit", and the papaya alcohol and other substances in it decompose proteins to help digestion, which is very beneficial to the digestive system.

Apples have always been known as the "first fruit of health care", which is not only inexpensive, but also has gums and beneficial trace elements, but also improves respiratory system function and reduces the damage to the lungs caused by dust pollution. Grapes have the reputation of "fruit queen", which contains antioxidants and a variety of fiber, which can reduce the level of serum cholesterol in the human body, prevent blood clots to a certain extent, and is very good for cardiovascular health.

Can you believe that three kinds of fruits have been put on the "carcinogenic blacklist"? In fact, these should really be eaten less


[1] Mei Hong. Health Care Research, 2011.

Green China, 2014(21):2.

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