
In autumn, kidney disease sufferers touch these fruits less!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Kidney Line

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In autumn, kidney disease sufferers touch these fruits less!

Autumn is the season of abundant fruits. Eating fruits often provides rich dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which is beneficial to delay the deterioration of kidney disease.

However, patients with kidney disease do have some particularities about eating fruits, and eating them incorrectly may also cause big trouble.


Kidney friends with kidney failure and dialysis should rarely touch high-potassium fruits

When the glomerular filtration rate is less than 30ml/min/1.73㎡, that is, CKD4-5 renal failure and dialysis nephrophilia, the renal potassium excretion function will be significantly reduced.

The following fruits are high in potassium, and if these kidney patients consume too many high-potassium fruits at one time, it may cause hyperkalemia (a life-threatening electrolyte disorder), so be careful.

Click on the picture to check the potassium content of common foods▽

In autumn, kidney disease sufferers touch these fruits less!


Kidney friends who take the following drugs should avoid touching grapefruit fruits

Kidney friends who take dihydropyridine CCB antihypertensive drugs (antihypertensive drugs with the word "dipine" in their names), cyclosporine, tacrolimus, statin lipid-lowering drugs (lipid-lowering drugs with the word "statin" in their names), and targeted drugs Nefecon (Nexcan), please note that do not eat grapefruit-based fruits or juices, especially grapefruit (grapefruit), which will affect the metabolism of these drugs.

In autumn, kidney disease sufferers touch these fruits less!

Note: Other antihypertensive drugs and immunosuppressants do not need to restrict grapefruit fruits, but only limited drugs.


Kidney friends with diabetes should rarely touch high-GL fruits

The fruit in the figure below has a greater impact on blood sugar, so sugar friends eat less. When blood sugar is stable, you can eat apples, pears, blueberries, grapes, oranges, plums, peaches, kiwi and other fruits that have little effect on blood sugar.

In autumn, kidney disease sufferers touch these fruits less!


Kidney friends with high uric acid, drink less fruit juice

Patients with high uric acid/gout have no problem eating fresh fruits in moderation, and all kinds of fruits can be eaten, but be careful not to squeeze them into juice to drink, let alone drink fruit juice drinks and sweet drinks.

Even if 100% pure fruit juice does not contain added sugar, its fructose content is relatively high, and a short period of intake of a large amount of fructose is easy to increase uric acid levels.

Compared with fruit juice, the fructose concentration of the fruit itself is much lower, so don't worry.


As the cliché goes, don't touch star fruit for all kidney friends

In autumn, kidney disease sufferers touch these fruits less!

Star fruit contains a neurotoxin, which can be excreted in time by patients with kidney disease, especially dialysis patients, and can easily cause neurological dysfunction, including hiccups, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, seizures and even death. In addition, star fruit has also been reported to cause oxalic acid kidney damage. It is recommended that all patients with kidney disease do not eat star fruit.

Then you may have to ask, "I haven't seen the situation mentioned above for a long time, so how to eat it? Do you need to restrict these fruits in the same way?", note: Kidney friends who do not have the above conditions, in addition to not eating star fruit, refer to the way ordinary people eat fruits, there is no special restriction on the type, there is no need to care about high potassium and low potassium, less sugar and sugar, how to eat and how to eat.

Of course, when we say that fruit is good, we don't mean that you eat it violently, ordinary people can't eat fruit as a meal, they have to eat a balanced diet, and the rain and dew are evenly wet, but we just say that we don't need to be as fine as the above-mentioned kidney friends.

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