
The cough "nemesis" is coming, 3 kinds of fruits are boiled in soup to drink, clear the lungs and relieve cough, and the throat is very refreshing after drinking

author:Dr. Chan Hua-hsien

In a quiet café, two middle-aged friends meet. One complained about the recent cough problem, and his voice was hoarse and tired: "This cough is really unbearable, I can't sleep well at night, and I have trouble talking during the day." ”

Another nodded in understanding and shared his experience: "I used to do the same, until I tried a few special fruit soups, but I didn't expect the results to be surprisingly good. ”

"Fruit soup?" the first friend asked curiously.

"Yes, specific fruits, boiled into soup and drunk, not only refreshing, but also clear the lungs and relieve cough. ”

This conversation begs a key question: how can coughs be effectively relieved in a natural and simple way, such as fruit soup, especially in middle-aged and elderly people?

The cough "nemesis" is coming, 3 kinds of fruits are boiled in soup to drink, clear the lungs and relieve cough, and the throat is very refreshing after drinking

Cough: a common challenge for middle-aged and older adults

Cough is not only a symptom, but also a sign of multiple health problems. Common causes include colds, allergies, and even air pollution. For middle-aged and older adults, cough is not only a sign of physical discomfort, but may also indicate more complex health problems.

As we age, the effectiveness of the immune system gradually decreases. This means that for middle-aged and older people, even a common cold can trigger a persistent cough. Studies have shown that as we age, the sensitivity of the respiratory tract increases, and the reaction to allergens such as dust and pollen becomes more violent. Long-term cough can also increase the burden on the heart and further affect pre-existing heart conditions.

Another point of concern is drug reactions. Older people often need to take multiple medications, and the interactions between these drugs can sometimes cause coughing. For example, certain medications used for high blood pressure are known to cause a dry cough.

The cough "nemesis" is coming, 3 kinds of fruits are boiled in soup to drink, clear the lungs and relieve cough, and the throat is very refreshing after drinking

"Natural Remedies: A Gentle Solution to Cough"

In both traditional medicine and modern research, natural remedies have always been seen as an effective means of relieving coughs. For cough, a common but bothersome problem, natural remedies offer a gentle, side-effect-free solution, especially for middle-aged and older adults, as a safe and effective option.

Coughing, as a self-protective response of the body, usually occurs when irritants or secretions are removed from the respiratory tract. But long-term cough can lead to poor sleep quality, impaired quality of life, and even more serious health problems. Middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to be troubled by cough due to their weakened immunity.

Naturopathy, especially through the intake of specific foods to treat ailments, has been widely used. Studies have shown that certain fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can effectively relieve inflammation in the airways, which can reduce coughing. For example, one study found that fruits rich in vitamin C were particularly effective at relieving cough and cold symptoms.

Aside from consuming these foods directly, boiling them into soup is also an excellent way. Cooking soup can not only release the nutrients in the fruit, but also make it easier to digest and absorb, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with weak digestive systems. The warm broth also helps to soothe the throat and reduce coughing.

The cough "nemesis" is coming, 3 kinds of fruits are boiled in soup to drink, clear the lungs and relieve cough, and the throat is very refreshing after drinking

A natural remedy for clearing the lungs and relieving coughs: the secrets of three fruit soups

Cough is not only uncomfortable, but long-term cough can affect quality of life. Natural remedies, such as soups made from specific fruits, can be a gentle and effective solution. Here are three types of fruit soups that have cough suppressant properties, how to prepare them, and what they do.

Pear soup: a sweet antidote to the lungs

Pears, known as "nature's sugar water", are especially effective for coughs caused by dryness. To prepare, choose fresh and juicy pears, peel and cut into cubes. Add an appropriate amount of water and a small amount of rock sugar and bring to a slow boil until the pears are soft and rotten. This soup not only moistens the lungs and relieves coughs, but also brings a sweet comfort. Studies have shown that the trace elements and vitamins in pears are able to relieve throat irritation and reduce coughing.

Apple soup: a sweet remedy for boosting immunity

Apples, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, are significantly helpful in fighting coughs caused by colds. Wash and cut the apples into cubes, as in pear soup, and add water and a pinch of rock sugar. Boiled until the apple chunks are tender, this soup provides both energy and immunity, effectively relieving cough symptoms.

Fig soup: a natural choice for soothing dry cough

Figs are rich in natural sugars and minerals and are especially effective for dry coughs. Soak the dried figs in water and slice them, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer until the soup is rich. This soup moisturizes the lungs and relieves irritation and coughing caused by dryness.

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