
In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

author:Zhuang Xiang Amei

  In Beijing's Zhongnanhai, a few simple items are quietly on display: a unique bamboo cane, two worn pajamas, and a pair of used slippers. Behind these seemingly ordinary daily necessities, there is an untold story of a great man. This great man is Mao Zedong, an outstanding leader of China. However, what the public doesn't know is that this seemingly indifferent leader to fame and fortune was actually a "millionaire". What did his fortune come from, what did he do with this huge fortune? Let's peel back the veil on history and explore a little-known side of the life of this great man.

  1. Huge manuscript fees and strict management

  Mao Zedong, as the leader of the country, did not derive his main income from his high salary, but from the manuscript fees for his works as a professional revolutionary. Surprisingly, as early as the 50s of the last century, he already had a manuscript fee of up to one million. The money was handed over to the Central Special Accounting Office for safekeeping, and the main person in charge was Wang Dongxing. Mao Zedong was extremely strict in managing this manuscript fee, and almost no one could use it without permission.

  2. Daily life and care for relatives and friends

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  Despite such a large manuscript fee, Mao Zedong's life was extremely simple. His daily expenses are not much, and he often uses part of his salary to take care of relatives and friends back home. Every month, he takes time out to check the household expenditure accounts, listen to the reports of the administrator, and often advise him not to overspend. When relatives and friends come to Beijing, he always takes the initiative to bear their expenses, including the purchase of clothes and souvenirs, and even their return expenses.

  3. Funds for the purchase of books and research

  Mao Zedong was keen to read, so most of the manuscript fee was used to buy books, especially thread binding. In his later years, due to impaired eyesight, he could only read books in large print. In order to meet this demand, he would use the manuscript fee to ask the staff to go to the relevant departments to print these special books. In addition to book purchases, the money was used for research to better understand the actual situation at the grassroots level across the country.

  4. Generous gifts and prudent spending

  Every Spring Festival, Mao Zedong would use a part of the manuscript fee as a gift money to those who supported and helped him in his early years. At the same time, he would also use the money to entertain guests, especially foreign guests. In addition, in the 60s, he also used these funds to make restitution for the excessive consumption behavior of his subordinates in order to maintain justice.

  5. Giving money to the family and distributing the inheritance

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  Mao Zedong did not often use his manuscript money to help his family, but he still reached out when necessary. For example, when his daughter Li Min encounters difficulties after getting married, or He Zizhen falls ill, he will use the manuscript fee to provide them with necessary help. It is worth noting, however, that even after Mao's death, his children did not ask for this manuscript fee. What will happen to this wealth in the end, and how will Mao's estate be distributed?

  6. He Zizhen's humility and Li Min's frankness

  In 1981, when asked by the General Office of the Central Committee about Li Min's request for inheritance, she responded frankly: "There is no demand, as long as my father gave me the share." "According to Mao Zedong's instructions during his lifetime, Li Min, Li Ne, and Mao Anqing all received the same share. He Zizhen received 20,000 yuan in cash. Li Min sighed at this: "Mom is a real person, she still takes too little." This detail shows He Zizhen's humility and Li Min's sincerity.

  7. The final destination of the legacy

  In the end, Mao Zedong's more than one million manuscript fees, in accordance with his instructions during his lifetime, were all handed over to the state. He insisted: "It's all from the people's manuscript fees, and of course it should be for the people." This move showed his indifferent attitude to wealth and loyalty to his country.

  Mao's lifestyle and wealth management demonstrate his unique style as a leader. His simplicity, his concern for his family and friends, his passion for learning and Xi, and his careful management of his wealth all portrayed a leader who was deeply loved by the people. His story is not only a historical record, but also a profound demonstration of responsibility, humility and wisdom.

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  After delving into Mao's life and wealth management, we discover that his story is far more complex than meets the eye. He was not only a national leader, but also a family member, a friend, and a scholar who loved knowledge. In his stories, we can see the multifaceted display of humanity and self-restraint in the face of power and wealth.

  8. Prudent and low-key personal consumption

  Mao's personal consumption was very limited, even during his illness. His lifestyle was extremely austere and involved almost no luxuries. His simplicity is not out of helplessness, but a manifestation of a philosophy of life that also reflects his views on wealth.

  9. Personal tastes and life choices

  Mao's personal tastes and life choices reflect his character and values. His love for books is not only the pursuit of knowledge, but also the embodiment of a deep exploration of culture and thought. His choices, both in his preference for books and in his simplicity of life, demonstrate his unique style as a thinker and leader.

  10. Philosophical Reflections on Wealth

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  Mao's management and use of wealth shows his deep philosophical thinking. He spends most of his manuscript money on public and social causes, rather than for personal consumption, which reflects his sense of social responsibility for wealth and strict requirements for personal morality. This behavior of his is not only a kind of self-restraint on power and wealth, but also a kind of education for future generations.

  11. Family relations and the independence of children

  In terms of family, Mao Zedong attached great importance to the independence of his children. He insisted that his children be self-reliant, independent of his status or wealth. His way of education has undoubtedly had a profound impact on the personal growth and value formation of his children.

  XII. Final disposition of the heritage and its symbolic significance

  Mao's final disposition of the estate fully reflects his view of personal wealth. His insistence on handing over all manuscript fees to the state was not only a renunciation of personal power and wealth, but also a manifestation of his deep sense of national responsibility and the pursuit of social justice.

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  Mao's story is complex and instructive. His lifestyle as a great man, his attitude and stewardship of wealth, and his sense of responsibility to his family and society all provide us with opportunities for deep reflection and Xi. His story is not just a retrospective of a historical figure, but a profound discussion of wealth, power, responsibility and personal character in modern society. By gaining a deeper understanding of Mao's life and choices, we can better understand history and draw wisdom and inspiration from it to better face our own lives and challenges.

  The story of Mao Zedong is deeply engraved in the scroll of Chinese history, not only because of his political achievements, but also because of his humanity and wisdom in the face of power, wealth and responsibility. His story offers a glimpse of a leader's private life on a side that is both authentic and revelatory.

  13. Profound social impact

  Mao's approach to wealth had a profound impact on Chinese society. His austere life and indifferent attitude to wealth became an example for many to follow. This attitude towards wealth was particularly rare in the social environment of the time, and it embodied a spiritual realm that transcended material pursuits.

  14. The combination of politics and personal morality

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  Mao's lifestyle and wealth management also demonstrated the personal virtues of political leaders. In his view, leaders should not only show their abilities in the political arena, but also maintain high moral character in their private lives. His actions reflect an ideal image of a leader who maintains high standards of consistency in both the public and private spheres.

  XV. Enlightenment to the Hereafter

  Mao's way of life and wealth management has important implications for future generations. In a society where materialistic pursuits are growing, his story reminds people to have a correct understanding of wealth, not to be lost by material things, and to maintain a pure heart. At the same time, he also demonstrated the sense of responsibility and commitment that a leader should have.

  16. Inheritance of heritage and values

  Although Mao's legacy was eventually handed over to the state, it was not just wealth that he really left to posterity. More important is his values and philosophy of life. These spiritual legacies are more precious than material wealth and have far-reaching significance for China and the world.

In 81, the central government distributed the inheritance of the great man, and He Zizhen got 20,000 yuan, Li Min said frankly: Mom is a real person

  XVII. Reflections on Modern Society

  In reviewing the story of Mao Zedong, we are also led to reflect on the values of modern society. In a highly commercialized and materialistic society, Mao's lifestyle and attitude towards wealth offer a different perspective on what true happiness and success are.

  XVIII. Summary and prospects

  The story of Mao Zedong is not just a simple narration of a historical figure, it is an in-depth analysis of an era, a country and a person. Through his story, we can see the balance of a leader's public and private lives, as well as a person's inner world in the face of power and wealth. His story is a reflection and inspiration for many of the issues in our lives today.

  By delving into Mao's life and wealth management, we not only learn about the multifaceted nature of a historical figure, but also gain insight into wealth, responsibility, and personal character. These lessons and revelations apply not only to personal life, but also to leaders and public figures. Mao's story makes us rethink the definition of success and how to find our place in a world of challenges and opportunities.

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