
Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

author:Homecoming History

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Li Min and Li Ne are both the daughters of Chairman Mao, but their personalities and life experiences are completely different. Some people say that the two sisters are not in harmony, but such statements are purely subjective assumptions made out of nothing.

In fact, although Li Ne and Li Min have the same father, they like this sister very much and are even more proud of their sister's children.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

What are the touching stories of the two sisters, what are the differences between their lives, and why should Li Min's children be proud?

Sister: After all the hunger and cold, the spring flowers are blooming when I return

Li Min was born in 1936, four years older than Li Ne, and his mother was He Zizhen. When she was just a few months old, He Zizhen went to the Soviet Union. In 1940, the year Li Ne was born, Li Min was sent to accompany his mother.

He Zizhen came to the Soviet Union because of emotional conflicts, and on the other hand, because she was seriously injured during the Long March and was covered with shrapnel and needed to go to the Soviet Union for medical treatment.

At that time, the civil war was raging, the situation in the Soviet Union was not completely stable and prosperous, and He Zizhen was not in good health, Li Min and his mother spent seven very difficult years here.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

At that time, Mao Anqing and Mao Anying were also in the Soviet Union, and on holidays, they would go to He Zizhen to reunite. Although these two brothers are not He Zizhen's biological sons, they have always been regarded as their own.

While He Zizhen dragged his sick body to make money to make a living, he would save money to help them.

The winters in the USSR were long and cold. During the Great Patriotic War, a slice of bread and a small piece of potato was a dinner, and Li Min became weaker and weaker under hunger and cold, and soon fell ill with pneumonia.

During the war, materials were scarce, and it was difficult for the hospital to treat her in time, so they could only announce to He Zizhen that death was imminent.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Li Min was then moved to a dim, damp hut next to the morgue.

Watching "this delicate flower" wither day by day in the hospital, He Zizhen's heart was broken into tens of thousands of pieces. She went crazy and took her daughter Li Min home, sold all the clothes, pens and other items around her in exchange for money to save her daughter's life.

Because before that, her son Liao Wa had died of pneumonia at the age of 10 months. If her daughter leaves again, He Zizhen can't imagine what else can support her to live.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Under the careful care of his mother, Li Min, who left the hospital, miraculously recovered.

However, people from the Children's Hospital rushed to hear the news and claimed to take Li Min back to the hospital. He Zizhen naturally couldn't agree, so she had a fierce argument with the other party, and then she was framed by a traitor and sent to a psychiatric hospital.

Suffering befell this mother and daughter who were far away in a foreign land and had no support.

He Zizhen, who was already physically and mentally exhausted, was forced to receive so-called treatment in a psychiatric hospital, and was treated inhumanely from time to time, and the torture he experienced can be imagined.

On the other hand, there is no need to say how tormented Li Min's life should be without the care of his mother.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Fortunately, He Zizhen was later rescued by Wang Jiaxiang and his wife and was able to be discharged from the hospital to take care of his daughter. However, a person's childhood needs the company of both parents to be complete.

At that time, Li Min had no concept of the title of father, and he didn't know who his father was.

When studying at the International Children's Institute, the teacher talked about Chairman Mao's achievements, and Li Min just silently admired this great man in his heart. Later, her brother Mao Anqing came to visit her and told her that Chairman Mao was her father, and she still suspected that her brother was teasing her.

In 1947, Li Min was finally able to return to China with her mother, and her miserable life ended there, and she will be full of warmth in the future.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

When she first returned to China, she only spoke Russian, and wrote a letter to Chairman Mao in Russian, asking whether she was Chairman Mao's daughter. Chairman Mao liked this lovely daughter very much, and soon took her to live by his side.

There was suddenly a little girl who spoke a foreign language in the originally quiet house, Chairman Mao laughed happily every day, and often told people about Li Min's daily anecdotes.

In his free time, Chairman Mao would take her hand and go out for a walk to teach her the principles of life. Because of the estrangement between his father and mother, Li Min acted as a little messenger and often ran between his parents' residences.

Every time she wants to go to He Zizhen, Chairman Mao will personally pack her in every detail to ensure that the journey is safe and comfortable.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Li Min no longer has to starve and freeze, she doesn't have to suffer inhuman treatment in a foreign country, she has her father's love and companionship, everything has become better.

Here, she also knew her sister Li Ne. Compared with Li Min, Li Ne's childhood experience is very different from that of her sister.

Sister: Childhood is full of winds and frosts

If Li Min's childhood was like a grass swaying in the wind, Li Ne's childhood was like a flower blooming in a greenhouse.

Although she also suffered some hardships in the war, because of her father's protection, it was not as difficult as her sister, and her life was still full of warm spring breeze.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Li Ne is the daughter of Chairman Mao and Jiang Qing, and the only child who grew up next to Chairman Mao.

Just like her name, Li Ne has a quiet personality and does not like to talk. But with the light of fatherly love shining in her heart, she is actually very lively and lovely, and not depressed because she speaks little.

Chairman Mao also likes to take Li Ne for a walk. Those moments of holding one of his father's fingers with his little hand, jumping and laughing while walking are the most precious memories of his life.

Chairman Mao loved Li Ne, but not with a hundred obedient doting, but with extremely patient teaching. No matter how busy he was with his work, he would find time every day to teach Li Ne to read and write.

Although he was tired from the heavy daily work, as soon as he saw Li Ne, he would immediately smile happily.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

In order to shape Li Ne's outlook on life and values, Chairman Mao was often very strict with her.

Since he was a child, he taught Li Ne not to be special, but to blend in with the people everywhere. When Li Ne was sent to primary school, Chairman Mao specifically told her not to tell others who her father was.

When he goes to school on weekdays, Li Ne mostly goes to and from school by himself without a driver. She remembered her father's teachings, liked reading very much, put all her energy into studying, and got very good grades.

In addition, when Li Ne was a child, like the children of ordinary families, he did not have a lot of pocket money.

One year on Chairman Mao's birthday, she saw other children preparing a gift for their parents' birthdays, and she also wanted to create a surprise for her father.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Because she had no money, she pondered for a long time, and thought that Chairman Mao usually liked to read books the most, so she had a flash of inspiration and decided to make a bookmark for her father.

Li Ne's hands are dexterous, and he can make a beautiful bookmark with only a few pieces of cardboard and silk thread. She happily put the gift in an equally beautiful little box and rushed to her father's hand.

Chairman Mao cautiously opened the box, his eyes full of surprise.

He put the bookmark with the peach pattern in his hand and rubbed it repeatedly, while reading the blessing words written in immature handwriting on the back of the bookmark, he praised her with a smile: "My good boy has grown up!" This small bookmark has been treasured by Chairman Mao for more than 20 years.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Later, Chairman Mao died, and Li Ne's life changed dramatically. Without her father's warmth, she seemed to fall into an ice cave in an instant, and she could only face those lonely and desolate times alone. Gradually, her health also deteriorated.

In the middle of the night, she often remembered that when she was hospitalized for surgery when she was young, her father would write to cheer her on so that she didn't have to be afraid. Now I'm sick, but I can't hope for the care that was close at hand. Every time she thought about it, she couldn't hold back her tears.

Since then, every time Chairman Mao's birthday, Li Ne will blend into the crowd in the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, silently telling his thoughts in front of the body.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Her clothes were plain, even shabby, making her look even more haggard. She always remembered that her father told her not to be special, so even when she came to see her father, she never told the staff her identity.

In addition, Li Ne's emotional life also makes her feel sad, which makes her very envious of her sister Li Min's stable family. When they entered their youth, what kind of emotional story did the two sisters experience?

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

Time flies, and melancholy whispers

Chairman Mao's name for the sisters Li Min and Li Ne originally came from "The Analects of Liren": "A gentleman is quick in words and quick in deeds." ”

I hope that they can be down-to-earth and become gentlemen who speak cautiously and act quickly. They lived up to their father's expectations and kept their father's teachings in mind throughout their lives.

Li Min studied hard, was admitted to Beijing Normal University in college, and has been working in the National Defense Science and Technology Commission since graduation.

She lived a simple life, lived in a humble residential house, and like Li Ne, did not inherit a penny from her father, and was completely self-reliant on her salary.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

In 1959, Li Min and Kong Linghua, the son of General Kong Congzhou, got married because they fell in love. Kong Linghua stayed in the school after graduating from Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics to engage in scientific research, and is a gentle and down-to-earth man.

The two have similar tempers and similar personalities, and their lives together are ordinary and fulfilling. None of them relied on their parents, but lived entirely with their hands.

Soon after marriage, Li Min gave birth to a son Kong Jining and a daughter Kong Dongmei.

Kong Jining was once a glorious People's Liberation Army, and later engaged in the media industry, devoted himself to the spread of the national spirit and Chairman Mao's thoughts, and also established the National Spirit and China Development Research Center with his mother, which had a huge impact on the shaping of the people's feelings for the country and the country.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

After graduating from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Kong Dongmei went to the United States for further study and returned to Peking University to study for a doctorate. She has a wide range of hobbies, excellent grades, is committed to mining red ideas, spreading red culture, and has created a grand career like her brother.

This pair of excellent sons and daughters is the pride of Li Min and the pride of Li Ne. As early as when Li Min just returned from the Soviet Union, Li Ne took the initiative to approach her sister and play with her.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

She knows the hardships her sister has endured abroad, and hopes that her sister will be full of laughter in the future, and now she has got her wish. The relationship between the two sisters has always been very good, and after the death of Chairman Mao, they often work together to participate in various activities.

Unlike her sister, who quickly found the true love of her life, Li Ne encountered some love twists and turns. In 1970, she was sent to Jiangxi Cadre School and met Xiao Xu, a young man with beautiful looks and elegant manners.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

At that time, Li Ne was already thirty years old, and he had never met a favorite candidate. Xiao Xu is a few years younger than Li Ne, and he and Li Ne have a common language. The two gradually developed feelings after a long time together, and the idea of marriage was born.

However, Jiang Qing was very angry when he learned about this and insisted on stopping him. Fortunately, Chairman Mao approved the marriage of Li Ne and Xiao Xu, and they were able to start a family and give birth to a child.

However, the good times did not last long, Li Ne and Xiao Xu were so in love when they were in love, but after entering the marriage, there were many conflicts that were difficult to resolve.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!

The marriage ended in failure. This had a great stimulus for Li Ne, who was depressed all day long, and even had mental problems, to the point where she could not work normally. In this way, she spent another dark time alone.

Later, after being introduced by Chairman Mao's chief guard Li Yinqiao and his wife, Li Ne and Wang Jingqing ushered in a new life together, and her life gained more light again.

Li Ne said that her sister Li Min was full of pride: My sister has the ability, and a son and a daughter are promising!


Li Min and Li Ne are both Chairman Mao's very beloved children, and they have inherited Chairman Mao's precious spiritual legacy.

They came from history and witnessed the majestic epic of the founding of New China. No matter whether life is bitter or happy, they have not lost their hearts, and with Chairman Mao's earnest teachings, they have bravely strode forward.

Chairman Mao's descendants are also in action, striving for the inheritance of the spirit of great men all their lives. We are in a prosperous era, everyone is the inheritor of the great revolutionary spirit, and I hope everyone will keep it in mind and continue to strive for a better life.

  • Author: Ah Wu
  • Edit: The sound of the night rain is annoying
  • Bibliography:
  • ZHANG Ronghui. The marriage affair between Mao Zedong and He Zizhen [J]. Red Wide Angle, 2011, (11): 31-35.
  • Tang Xiaoyu, gorgeous. Mao Zedong's daughters Li Min and Li Ne [J]. Shandong Archives, 2007, (06): 54-55.

This article was originally written by "Returning History", and has been opened for rights protection on the whole network, and may not be reprinted without authorization, and infringement must be investigated.

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