
These most common local goods in rural areas, silkworm chrysalis, golden cicadas, and hornworms, are difficult to buy with money

author:October knife 1

These most common local goods in rural areas, silkworm chrysalis, golden cicadas, and hornworms, are difficult to buy with money

In the past, the most common game in the countryside was all kinds of game, such as wild grasses growing on the ground, many of which have been artificially planted and become delicious on the table, such as bamboo shoots, callus, camellia, etc., which have been planted on a large scale. There are also delicacies that grow on the trees, such as toon leaves in early spring, locust flowers in May, and purple-red mulberries, which are the most common game meats for rural children. Of course, there are all kinds of exotic animals, such as pheasants, turtle doves, etc., which used to be the snacks of rural friends, and now they have become national protected animals. But in the countryside, there are still these kinds of local goods, although they look earthy, but they have high nutritional value and delicious taste, and have become the favorite of the urban table. If you want to eat it, you have to see if there is a stock, and you can't buy it if you have money.

These most common local goods in rural areas, silkworm chrysalis, golden cicadas, and hornworms, are difficult to buy with money

1. Silkworm pupa

In the past, in rural areas, silkworms were raised for a living, and silkworm cocoons were the raw materials of silk, so the price in the market was very high, and the price of making clothes was also higher, and it was deeply loved by the middle class. When raising silkworms, everyone often leaves a part of it to turn into silkworm chrysalis, and then keeps it for their own food, which is also a good delicacy. The nutritional value of silkworm pupae is very high, especially the protein content reaches more than 50%, and the vitamin content is also very high, and it also contains 18 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body. The silkworm pupae can adjust the body's metabolism, has a certain preventive effect on the three highs, and is even used for cancer prevention and anti-cancer. In the past, silkworm chrysalis were eaten stir-fried, but now everyone will barbecue or cook soup.

These most common local goods in rural areas, silkworm chrysalis, golden cicadas, and hornworms, are difficult to buy with money

2. Hornworms

This pest is often found in rural fields, especially soybeans. It looks very weird from the outside, and the green color makes it a toy for children. Because pesticides were rarely used in rural areas in the past, there were still a lot of such insects, and everyone would take bamboo pockets to catch these insects in the field, otherwise the yield and quality of soybeans would decline during the harvest. And this kind of hornworm is the favorite chicken at home, but now many people will fry hornworms, and the taste is still very crispy. The content of trace elements in the body is very high, and the protein content can also be comparable to that of silkworm pupae.

These most common local goods in rural areas, silkworm chrysalis, golden cicadas, and hornworms, are difficult to buy with money

3. Golden Cicada

Now the golden cicada goes to the countryside at a purchase price of one yuan, and the price of the hotel will be higher. The reason why the price is so high is because the number of wild ones is very small, and of course, there are many of them in captivity, but the taste is still not as good as that of wild ones. This kind of game can often be eaten at banquets, and in June, people in the countryside will take flashlights to shine on gold. But everyone eats it at home, and it is usually fried and eaten, and the taste is delicious and evocative.

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