
Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

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Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Turn science and technology into "new farm tools", cultural tourism into "new tracks", and networks into "new farm work". In this issue of "Three Rural Tasting Officials Exploring the Countryside", the agricultural ingenuity program will enter Xia Xiaoping, an expert in agricultural production, to see how he seeks change and innovation to help high-quality aquatic products swim into thousands of households.

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Li Qianru, tasting officer of Sannong reporter: "Today we came to Chuangxin Village in Huangpi District to visit an aquaculture expert. ”

Xia Xiaoping, head of Wuhan Xin Yuanyuan Ecological Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd.: "Let me take you to see, this is the source of the hatching water and breeding water used by our Xin Yuanyuan entire base. Behind this gate is the entire Yuanjiji Reservoir, so the fish we raise are particularly good. ”

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Walking into the "Xin Mandarin Yuan" breeding base in Huangpi District, the sound of flowing water came from the step-like distribution of the breeding tank. Xia Xiaoping, 52, has been engaged in aquaculture for more than 30 years. In order to create a new breeding base, he went to many places in the province to investigate. It wasn't until 2019 that I finally discovered this "surprise treasure land" located between Mulan Mountain and Yunwu Mountain, backed by the Yuanji Temple Reservoir.

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Li Qianru, the tasting officer of the Sannong reporter: "Mr. Xia, I feel very special when I come to your base, what kind of material is this made of?"

Xia Xiaoping: "All-steel structure, rare in the province, many friends have asked the same questions as you after coming here." The all-steel structure is based on these two points, the first point is that the all-steel structure is detachable, and the second, we use a breeding cloth under the sink, which separates the land and protects the land. The water enters over there, and the water comes out here, and it is an imitation of river farming. Therefore, this kind of fish has relatively strong muscles, which is equivalent to being on a treadmill, which is what we usually call a fitness fish. ”

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Good mountains and good water produce good fish. Xia Xiaoping relies on the topography and reservoirs to build canals and divert water to create a new type of conservation-oriented aquaculture. At the fry stage, swim-lane currents make the fry healthier. During the growing season, the natural drop in water potential allows the entire pond to flow. This design saves energy, protects the environment, reduces pests, and improves the quality of aquatic products.

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Li Qianru, tasting officer of the three rural reporters: "How many fish can be raised in this tank?"

Xia Xiaoping: "The usual output is 5,000 to 10,000 catties, and the size of a trough is 5 meters by 25 meters, 125 square meters, which is a very high yield, which is the advantage of our facility fishery." ”

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Being able to raise fish well is only Xia Xiaoping's primary goal. In his breeding base, it is equipped with a series of industrial chains such as aquatic testing room, processing workshop, and live broadcast room. Over the years, Xia Xiaoping, who loves to ponder and is good at studying, has also been unlocking his "new skills", whether it is a researcher who strives for perfection by the pond, or a witty and humorous live broadcast master in front of the camera, he can switch between various roles freely.

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Xia Xiaoping, head of Wuhan Xin Yuanyuan Ecological Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd.: "Look at our display platform, in addition to our Xin Yuanyuan own products, there are also local eggs, frozen rice, and shredded beans raised by the villagers themselves. He works for me, and I help him sell produce, so I have the best of both worlds. Therefore, the relationship between the villagers and us is very harmonious, and everyone is very supportive and understanding of some of our undertakings. ”

Farmer Zou Dapa: "I wash fish and cages every day, and my income is about 4,500 a month, and I am quite happy to do it, working at the door of my house and making money at the door of my house." ”

Nowadays, while the base is strengthening the aquatic industry chain, Xia Xiaoping, who is not idle, is also ready to make efforts in the integration of "three industries" - to build the base into a modern ecological agricultural park integrating fish fry breeding, commercial fish breeding and its derivative fishing experience, fishery science popularization, and leisure fishing, so as to further tap the value of high-quality aquatic products.

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

In 2023, Xia Xiaoping won the "Agricultural Production Expert" award in the first "Wuhan Farmer" Farmer Skills Competition.

Xia Xiaoping, head of Wuhan Xinyuanyuan Ecological Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd.: "I think that the development of agriculture to this day, its requirements for business formats and our farmers are different from before. How do you use modern science and technology to do a good job in agriculture? ”

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

Farmer's ingenuity

The original heart is like a rock, and we strive to sail.

The use of facility fisheries to improve the efficiency of aquaculture.

Truth-seeking, change-seeking and innovation,

Continuously inject fresh water into the source for the rise of the fishery.

Agricultural ingenuity|The "treasure" aquatic people who love to study

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