
What animal do frogs belong to?

author:Yunshen knowledge

Frogs, the singers of the biological world, play an important role in our lives. But what you may not know is that frogs are actually amphibians. Their larvae live in water and breathe with gills, while adults live on land and in water, breathing with their lungs and their skin to help with breathing. This is one of the reasons why frogs are unique and why they can thrive on Earth.

What animal do frogs belong to?

You may ask, why are frogs called "singers"? It has to do with the way frogs court. Spring is the most active season for frogs. Male frogs make a variety of calls to attract female frogs. These cries, to us, are like beautiful songs. And this courtship behavior of frogs is also an important way for them to reproduce.

Did you know that the skin of frogs is their umbrella. Frogs have a variety of warts on their skin that help them better protect themselves. In addition, the skin of frogs also secretes a mucus that helps them swim better in the water and also prevents water loss to a certain extent.

What animal do frogs belong to?

Seeing this, you may have a question:

Why is there such a big difference between the larvae and the adults of frogs?

This is actually because the frog's development process has undergone metamorphosis. Juvenile tadpoles live in water, breathing with gills, and over time, they gradually grow limbs and their skin changes, eventually becoming adult frogs that can live on land and in water. The process is like a magic trick.

What animal do frogs belong to?

Having said all that, you probably have a deeper understanding of frogs. But you know what? Frogs are our best friends. They can help us get rid of pests and protect crops. Therefore, we must protect the frogs so that they can continue to sing and live in this world.

Now, I would like to ask you a question:

Do you know why frogs live in water and on land? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your answers.
What animal do frogs belong to?

Overall, frogs are amazing creatures. Their unique way of living makes them unique in the biological world. We need to protect the frogs so that they can continue to live and sing in this world. Let's listen to the song of the frog and feel the beauty of nature.

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