
The main father, a knife of Emperor Wu of Han

author:The wind of code words flies

Historical figures, from an objective point of view and from a master point of view, are fundamentally two completely opposite concepts. Today we will take the father of the cool official during the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, subjectively speaking, he was a cool official. Objectively speaking, his credit is also great.

"The main father Yan (?~126 BC), a chancellor of emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. A native of Linzi (present-day Linzi, Shandong). Born in poverty, he learned the art of long and short vertical and horizontal in his early years, and later learned "Yi", "Spring and Autumn" and the Words of a Hundred Families. In Qi, he was ostracized by Confucianism, so he traveled to the princely kingdoms of Yan, Zhao, and Zhongshan in the north, but they were not treated with courtesy. In the first year of Yuan Guang (134 BC), the main father arrived in Chang'an. After directly writing to Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che, he was summoned to meet him on the same day, and worshiped Langzhong at the same time as Xu Le and Yan An. Soon after, he was moved to gurudwara, Zhonglang, and Zhongdafu, and was promoted four times in a year, and was appointed by Emperor Wu. He also put forward the political proposition of "great unification" to Emperor Wu of Han. ”

This is the explanation on Baidu, from this text alone, this person's popularity is still good. Although it was a little late, the performance was very good and it was a potential stock. His implementation of the "Tui En Order" helped Emperor Wu of Han to remove the political enemies who threatened the centralized system, kill the Kings of Qi and Yan, and break down the rights of individual princes, which played an immeasurable role in consolidating the power of the Han Dynasty.

The main father was a cool official, a sword of Emperor Wu of Han. The knife flashed with the smell of blood, frightening the courage of the princes. They were afraid of him and hated him. Wait until you grab his pigtails and kill them quickly.

The opportunity soon came. When he wanted to clean up King Zhao, King Zhao told him in advance that he had sued. He was convicted of embezzlement and bribery and killed the King of Qi. In this situation, Emperor Wudi of Han was naturally very well informed, but the main father had already used up this sword, and it was time to discard it. King Zhao just gave him the steps.

Second, the lord father never left a way back for himself when he did things, "broke off diplomatic relations" with relatives and friends, and there were countless political enemies, not only did no one say good things for him, but they all came to the well. Gongsun Hong hated him even more. He himself is not a good thing, this kind of thing is the best at doing. A few words pushed the Lord Father onto the guillotine. It ended the life of the Lord's father who walked low and high.

If you want to get ahead as a cool official, you must form a close alliance with the emperor, fight side by side, and take what you need. After the matter was completed, the emperor continued to play the role of savior, and the cool official was really afraid, in order to appease people's hearts, the cool official had to become an evil person with a black cauldron, and finally became the emperor's sword ghost.

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