
When will the disaster go away, it may just be the beginning now (the disaster disappears)

When will the disaster go away, it may just be the beginning now (the disaster disappears)

The time when the catastrophe on Earth disappeared is a mystery. In recent years, human beings have experienced disasters more than once, some disasters are believed, but the vast majority of disasters are naturally formed, in the first two years many countries have been affected by volcanoes and tsunamis and nature, many people hope to see the disappearance of disasters as soon as possible, so that human beings all over the world can live well, but there are many scientists who say that now the financial disaster will occur frequently.

When will the disaster go away, it may just be the beginning now (the disaster disappears)

The global environment

Cooperate to brush away the great changes of the earth's bad original friends. Although the rapid development of science and technology after the industrial revolution has brought great convenience to human life, it has not taken into account that the convenience brought to human beings will directly affect the earth's ecology, and many species have been homeless due to human cutting down of trees and plundering resources. Many species that have lasted for tens of thousands of years can only face extinction in the end. Although in recent years, many countries have been returning farmland to forests to create more suitable areas for animals, but it is difficult for these extinct creatures to return.

When will the disaster go away, it may just be the beginning now (the disaster disappears)

Overall change

So what worries scientists is the changes that will happen to the planet as a whole, because the current disasters are not limited to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And there are also biological disasters, as well as disasters caused by viruses, and scientists attribute many of the disasters to the environment. If we can't protect the environment now, then there may be endless disasters in the future, and it will be too late for human beings to protect the environment by then.

When will the disaster go away, it may just be the beginning now (the disaster disappears)

Disaster begins

It is a mystery that can never be predicted when and what kind of catastrophe will occur, but everyone should be prepared for it, because these years may be the beginning of frequent disasters on Earth.

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