
A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths


Speaking of monks, everyone knows that monks have five precepts, no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, no drinking, as long as they enter the Buddha's door, these five are iron laws, and those who violate the iron laws will not only fail to become Buddhas after death according to the description in the Buddhist scriptures, but also not get exceedance.

But in Chinese history, there is such a high monk, he obviously broke the color precepts many times during his lifetime, but after his death he was still respected by Buddhism as a generation of grandmasters, and what is even more amazing is that after he was cremated, people found that his tongue could not be burned, what is going on?

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

In order to get a high-ranking monk to forcibly send his wife, he forced him to break his vows by unscrupulous means

In 382 AD, the former Qin unified the north with years of conquest, and for a time the army was strong, and the ambition of the monarch Fu Jian began to expand, aiming at the countries of the Western Regions.

In September of the same year, Fu Jian appointed four major generals, including Lü Guang, to lead 70,000 infantry and 5,000 iron cavalry to conquer the Western Regions.

Lü Guang was brave and resourceful, but within a year, the Yanqi Kingdom and its affiliated states asked for surrender one after another, but only the neighboring Qiuzi Kingdom resisted stubbornly and refused to give in. Although the Qiuzi Kingdom was defeated after that, its people were dissatisfied with Lü Guangduo.

Just when Lu Guang was worried about how to subdue the hearts of the people of Qiuzi, he suddenly learned that there was a high-ranking monk named Kumarosh in his country who was very prestigious.

Now he thought of a quick way to win over the people, that is, to take Kumarosh under his command and let him persuade everyone to give up resistance on his behalf, and in order to make Kumarosh willing to do things for himself, he gave the daughter of the king of Kuzi to the other party.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

However, Kumarosh was a monk after all, and even if Lu Guang persecuted, he couldn't do anything about forcibly disobeying the other party.

So, Lu Guang thought of a very inferior solution, that is, to get Kumarosh drunk and deliberately lock him in the same room with the daughter of the king of Qiuzi.

For this plot, everyone may be a little familiar, yes, this is the same method as the Tianshan Tong in "Tianlong Babu" to force Xuzhu to break the ring, and the result is not surprising, Kumarosh was drunk and disorderly, so he could only marry the daughter of King Qiuzi.

At this time, Kumarosh's handle was in Lu Guang's hands, and he could only willingly let him do it. Speaking of which, everyone may wonder, Kumarosh is just a monk, even if he has a little prestige, he will not be able to stir up trouble in the political circles, why is Lu Guang so obsessed with him?

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

In fact, Lü Guang's persistence was due to his ambition, and with the subjugation of the Western Regions, his fame gradually became no longer satisfied with being commanded, and in order to realize his political ambitions, he needed to win over more intelligent and talented people, and Kumarosh was undoubtedly such a person.

So, what exactly is so great about Kumarosh?


Kumarosh was not an ordinary monk, he was born in the country of Qiuzi, his father was the eldest son of the prime minister of the Tianzhu Kingdom, Data, and his mother was the sister of Bai Chun, the king of Qiuzi. These two people are not only noble, but they also advocate Buddhism, and it is for this reason that the two came together.

It is said that when Jaiva was pregnant with Kumaroshi, her memory and understanding of Buddhist scriptures began to multiply inexplicably, and she suddenly spoke Tianzhu without a teacher.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

It is believed that the change in Jaiva must be related to the child in the womb, and they all think that Kumarosh will definitely be a child with wisdom roots and Buddha fate in the future.

When Kumarosh was 7 years old, Jaiva suddenly had an epiphany after seeing the dry bones in the grave during the tour, and she resolutely took the 7-year-old Kumarosh to be ordained and moved into the monastery despite everyone's opposition.

This decision paved the way for Kumarosh's later attainments in Buddhism, and he began to study the Theravada scriptures Xi his mother. Later, when he was older, as his experience and understanding grew, he turned to Suriyasuma as his teacher and began to learn Xi Mahayana scriptures of Buddhism.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of Buddhism, he began to travel to various places, and along the way, he came into contact with many eminent monks, and his attainments in Buddhism also soared.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

When he was 20 years old, he ended his travels and returned to the country of Qiuzi to promote Buddhism and educate sentient beings.

With his indefatigable tongue and super debating talent, his name spread throughout the Western Regions, and he also became a Buddhist monk admired by everyone.

However, Lü Guang valued Kumarosh not only because of his high attainments in Buddhism, but mainly because of his unparalleled influence.

Kumarosh's teachings emphasize moral concepts such as compassion, benevolence, and tolerance, which play a positive role in alleviating social contradictions and maintaining social order.

In the course of his mission, cultural exchanges between various ethnic groups became more frequent, which promoted the integration of ethnic groups to a certain extent.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

In that chaotic and divided social environment, Kumarosh is a very cohesive existence, and Lu Guang also values him, so he will do whatever it takes to bring him under his command.

However, since Kumarosh broke his vows for the first time because he was framed by Lu Guang, why did he break his vows again after that? Could it be because he fell after breaking his vows for the first time?

The reputation is far and wide and is coveted, and the second time he breaks the vows and guards the Buddha's heart

Of course not. As mentioned above, Kumarosh is a pivotal presence in Buddhism, and it is not something that can be obtained by memorizing Buddhist scriptures casually, so it is even more impossible to say that he broke his vows because he fell.

In fact, from beginning to end, Kumarosh's vows were broken involuntarily. After breaking his vows for the first time, Kumarosh was taken to Liangzhou by Lü Guang and forced to live here for 3 years.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

During this time, many people scoffed at him for breaking his vows, but he never gave up his mission. In order to let more people accept the teachings he inherited, he did not hesitate to swallow the silver needle in public, so that countless people stopped questioning him.

Three years later, Yao Changhan killed Fu Jian and entered Chang'an, and because he admired Kumarosh's talents, he took him from Liangzhou to Chang'an. It was also because of him that Kumarosh broke the precepts for the second time.

After Kumarosh was taken to Chang'an, he studied the Dharma every day, never slacked off, and discussed the Dharma with others is also unbeatable, plus he is kind-hearted, sincere and very loving, Yao Chang was worried that after his death, such wisdom would not be inherited, so he sent a lot Xi of beauties to him for inheritance.

Although Kumarosh was reluctant to do this, he could only accept it because of the other party's obscenity, and from then on, he "did not live in the monastic house, did not set up a house, and provided abundantly". However, although he was a layman, his heart remained loyal to Buddhism, and in the following time, he began to devote himself to translating Buddhist scriptures.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

In more than 10 years, he translated 35 scriptures, and many of the Buddhist scriptures used in Han Buddhism that have been passed down from later generations have been translated by him, so he is also recognized as the "ancestor of the eight sects of Han Buddhism".

In 413 A.D., Kumarosh's life came to an end, and after his death, the monks cremated his body, and to everyone's surprise, his tongue was not burned out with his body, but turned into a tongue relic.

In Buddhism, only a person with a very high level of cultivation will incarnate a relic after death, so it is believed that even though he has had two stains in his life, his contribution to Buddhism is undeniable, and the tongue relics incarnated after death are the best illustration of this, which is an affirmation from the Divine.

A generation of high-ranking monks was framed by traitors, and there were countless beauties around him after breaking the color ring, and their tongues could not be burned after their deaths

However, regardless of whether this statement is true or not, Kumarosh is considered a "true Buddha", and he used his own personal experience to prove to future generations that even if he is in a quagmire, as long as he is strong-willed, he can keep the "lotus heart" in full bloom.

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