
"Chew a few raw wolfberries" every night before going to bed, stick to it for a while, or there are 4 benefits uninvited

author:Let's talk about popular science

Goji berry is a common Chinese medicinal material and a nutritious ingredient, it is a shrub that grows in northern China, mainly distributed in Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai and other places.

Goji berries are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, and are believed to have the effects of tonifying the liver and kidneys, brightening the eyes, strengthening the body, etc., and modern research has also confirmed these effects, wolfberry can improve human immunity, improve eyesight, protect the liver, etc.

In addition, wolfberry also has antioxidant, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and other effects, which is helpful for the prevention and treatment of a variety of chronic diseases.

"Chew a few raw wolfberries" every night before going to bed, stick to it for a while, or there are 4 benefits uninvited

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Nutritional value of goji berries

Goji berries, a traditional Chinese medicinal material, have attracted attention in recent years for their rich nutritional value, which not only has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, brightening the eyes and nourishing blood, but also contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to the human body.

First of all, goji berries are rich in vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity and prevent colds and other diseases. In addition, it contains vitamin A and vitamin E, which have a good antioxidant effect, help to delay aging and keep the skin healthy.

Secondly, wolfberry contains a variety of trace elements, such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc., which are essential for the growth and development of the human body and the maintenance of normal physiological functions. Calcium and iron, in particular, play an irreplaceable role in bone health and blood health.

In addition, wolfberry also contains a substance called wolfberry polysaccharide, which has a significant anti-fatigue effect and can improve the body's endurance and anti-fatigue ability. For people who often feel tired, proper consumption of wolfberry can effectively relieve fatigue and improve work efficiency and quality of life.

"Chew a few raw wolfberries" every night before going to bed, stick to it for a while, or there are 4 benefits uninvited

It is worth mentioning that wolfberry also has a certain anti-cancer effect, and its rich in a variety of antioxidants and trace elements can effectively inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.

"Chew a few raw wolfberries" every night before going to bed, stick to it for a while, or there are 4 benefits uninvited

If you can take some time out of bed each night and chew a few raw goji berries, you will reap the unexpected benefits after a while. This small red fruit is not only delicious, but also nutritious and has many health benefits.

Boosts immunity

It is rich in vitamin C and β-carotene, nutrients that help to strengthen the function of the immune system and improve the body's resistance to diseases. Especially in winter, when the temperature plummets and the body's immunity is easy to decline, proper consumption of goji berries at this time can help us better resist colds and other diseases.

Protect your eyes

It is rich in vitamin A and zeaxanthin, which are essential for eye health. People who work in front of a computer or mobile phone screen for a long time may experience problems such as eye strain, dryness, etc. Regular consumption of goji berries can alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms and protect our eye health.

"Chew a few raw wolfberries" every night before going to bed, stick to it for a while, or there are 4 benefits uninvited

Regulates blood sugar

It contains an ingredient called "goji berry polysaccharide", which has a good hypoglycemic effect. For diabetic patients, proper consumption of goji berries can help control blood sugar levels and alleviate the condition.

Improve sleep quality

It contains an ingredient called "betaine", which regulates the nervous system and relieves symptoms of anxiety and insomnia. If you often suffer from insomnia due to the stressful work and fast pace of life, you may want to try chewing a few raw goji berries every night before bed, which may help you fall asleep peacefully.

The "golden partner" of wolfberry! Drink it with water with them, and the effect of nourishing the kidney and qi is good

Goji berries, this magical red fruit, have been known as a good health product since ancient times. It is rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, β-carotene, wolfberry polysaccharides, etc., which has a variety of effects such as nourishing the liver and kidneys, brightening the eyes and nourishing blood, and enhancing immunity. However, in order to give full play to the health benefits of wolfberry, we need to find its "golden partner".

First of all, we have to mention the combination of goji berries and red dates. Jujube is rich in iron and B vitamins, which can nourish the blood and calm the nerves, strengthen the spleen and stomach. Soaking wolfberry and red dates in water can not only enhance the tonic effect of wolfberry, but also neutralize the slightly warm medicinal properties of wolfberry, making the health effect more mild and long-lasting.

"Chew a few raw wolfberries" every night before going to bed, stick to it for a while, or there are 4 benefits uninvited

Secondly, wolfberry and longan are also an excellent pair. Longan is rich in glucose, protein, vitamins and minerals, and has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood and calming the nerves. Stewing goji berries and longan together can not only enhance immunity, but also effectively relieve fatigue and improve sleep quality.

In addition, the combination of wolfberry and hawthorn is also worth recommending. Hawthorn is rich in organic acids and flavonoids, which can eliminate food accumulation, promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis. Brewing wolfberry and hawthorn together to make tea and drink can not only regulate the circulation of qi and blood in the body, but also reduce blood lipids and play a role in weight loss.

In addition to the above combinations, there are many ingredients that can be complemented with wolfberry to play a better health effect. Of course, it is also necessary to pay attention to the relationship between the medicinal properties of the ingredients to avoid adverse reactions. In short, as long as we are good at discovering and using, we can find more and better "golden partners" for wolfberry, making our health path smoother and healthier.

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