
What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

author:Released by Longnanli County

Introduction: Eggs are an indispensable ingredient in our daily life, it is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, it is a frequent guest on our table, among many cooking methods, boiled eggs have become the first choice for many people with their simple, fast and delicious characteristics.

Every morning, a bowl of hot hard-boiled eggs with a glass of milk or soy milk is not only convenient and quick, but also provides the body with the nutrients it needs to energize the day.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

However, in recent years, some people have worried that eating one egg a day will indirectly harm the liver and increase the risk of developing liver disease, and the source of this claim may be related to the cholesterol in eggs.

So what will happen after eating a boiled egg in the morning for a period of time? It is recommended to understand the bad liver, so that you can maintain your health more effectively.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

01 Nutritional value of eggs


Eggs are a good source of protein, with each medium-sized egg (about 50 grams) containing about 6 grams of protein. Protein is necessary for the body to build and repair tissues and is important for maintaining muscles, bones, and other body structures.


Eggs are relatively high in fat, mostly fat and cholesterol, and each medium-sized egg contains about 5 grams of fat. Of these, about 1.6 grams are saturated fatty acids, 2 grams are monounsaturated fatty acids, and 0.7 grams are polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?


Eggs are rich in vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamin B12, which play an important role in various metabolisms and functions of the body.


Eggs are rich in a variety of minerals, including iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, and copper, which are essential for bodily functions such as bone health, neurotransmission, hemoglobin synthesis, and more.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

02 One egg and 2 flavored medicines, the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness is not inferior to Ejiao

Chicken shells

Chicken shell is a common waste in our daily life, however, in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, it is a Chinese herbal medicine with a variety of effects and functions.

Chicken shells can make acid and relieve pain, because it is rich in calcium carbonate and other minerals, which can neutralize stomach acid and relieve stomach discomfort. At the same time, chicken shells also have the effect of astringent hemostasis, and have a certain therapeutic effect on traumatic bleeding.

When used externally at the end of the study, chicken shell can be used to treat various traumatic bleeding and astringent astringency, and it can be used in combination with other Chinese herbal medicines, such as gallnut, calcined keel, etc., to enhance the hemostatic effect.

At the same time, chicken shells can also be used to treat oral ulcers, acid reflux, gastritis pain and other symptoms, through oral chicken shell grinding, can effectively relieve stomach discomfort, reduce gastric acid secretion, and relieve pain.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

Chicken yellow

According to the records of the "Compendium of Materia Medica", the chicken yellow has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, nourishing blood and quenching wind.

Its smell is thick and can nourish the body, and the ancients have compared it with Ejiao, which shows that its effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness is equivalent to that of Ejiao. However, compared with Ejiao, the acquisition of chicken yellow is more affordable and convenient, providing a more affordable treatment option for many patients.

For symptoms such as lack of heart blood, upset and sleeplessness, fatigue and vomiting blood, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, Jizihuang has a good therapeutic effect.

In addition, it can also be used to treat scalds and indigestion in children, egg yolk also has many applications in the folk, such as the treatment of chapped skin, skin ulcers of the lower limbs, etc., what is more amazing is that the egg yolk is boiled into egg butter, can treat burns, and is a good medicine for burns commonly used by folks.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

03What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning?

Aids in weight loss

For breakfast, hard-boiled eggs are a nutritious, low-calorie option that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to help meet the vitality and nutritional needs of the day. At the same time, the protein in eggs can increase satiety and reduce the intake of other foods throughout the day.

Hard-boiled eggs are made in a simple way, you only need to put the eggs in water and cook them, this cooking method retains the nutrients of the eggs and does not add any oils or condiments, so the calories are relatively low.

In the process of weight loss, it is very important to control the diet, boiled eggs can be used as a staple food for breakfast, with some low-calorie fruits or vegetables, such as apples, cucumbers, etc., which can provide enough nutrients, while controlling the total calorie intake, which helps to lose weight and slim down.

Brain Strengthening

Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain development and function, and the protein in eggs is an important component of brain nerve cells, which can promote the growth and repair of brain neurons.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

At the same time, nutrients such as lecithin and choline in eggs can also promote the growth and development of brain neurons, improve the brain's memory and Xi learning ability.

Secondly, the B vitamins in eggs can also promote the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help relieve stress and improve emotional state, thereby improving brain function.

Strengthens resistance

Eating a hard-boiled egg in the morning can provide us with rich nutrients, strengthen our immunity and start the day, hard-boiled eggs are rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, which are essential for our body.

Protein is the basic substance that makes up our body's cells and tissues and is indispensable for the growth and maintenance of the body, while fat is the main source of energy for the body and can also help us absorb fat-soluble vitamins, and minerals and vitamins can promote the normal physiological functions of the body and maintain good health.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

Eating a hard-boiled egg in the morning can provide our body with sufficient energy and nutrients to strengthen our resistance, so that we can better cope with various challenges in life and stay energetic.

Protect your eyesight

In the busy modern life, vision problems are getting more and more attention, staring at computer screens, mobile phone screens for a long time, and working with your eyes for a long time may cause damage to your vision.

In order to protect their eyesight, many people choose various methods, and one of the simple and effective methods is to eat a hard-boiled egg in the morning.

Hard-boiled eggs are rich in nutrients, the most notable of which are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are very protective of eyesight. Lutein absorbs harmful UV rays and reduces eye damage, while zeaxanthin protects the retina from oxidative damage.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

04 It is recommended to understand the bad liver

It is a widely discussed topic about whether eating eggs can bring too much metabolic waste to the liver, however, this statement is not accurate.

Although the liver is the body's main metabolic organ responsible for reassembling proteins, it can also be in a protein-deficient state, in which case we need to replenish the liver with enough protein through food.

Hard-boiled eggs are a food rich in high-quality protein that can provide the liver with the protein it needs. The cholesterol in eggs is mainly found in the yolk, but most cholesterol is able to be digested by the body, so it doesn't add an extra burden to the liver, in fact, there is less than a gram of cholesterol in an egg, so there is no need to worry too much.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

If you are still worried that the cholesterol in eggs will burden the liver, then you can choose to consume only egg whites, or control the intake of egg yolks, such as eating only 1/3 of the egg yolks, which can meet the body's demand for high-quality protein without worrying that cholesterol will put too much burden on the liver.

In fact, the benefits of eating eggs outweigh the disadvantages, for patients with liver disease, eggs are an important source of nutrition, and the lecithin in eggs can improve the activity of biological factors and promote the repair function of liver cells.

In addition, the multivitamins in eggs can strengthen the body's metabolism, reduce the burden of toxins on the liver, and help patients with liver disease recover.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about eating eggs to bring too much metabolic waste to the liver. On the contrary, moderate consumption of eggs can provide the liver with the nutrients and minerals it needs to help people with liver disease recover.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

05 Doctor reminds: Patients with liver disease need to pay attention to 2 points when eating eggs

Intake control

Patients with liver disease should control their egg intake, eggs contain high cholesterol, excessive intake may be detrimental to liver health, follow the advice of a doctor or dietitian, and control the daily egg intake.

Eat a balanced diet

In the liver disease diet, eggs should be part of the overall diet, combined with other balanced sources of nutrients, ensuring that the diet also includes enough vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat proteins, and moderate amounts of healthy fats.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

06 Although eggs are good, such people are not suitable for eating eggs


Some people are allergic to the proteins in egg protein, which can lead to allergic reactions such as itchy skin, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal upset, etc., if you know that you are allergic to eggs, you should avoid egg intake.

Cholesterol restrictors

Eggs contain higher cholesterol, and while research now suggests that dietary cholesterol has little effect on blood lipid levels in most people, those who need to limit their cholesterol intake, such as those with hypercholesterolemia or coronary heart disease, may need to limit their egg intake or avoid the yolk portion.

People who suffer from digestive problems

Some people may have digestive issues, such as excessive stomach acid or gastrointestinal sensitivities. In this case, the protein and fat in eggs may aggravate digestive discomfort, so it may be necessary to limit egg intake.

Specified Medical Appointment

Certain medical conditions or medical orders may require special dietary restrictions, including limiting or avoiding egg intake, in which case dietary modifications should be made according to the advice of your doctor or dietitian.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning after a while?

07 Reading extension: What should we pay attention to to nourishing the liver? These 3 things can be done easily

Get enough sleep

The liver detoxifies and repairs at night, so getting enough sleep is essential for liver health, and adults should get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and try to fall asleep before 11 p.m.

Exercise moderately

Exercise helps to promote blood circulation and metabolism, helps to detoxify the liver, and it is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming.

Stay in a good mood

Emotions also have a great impact on liver health, and long-term stress, anxiety or depression can cause damage to the liver, so we need to learn to regulate our emotions and keep our mood happy.

Source: Originated from Baidu Dr. Jiang talking about health knowledge

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