
It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

author:Laugh at Shi Yunyan

Text | Mr. L

Edit|Laughing Shi Yunyan


The water fly is known as the master of mosquito catching in nature, and can eliminate more than 3,000 mosquitoes on average every year.

And that's only at an early age......

01. Repulsive mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are an anoying and ubiquitous insect whose presence causes annoyance and health threats.

Although most mosquitoes feed only on plant nectar, only about 200 species actually feed on blood, and they have a particular preference for human blood.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

These "unconventional" mosquitoes pose a huge health threat to humans, and mosquitoes can also transmit other deadly diseases such as yellow fever and encephalitis.

Mosquitoes are so fertile mainly because they have an aquatic larval stage in their life cycle, which allows them to rapidly grow their populations in a suitable environment.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

An adult female mosquito can lay hundreds of eggs, and these eggs quickly hatch into mosquito larvae in the water, and it only takes 7-10 days to develop into a large number of adult mosquitoes at the right temperature and humidity.

It is precisely because of this high fertility rate that mosquitoes are able to multiply rapidly and become "regulars" in all corners of human life.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

In addition to traditional mosquito repellent products such as mosquito coils and nets, some scientists are trying to control the harm of mosquitoes to humans by exploring cutting-edge technologies such as gene editing.

These new and innovative approaches may have the potential to reduce mosquito populations and ultimately solve the problem of mosquito-borne diseases.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Mosquitoes don't just spread diseases, they can also cause skin infections, allergies and stress.

Every time a mosquito buzzes and successfully bites your skin, it brings a tingling and unbearable itching sensation.

The presence of mosquitoes has apparently become one of the least favorite creatures in human life, especially in summer and dry areas.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

In order to be more effective against mosquito infestations, scientists are constantly studying the behavior and life cycle of mosquitoes.

They found that mosquitoes have well-developed sensory organs that can detect changes in carbon dioxide concentration, vision and body temperature to pinpoint their targets.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Mosquitoes' head sensory organs can detect the carbon dioxide we exhale to determine the position of the human body, and at the same time, using compound eyes and antennae, they can recognize the distance and body temperature of the target to determine the "liveness" of the target.

Although mosquitoes bring endless troubles to humans, in the natural environment, they are not without natural predators, and the water fly is one of the nemesis of mosquitoes.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

02, mosquito's sworn enemy - water fly

The water bug, an insect that lives in freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, and streams, is mysterious for its low-key appearance and unknown Xi.

Despite their unremarkable and even somewhat ugly appearance, these tiny creatures are the precursors of dragonflies, which eventually transform into the familiar and graceful dragonflies.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

In the process of growth, the water fly only needs to go through the egg stage, the juvenile stage, and the emerging adult stage, which shows its unique life cycle compared with other insects that need to go through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

In this process of incomplete metamorphosis, the water fly gradually shows its wisdom and ability to survive.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

When a dragonfly elegantly points to the water, it is actually carrying out an important task – laying eggs.

In the process, they rapidly eject a large number of eggs into the water, which will soon hatch into the water bugs.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Not all eggs hatch successfully, and only after multiple molts can they stand out and have a chance to continue growing.

The physical characteristics of the water fly are adapted to the environment in which they live, with a large head and a flat body, as well as a body color similar to the environment, such as brown or dark brown.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

These features help them better hide and protect themselves in the aquatic environment.

Despite its unremarkable appearance, it is a carnivorous organism that feeds mainly on small shrimp and daphnia.

Among them, mosquitoes are one of their prey that they are keen on.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

03. A ruthless mosquito trap machine

The water fly, this insect known as nature's ruthless humanoid mosquito trap, inhabits the aquatic environment and is known for its amazing predatory ability and special preference for mosquitoes.

Despite its unremarkable appearance, its predatory skills are unique and highly effective.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

The head of the water fly has a jaw that is flexible like a high-tech mask, like the combat equipment of a professional warrior, with the ability to shrink and fold freely.

When the water fly spots its prey, it quickly unfolds the mask and then uses its spikes to precisely control the prey and devour it.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Unlike other animals, the water fly is also strategic, in addition to its unique predatory skills.

When a water fly catches its prey, it cleverly drags it into the water to avoid drawing attention to other potential threats.

This strategic vision allows the water fly to successfully prey not only on mosquitoes, but also on other small aquatic organisms such as small fish, shrimp, tadpoles, etc.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Mosquitoes are undoubtedly the most tempting delicacy for water bugs, especially the fragile mosquito larvae, which quickly fall into the merciless maws of water flies once they land on the surface of the water where they live.

Scientists' statistics show that each water fly can devour up to 3,000 mosquitoes and their larvae in a year.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Such alarming numbers play an indispensable role in controlling mosquito populations, especially during the summer months, when mosquitoes are at their most vibrant, and the presence of water flies is a strong backing for human health.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Although the feeding habits of the water fly sometimes cause it to prey on important farmed species, which has led some farmers to treat it as a pest, it acts as a predator for pests and mosquito larvae in agricultural settings.

In this role, its presence plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance and reducing pests and diseases.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

04. The number of water flies decreased

Under the crisis of the drastic decline in the number of water flies, many people have begun to think about the problem of water flies as a delicacy.

In fact, this phenomenon is closely related to the psychology of human beings to seek benefits and avoid disadvantages, due to the abundance of food supply, people's taste sense gradually develops towards diversity and stimulation, and the pursuit of novel and distinctive cuisine.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

As a result, some insects, such as water flies, have been re-examined and turned into delicacies on the human table.

Although it may not be attractive on the outside, many foodies cannot resist the aroma of the water fly when it is fried, and the meat is not only tender and rich in protein, but also believed to have medicinal properties.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Many places regard the water fly as a delicacy, and try to use a variety of cooking methods such as frying and boiling soup, and it is said that the consumption of water fly can also replenish qi and blood and enhance immunity.

Due to its unique flavor and nutritional value, the domestic market set off a frenzy of water flies for a while, and the price even soared to a high price of 80 yuan per catty.

With the overfishing of the water bugs, the number of water bugs is becoming scarcer.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

Every year from March to May of the lunar calendar, when the water fly in the pond is like a peak, many villagers wear water boots and carry small nets to catch fish and then transport them to the market for sale.

Frequent fishing practices have led to the destruction of the living environment of the water bug, and its position in the food chain has been shaken.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

As an indicator species of water bodies, it has a very sensitive identification role in water quality and environment.

Overfishing and habitat destruction have caused imbalances in aquatic ecosystems, affecting not only the number of water bugs, but also the entire ecosystem.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

In order to solve the problem of the sharp decline in the number of water flies, it is necessary not only to strengthen the awareness of protection from the level of law and policy, but also to arouse attention and education from the social level.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

05. Where did the dragonfly go?

Dragonflies, an ancient insect that once dotted fields and rivers, are now fading away from our sight.

Nostalgic for the "yellow dragonflies" of childhood, their bright colors and light dancing postures are always pleasant, so what is the reason for the disappearance of dragonflies?

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

The destruction of habitat poses a huge threat to dragonflies, whose life cycle is not widely known, but in fact, they cannot survive and thrive without clean water.

With the acceleration of urbanization and human activities, large numbers of lakes and wetlands have been filled, and clear rivers have become muddy due to pollution from industry and agriculture.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

The loss and loss of dragonfly habitat can greatly affect their survival, leading to a gradual decline in their population.

The heavy use of pesticides in agricultural production has also played an important role in the decline of dragonfly populations.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

As a relatively monolithic insect, dragonflies mainly feed on various pests, helping to maintain the ecological balance of farmland.

However, in recent years, the misuse of pesticides in agricultural production has led to a sharp decline in the number of dragonflies, and their food sources have become scarce due to the mass death of pests in the dragonfly food chain.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

The harmful substances in pesticides directly endanger the survival of dragonflies themselves, pesticides make dragonflies accidentally eaten when looking for food, and even some larvae and adults that have become climates will be threatened when discussing food.

Protecting dragonflies is not just about preserving a beautiful insect, it's about protecting the balance of the entire natural ecosystem, and in order to achieve this, we need to make a concerted effort to promote environmental awareness.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

The author thinks

Not only the water bug, but every species plays an important role in the ecosystem, interdependent and influencing each other.

In order to protect the entire ecosystem and sustainable development, we should strengthen environmental awareness, establish the concept of protecting species diversity, and pay attention to the impact of our own Xi and behavior on the environment.

Only through the joint efforts of the whole society can we achieve the goal of common development of the ecological environment and mankind.

It takes 8 years to grow up to 3,000 mosquitoes that eat 3,000 mosquitoes every year, but they are caught in large quantities by humans as a delicacy

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