
The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?



The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?


What comes to mind about strawberries?

Is it the strawberry tart that was once very hot, or is it its sweet and sour taste, delicate and easy to rot?

Two days ago, I saw a "strawberry story".

This story consists of three small videos, some people say that in the short video, it seems to see the first half of the life of an unloved girl.

In the first video, there is a young man and a woman.

The girl happily held up a strawberry tart, which was once very popular, and said:

"At the age of 24, my husband bought me a strawberry tart with all the money, money, it's just a number for us, women, just have a man to spoil it. ”

The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?

The girl was triumphant: "Isn't it?"

The boy next to him nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes." ”

In the second video, a pregnant woman took a picture of a large box of strawberries that her husband bought for her, and said in surprise: "Wow, such a big box of strawberries was bought for me to eat." ”

The husband on the side hurriedly retorted, and said with a smile: "This is not bought for you to eat, it is bought for the baby to eat, when the baby moves, he wants to eat you and then give it to him, you eat it again, otherwise you don't eat it, such an expensive strawberry." ”

The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?

The pregnant woman said angrily: "Eccentric, I want to eat if it doesn't work." ”

The husband took the opportunity: "Thank you for my baby." ”

Pregnant woman: "Then I won't help you give birth to the baby, let you give birth by yourself." ”

Husband: "I'm going to do magic, I'm going to make your belly bigger and make a baby, believe it or not." ”

Pregnant woman: "I don't believe it~"

The conversation between the two is quite flirtatious, and others don't know what to think, but the two of them must have enjoyed it.


The third video is of twin little girls whose mother bought them a matcha cake with two strawberries on top.

The two little girls were eating quietly on the left and on the right, and the younger sister on the right was eating the cake with her mouth and saw that her mother was reaching out to take away the strawberries on her side, she quickly pressed her fork against the strawberries and said anxiously:

"It's my strawberry, that's my strawberry. ”

The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?

Seeing this, the sister on the left hurriedly stuffed the strawberry on her side into her mouth and ate it.

Unable to resist her mother taking the strawberries, her sister screamed angrily and "ahhhhhhh

The twin sister next to her, without raising her head the whole time, was concentrating on the candy on the cake on the other side.

The strawberries on my mother's fork fell to the ground, and my sister followed the strawberries with her eyes, and found that there were still uneaten candies on the cake on the side of the sister's side of the table, so she stuffed them all into her mouth and ate them.

My sister cried bitterly, picked up strawberries under the table, and just got up to find that her candy was gone, and she cried even louder.

Both her mother and sister did not react to her crying.

Mom said, "This is what we bought, Mom bought, and the three of us ate together." ”

She asked her sister to divide the strawberries that had just fallen, and my sister took two bites, the first for her mother and the second for her sister.

The younger sister naturally didn't agree, and the older sister stuffed the biggest piece into her mouth and looked at her mother, and the mother asked her sister to be fair and give it to her sister as big.

So my sister spit out the strawberry in her mouth again, took a bite of the slightly larger one for my sister, threw it on the table, and quickly stuffed the small piece that my sister didn't want just now into her mouth and ate it.

The crying sister had no choice but to accept it, and the sister was expressionless throughout the whole process, only staring at the cake and eating intently without a hint of pause.

My sister eased up, and my mother spoke again: "It's okay to eat together, right, laugh one, don't laugh at one, don't eat if you don't laugh." ”

My sister smiled reluctantly and immediately stuffed the small piece of strawberry into her mouth.

Later, my sister complained to my mother, saying that my sister ate the candy that belonged to her, but my mother said no, and my sister had tears in her eyes and pointed to the location of the cake candy: "My sister ate my position." ”

Mom: "I didn't say it was yours. ”

When my sister heard this, she looked up at her mother, and her sister still had nothing to do with herself, as if someone else would rob her.

The short video made countless netizens feel uncomfortable, so much so that the netizens who posted these three videos issued a warning in the copy.

The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?


I have to say that it was too uncomfortable to watch these three videos.

Some netizens said that the order of these three videos should be reversed.

When I was a child, I was made into a stressful personality by a broken strawberry, I was despised and suppressed and admonished "You are not worthy", I naturally grew into a thirst for love, I was coaxed by a little favor from the opposite sex of the pig so that my brain flew away, and when I got married and was driven by my husband, I reproduced the shadow of my childhood, and turned on the competition mode automatically, and finally became the mother who hid behind the camera and used a broken strawberry to provoke her child to collapse and cry.

The summary of netizens summarizes the feelings of many people after watching these three videos.

Let's talk about the twin sisters who eat strawberries, a box of cakes and two strawberries, it turns out that the cake is one side of the cake, the sister eats the strawberries on one side, and the rest of the strawberry sister will naturally think it's hers.

The mother may have a whim to make a video to test whether the child will give her the strawberries, and then come to such a show.

My sister thinks that my sister has eaten it, why can't she eat it, and it's normal to cry.

Later, my mother asked my sister to share the strawberry that originally belonged to my sister, and my sister had to accept it, and her mother said "laugh before you can eat it", which has a bit of "domestication" taste, and my mother is proud that she has taught her well and let her children learn to share.

If my mother had divided the two strawberries equally at the beginning, I don't think my sister would have reacted so much.

The "fairness" in her mother's mouth is no longer on the same level, and what she is transmitting to her sister is a "sense of unworthiness".

Let's talk about the video of the pregnant woman and her husband, the husband keeps saying that strawberries are expensive and are bought for the baby.

Isn't this a PUA?

Only when you give birth to me will you be eligible to eat strawberries, which is still a "sense of unworthiness".

The scary thing is that the girl is enjoying it, thinking that this is the love of husband and wife, and it is the husband's love for herself.

The girl in the first video, needless to say.

"A woman just wants to be spoiled by a man. ”

A strawberry tart is a man's favor, and you should be grateful for it.

How sad.


Regarding the sense of unworthiness, writer Huang Tongtong explained it this way in "I Will Rebuild My Life with My Own Hands":

I have a kind of uneasiness in the face of any good thing, and strangely, the good thing usually ends up in me to break or disappear, and later my psychiatrist analyzed that because you subconsciously feel that you are not worthy of the good thing......

People who have a "sense of unworthiness" feel that they are not worthy of being treated well, that they do not deserve to be rewarded and praised, and that they have low self-esteem.

Therefore, if others give some small favors, they will have full emotional value, become attached to each other, and even give unconditionally.

The girls in those three videos seem to be stuck in a vicious circle alone.

Neglected, partial, and instilled with "you have to do well to deserve something", a girl who lacked love since childhood, was moved by some small favors when she grew up, and found a boy who was not too reliable to prepare to spend this life with, pregnant, and was told that "strawberries are not for you to eat, but for the baby" is also sweet.

Therefore, netizens called the video the first half of the life of a girl who lacks love.

The "strawberry story" on the hot search makes people break the defense: what are girls who lack love like?

Psychology believes that a person's self-confidence and affirmation of self-worth fundamentally come from the love of parents, that is, the original family.

If a person does not receive enough love in childhood, or finds that the love of his parents is conditional: he must be obedient, he must be sensible, he must do well enough to be loved by his parents.

Then, no matter how great his achievements are later, his heart will always be lacking.

But yesterday is not the day to chase, we have to look at the present and make ourselves confident.

Therefore, try to put aside your sense of unworthiness and believe that your existence is not accidental, and that life itself has supreme value.

You've been good all the time, and you definitely deserve better love too.

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