
The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

author:Half-cut epic
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Nowadays, seafood is no longer the rare food it used to be for us, and seafood is also loved by countless people in the mainland because of its unique taste.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

But there are two sides to everything, and because seafood is now very common, this has led some black-hearted merchants to make a big fuss about selling these four kinds of seafood, and the means used often make us unguardable.

What are these four types of seafood, and how do we add "technology and hard work"?

Shellfish seafood

In recent years, people's pursuit of food has become higher and higher, especially for nutritious and unique shellfish seafood, but we also need to pay attention to various hidden dangers in the purchase process while enjoying the deliciousness, so as not to fall into various "traps" set by merchants.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Avoid buying overly processed shellfish, in order to hide the rotten taste of shellfish that is dying or dying shortly, some unscrupulous businesses will use chemicals or other substances to treat it to make it look fresh on the surface, but these processed seafood will greatly reduce the taste and nutritional value.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Some even inject preservatives and other chemicals directly into the seafood, which is attractive on the surface, difficult to swallow after eating, and extremely bad for health, so be sure to avoid this kind of deeply processed shellfish.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Be wary of underprice fraud, and in order to reduce costs or create gimmicks to attract customers, some merchants will use low-quality and cheap ingredients to produce shellfish and sell them at ultra-low prices.

This shoddy practice not only affects food safety, but also seriously damages the rights and interests of consumers, so you must be vigilant when buying seafood that is significantly lower than the normal price to avoid being deceived.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

More extreme businesses will increase the weight by injecting water into the seafood, which appears to be a normal price, but in fact has diluted the quality of the food.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Pay attention to the reputation and service attitude of the business, and choose a large chain brand merchant or a merchant with a good reputation, which can avoid the risk of buying inferior and problematic seafood to the greatest extent.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

These merchants have a strict quality management system, equipped with professional and technical personnel, to ensure the safety and hygiene of the seafood sold, before the purchase can ask acquaintances or check the network reviews to understand the specific reputation of the business, in order to make a more informed decision for their own purchase.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Before tasting delicious shellfish, it is important to prepare and take precautions to avoid falling into the "trap" of the above three aspects, so that you can truly enjoy healthy seafood and a safe and enjoyable shopping experience.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Pangasius Truth

Pangasius has become one of the most popular ingredients on the table because of its high protein and low fat, but many recent reports have revealed the problems in many links such as pangasius farming, transportation and storage, which makes people question its safety.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

In recent years, in order to meet the market demand, many farms have begun to breed pangasius on a large scale.

Changes in the farming environment have led to a gradual decline in the health of pangasius, and in order to increase fish weight and reduce mortality, farms may use chemicals such as growth hormones and feed additives, which can have a positive impact on the growth and development of fish.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

These chemicals may also remain inside the body of pangasius, and long-term consumption of these residues may have negative effects on human health.

The transportation link is also a critical link that affects the quality of pangasius, and in order to reduce losses during transportation and maintain freshness, merchants can take some unfair methods.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Some unscrupulous traders can inject large amounts of water or chemical solutions into pangasius to increase its weight while making it look fuller and fresher, a practice that directly affects the safety of the fish as they can cause the body to ingest excessive amounts of chemicals, which is a potential health risk.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

There are also risks associated with storage, and in order to extend the shelf life, some merchants will add large amounts of food additives such as preservatives and antioxidants to pangasius.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Long-term excessive intake of these additives may have an impact on multiple system functions of the body, which can be harmful to health, and some merchants will also put plastic wrap on it to maintain the freshness of the fish, but this is only a disguise and does not really increase the actual weight of the pangasius.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

To ensure that we buy and eat safe pangasius, we can follow these recommendations: choose reputable, large, and well-known brands of pangasius, and choose locally produced pangasius whenever possible to ensure its quality and safety.

Careful attention should also be paid to details such as the overall color, scale integrity and gills cleanliness of the pangasius to avoid buying pangasius with obvious defects, and the best way to check the relevant supporting documents such as the production license and product quality certificate to ensure that the quality of the pangasius meets the standards.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Choosing safe and reliable pangasius is very important to our health, and the supervision department should also strengthen the quality spot check of pangasius in the market, crack down on the improper behavior of illegal businesses, so as to protect the health rights and interests of consumers, only if we pay attention to food safety, in order to protect their health and happiness.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Frozen fish and shrimp may hide health risks

In daily life, frozen fish and shrimp has become one of the first choices for many people, it is not only cheap, but also easy to store, which brings great convenience to our lives, but when choosing frozen fish and shrimp, we also need to pay attention to its quality and safety.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

Let's start with some basic knowledge about frozen fish and shrimp, when we see those fish and shrimp covered with thick ice coatings, many people will think that they are more like freshly caught food.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

However, in fact, this seemingly fresh food is not necessarily of real high quality, in order to pursue higher profits, some unscrupulous merchants will use inferior fish and shrimp, or expired and spoiled fish and shrimp for freezing, which will undoubtedly cause hidden dangers to food safety.

There are also businesses in the fish and shrimp after fishing, because they can not enter the refrigerator in time, let the fish and shrimp rot and deteriorate at room temperature, and finally freeze the treatment, this repeated hot and cold alternating fish and shrimp, not only has no flavor, but may even produce harmful bacteria, seriously endangering human health.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

In order to maintain the freshness of the fish and shrimp, some merchants will soak the fish and shrimp in water containing ice crystals after they are caught, and make them form a state similar to ice. This can delay the spoilage process of fish and shrimp, but over-freezing will cause the fish and shrimp to lose their original texture and taste, thus affecting the taste and experience of consumers.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

In addition to the above problems, some unscrupulous merchants will inject water into frozen fish and shrimp or add chemicals such as formaldehyde to improve the selling point of the product.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

They use harmful chemicals such as bleach and preservatives to soak and "fertilize", which seriously endangers food safety, and while this method can make fish and shrimp look more attractive, it can also have a negative impact on human health.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

In the process of buying frozen fish and shrimp, we should be extra careful, be sure to check whether the packaging of the product is damaged and whether the information on the label is clear and complete, and it is best to ask the seller about the origin and shelf life of the product, so as to better judge the quality of the product.

Although frozen fish and shrimp do bring us a lot of convenience, we can't ignore the potential safety hazards, as long as we are careful enough in the shopping process, we can avoid all kinds of troubles caused by quality problems.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!


The quality of squid directly affects its taste and safety, and a high-quality squid should have a hard and elastic flesh with a shiny surface, if the meat is soft and dull, it may indicate that it is not fresh enough to eat.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

The color of natural squid is generally milky white or light red, if the color is too white or greenish, it is likely to be the product of chemical bleaching, there are potential health risks, we as wise consumers, we should learn to judge the freshness and quality of squid by its color, meat quality and other characteristics.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

In order to prolong the shelf life of squid, unscrupulous traders will add preservatives or other chemicals, which not only affect the original flavor and nutritional value of squid, but also pose a threat to human health.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

For example, in order to mask the fishy smell of the squid itself and increase the chewiness, some businesses choose to use chemical bleach, which may contain harmful chemicals such as chlorine and oxidants.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

These bleaching agents can destroy the pigment structure on the surface of the squid, making it appear whiter, and long-term consumption of these bleached squid in large quantities is likely to adversely affect our digestive system, nervous system and even organ function.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

In addition, although the frozen squid on the market is relatively cheap, in the process of freezing and thawing many times, it is easy to cause the meat to become rough and dry, lack elasticity, and lose the original delicious taste, while fresh squid is rich in high-quality protein, zinc and other nutrients, which can better reflect the original taste of the ingredients, although the price is slightly higher, but the quality is higher.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

As responsible consumers, we should pay attention to our own health and a balanced diet, squid contains a variety of nutrients such as protein, minerals, vitamins, etc., and moderate consumption is good for health.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

However, excessive consumption will also increase the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms and heavy metals, 2-3 times a week, each time you can eat 80-100 grams, should not be excessive, reasonable control of the frequency and amount of eating, to ensure that you can enjoy the food and maintain good health, is the correct consumption attitude.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!


It's hard to guarantee that the seafood we eat is the freshest, and there are inevitably things we don't know about during its transportation and handling, which leads us to keep our eyes peeled when choosing seafood.

The four kinds of seafood that are not recommended to buy are full of "technology and hard work", all of which are very expensive!

And try not to eat seafood in the restaurant, if you really want to eat, go to the vegetable market to buy some seafood that is still alive, and don't rush to eat seafood outside, because we don't know the freshness of these seafood.

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