
Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

author:Then and then

When you walk into Guo Jingfei's home, the sunlight shines through the curtains into the spacious living room, and those moments when the sound of the piano and the fragrance of books are intertwined, you will understand that this forty-year-old actor not only shows excellent acting skills in front of the screen, but also interprets the true meaning of literary youth in life. On the screen, Guo Jingfei is the humorous gentleman who can make you laugh, and at home, he is the gentle artist who is always surrounded by books and piano music. You may wonder what the home of this comedic genius looks like? Let's unravel the mystery of Guo Jingfei's private life. The first thing that catches your eye is the bathroom, with its warm warm yellow lighting, as if to soothe the tiredness of the day.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

The toiletries that can be seen everywhere are neatly arranged on the washstand, and the ingenious invisible light strip design around the mirror reveals Guo Jingfei's infinite care for the details of life. Stepping into the living room, you will be attracted by the delicate plaster line design around the corner, and every little decoration silently speaks of the owner's taste. The curtains with patterns, the melodious sound of the piano, all whisper: there is a literary soul living here. And the gray fabric sofa seems to tell Guo Jingfei's leisure time at home; even the small Xi of applying a mask shows the male star's meticulous image. In a corner of his living room, there are photos with his wife and various ornaments, which may be small gifts from fans, or testimonies of their shared memories, each of which exudes the warmth of home.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

The balcony of Guo Jingfei's house is the kind of open design, which seems to tell his yearning for freedom, whenever the sun penetrates the clouds and illuminates that small space, it seems to illuminate a corner of his heart, and also warms the heart of every visiting friend. Guo Jingfei's life story started from an ordinary high school student who did not have a dream of stardom, to being admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy, officially stepping into the world of acting, and then entering the drama circle, constantly honing his skills on the stage. Almost every role he played on the drama stage was the protagonist, and this experience allowed him to accumulate high popularity in a short period of time, laying a solid foundation for his future film and television career.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

Guo Jingfei's name seems to have some connection with the sky, his father is a pilot, and he himself is like a bird, soaring freely in the sky of acting, from TV series to variety shows, his comedy talent has intoxicated countless audiences, and has also made him an irreplaceable comedy genius. And today, we are not going to talk about his acting career, but to get closer to his private space, Guo Jingfei, who is more vivid and real than the screen. Here, there are no lines, no shots, only the most real life, the most simple emotions. Therefore, when you see Guo Jingfei on the screen or in front of the screen again, you might as well imagine that outside those cameras, there is a literary young man who is sitting quietly in his warm home, playing the piano, reading books, and enjoying his own quiet time.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

These may be the secrets of his endless creative inspiration. When you step into Guo Jingfei's home, the first thing that may catch your eye is not the high-end furniture and bright lighting, but the touch of verdant green on the balcony – where the greenery grows quietly, full of spring, like a secret garden in a fairy tale. In this fast-paced era, why does Guo Jingfei's home pay so much attention to nature and tranquility? Behind this, there may be an untold story. The balcony, a scarce oasis in the city, is more than just a few potted plants for Guo Jingfei. It is a pure land after his busy work, a corner of his dialogue with nature.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

Maybe one early morning or dusk, you can see him, sitting there, holding a cup of tea, with the greenery of the plants in his eyes, and his face full of relaxation and comfort. Guo Jingfei at that moment is very different from the funny and lively image you see on the screen, this is Guo Jingfei on the other side - a man who loves tranquility deeply. The study, this temple of knowledge, is a little different in Guo Jingfei's home. Walk in and you'll find that the books aren't the protagonists, but the artworks that are arranged in a staggered manner. This arrangement silently tells everyone that this is not just a place to read, but also a place of inspiration and creativity. Guo Jingfei's study seems to say: here, not only the weight of knowledge, but also the lightness of art. Guo Jingfei, this name is no longer unfamiliar on the TV screen.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

Each of his roles seems to have come out of the screen alive and become a friend in the hearts of the audience. However, when he stepped out of the screen, took off his mask as an actor, and returned to this home decorated with greenery and artworks, what kind of joy and surprise would he have when he lived with him? Interestingly, Guo Jingfei's daily life at home may be different from what you and I imagined. He is not the kind of actor who keeps performing all the time, he is more of an ordinary person in life, enjoying the bits and pieces of life. Living with such a person, you will find that humor and happiness are not just needed in the script on the screen, they have long been integrated into his daily life and have become the label of home. Speaking of Guo Jingfei, I have to mention the unforgettable roles he played. But you know what?

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

How is Guo Jingfei similar and different from his on-screen characters in life? Maybe in his home, you can find some answers. Maybe it's the green plants on the balcony, or maybe it's every piece of art in the study, they all silently tell the other side of Guo Jingfei. At this point, you may be curious - how does Guo Jingfei's home, a space full of art and nature, affect his personal life and creative inspiration, what does he look like when he is at home, and how does he find a balance between busyness and relaxation? Of course, there are many details and stories about his home waiting to be discovered. Every corner, every piece of furnishings, contains interesting little secrets.

Walking into Guo Jingfei's home, looking at the balcony makes people relax, and he is still a literary and artistic young man at home

And for an actor, home is not just a place to rest, it is also a source of inspiration, a private space where you can really let go of everything and have a dialogue with yourself. So, which role do you like played by Guo Jingfei? Everyone may have a different answer in their hearts, but it is undeniable that each character has Guo Jingfei's unique vitality. Just like his home, it has an irreproducible personality and charm. By the way, all the descriptions of Guo Jingfei's family come from the Internet, and the real Guo Jingfei can only be understood more comprehensively when he walks into his home. In this space full of surprises, Guo Jingfei's real life is waiting for you to explore and discover.

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